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"Thank you honey i know you will do something before it is too late, by the way find a way to invite xiao zhan back to the house." Mrs Chen answered while smiling but her eye's were full of malice.

"I know what to do and don't try to do anything stupid." Mr chen answered his tone full of warning, madam chen though unhappy chose to listen she knows as long as xiao zhan comes back then they're going to succeed in what they want and she is sure xiao zhan will listen.


Days later

Xiao zhan woke up the second day and just as he expected he was in wang yibos arm's, it felt really good and being in yibos arms made him feel very safe and relaxed, if this peaceful and harmonious relationship will continue and when they decide to   go separate ways then he hopes they will separate peacefully without any problems.

He checked the time it was already six in the morning and wang yibo seems to be sleeping very peacefully, he slowly left the bed, had a change of clothes after finishing his morning routine and went directly to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Good morning sir." Zhan greeted the butler who was already awake.

The butler looked at xiao zhan up and down with a smile on his face.

"You can call me uncle not sir, it's so rare for wang yibo to be home all the time and even sleep well, thanks to you my boss has changed for the better." The butler said honestly and was obviously happy with the current situation.

Zhan:"Really? Was your boss unable to sleep at night?"

Zhan who was very curious and still not believing what he heard asked, he never expected wang yibo will have insomnia.

"Yes he has been taking medication and sometimes he just continues working or go out with friend's, since you moved in with him and sleep together, i have seen him sleep well."

Zhan felt somehow proud and happy knowing he atleast did a good thing for once, being a reason for wang yibo to stay at home and even make him sleep without taking any medication.

He happily started preparing breakfast with full of love, by the time he was done wang yibo was already downstairs and was dressed differently unlike always.

"Where are you going?" Zhan asked.

"Going to work, something came up at the office, but i will be back soon." Yibo answered, sat down and started eating his breakfast served by xiao zhan, kissing zhan cheekl and walked away.

He looked at the leaving wang yibo bored and he wasn't in the mood to eat breakfast again, he washed the used utensils and went back to his room and took his phone he hasn't used for day's, he saw several missed calls from his adoptive mom and several messages from his dad and when he checked the messages he was stunned and his hands trembled.

"Is it true my adoptive dad got news about my biological parents?" Zhan whispered still not believing, he has always hoped one day his parent's will appear infront of him, and now his adoptive father said he has news of biological parents and once he met him at his house then he will tell him more.

Zhan didn't waste time but immediately left the house all excited, as long as he gets reunited with his parent's then he doesn't have to be a child with no real parent's and maybe his parent's will love him and care about him and not look down on him.

He arrived outside and was stopped by wen ning.

"Young master where are you running to? Boss said i shouldn't let you go outside without his permission."

"Wen ning please don't stop me, if i don't go out then i will forever be sad, my happiness depends on this one journey." Zhan begged while holding wen ning hand.

Wen ning hesitated for a while wondering for a minute what he should and finally came into conclusion.

"Then i will have to follow you, if not then i will have to refuse to let you go out, because boss will punish me if anything ever happened to you." Wen ning said his voice firm not giving xiao zhan a chance to refuse, zhan had no other choice but to allow wen ning to follow him.

Wen ning drove the car and was surprised and he drove to a very familiar house, the place seems to be the Chen family residence.

"Hey young master do you know this place?" Wen ning asked.

"Yes i used to live here since i was young, wait for me here i will be back soon!" Zhan said hurriedly, left the car and ran to the house.

Wen ning was surprised, he never knew xiao zhan had any kind of relationship with the chen family and if they have any kind of relationship then why did the chen family not say a word or even try to defend xiao zhan when he was in trouble?.

"Dad hello i came back!" Zhan who was really excited because of the news about his parent's shouted the moment he arrived inside the house, the chen family was still having breakfast, chen lu frowned and looked at xiao zhan with hatred, because of xiao zhan wang yibo ignored him and didn't even recieve his calls! Wang yibo has never been like this before, he has always recieved his calls no matter how busy he was and today now that xiao zhan brought himself without being forced then he is going to deal with him accordingly.

"Come have breakfast first before we speak." Mr chen said with a wide smile on his face, it looks like he wasn't wrong, wang yibo really takes good care of this xiao zhan, just in a few day's zhan looks so radiant.

"I'm not hungry, i will wait for you to finish eating." Zhan refused his mind filled with the news of biological parents.

"Humph since he finally managed to seduce the governor now he will no longer eat on the same table as us commoners, so shameless!" Chen lu said sarcastically.

"Silence! You can't say such word's to your brother!" Mr Chen immediately reprimanded chen lu, zhan was beyond surprised, his adoptive father has never stood up for him, this is the first time.

GOVERNOR'S EX WIFE ✔️✅☑️Where stories live. Discover now