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Zhan found another reason, the most important thing at the moment is go back to his room alone so that he could lock the door from inside and he believes this way he will escape sleeping together with wang yibo.

Yibo got up and held xiao zhan hand. "I also want to walk around let's go together, let's walk around the garden." Yibo word's made xiao zhan expression change.

Zhan was obviously trying to find a way to evade this governor called wang yibo, but now he couldn't because if he tries to struggle or reject then he might get in deep trouble and maybe this time not only will he get insulted but beaten too, he is not sure if he should thank this governor or not, though he has treated him so roughly and in this way because he isn't strong he has always sustained injuries, but not even once has he beaten him, though he has seen him several times lift his hand like he wanted to slap him or something but he always tries to control himself.

"Your body is still stiff, i told you should start getting used to my touch and closeness, this way during the conference you will find it very normal when i act all lovey dovey towards you." Yibo added and didn't wait for xiao zhan reply but led him all the way to the garden, he felt zhan small and smooth hands and he fouling help himself but use thumb to caress zhan zhan fingers and palm.

Zhan who was somehow sensitive trembled and tried to remove his hand from wang yibo grasp but failed, yibo who realised what he is doing pretended to cough lightly and stopped his actions but subconsciously looked at xiao zhan.

The bright moonlight illuminated on xiao zhan beautiful face, and this time wang yibo was very sure xiao zhan has caught his attention, his little and funny expressions, naive and innocent face, has firmly engraved on his mind and heart and not even once will he forget for the rest of his life.

Yibo pulled zhan closer towards him by his waist, zhan was caught by surprise and he immediately closed his eye's in fear when he saw wang yibo face getting closer and closer towards his face, the next second he felt yibo fingers gently pinching his cheek.

"Your so beautiful and act so innocent, you really caught my attention but the only setback is your so calculating and shameless, with the disgusting things you have done all the clean image you have set infront of me is nothing." Yibo who was quite all this time finally spoke but his word's this time weren't gentle but hurting, he still called him shameless and calculating.

"You let me go! Iam not shameless or calculating! I have always wanted to live a normal and peaceful life, not this kind of unhappy life! Since iam so disgusting can you please let me go and i will never appear infront of you again, but if you don't believe my word's then just kill me, this way you will be sure i will never bother you again!" Zhan who for once got courageous and had enough of being called names shouted, he is a human being too, he has feelings and has his own limits, he will get tired and snap once in a while too.

"Let you go? Kill you? What kind of a person do you see me? In your eyes xiao zhan do i look like a murderer? I can be dangerous and scary but that doesn't include killing someone else, always trying to pretend to be innocent, iam just pitying you if i investigated then you will get in even more trouble and your life will be a living hell, way worse and miserable than now." Yibo answered with a smirk on his face, something else he didn't say was, if he realised that xiao zhan is really innocent and the real perpetrator might be Chen lu, then he really doesn't know what he will do and how he will feel, one of his childhood friend's betraying him and doing such a thing can really hurt.

Zhan didn't bother to listen to wang yibos word's, managing to get yibos hand which was restraining him and he bite him with his front teeth hard, making yibo to hiss in pain and release xiao zhan.

Zhan didn't waste time but immediately ran back to the house, with one aim of arriving at his room, closing it from inside and trying his level best of avoiding wang yibo and never seeing him again, he just bite wang yibo hand like a dog he is not sure what will happen to him if he get caught, maybe he might get killed this time.

God seems to answer his prayers, because he got closer and closer to his room, just few more steps and he will inside and out of danger, his panicked face relaxed alot, but the next second his hand was grabbed and before he could react he was picked up, the body cologne hit his nostrils and without being told he knew it was wang yibo, now he was being carried like a sack of potatoes.

"Put me down right now! I don't want to sleep with you! I will sleep alone!" Zhan scouted knowing very well where wang yibo was taking him.

"I won't let go, you scream however loud you want, i won't mind at all!" Yibo answered with a calm voice and the next second he spanked xiao zhan ass, making zhan who was about to cuss to keep his mouth shut and stopped struggling, how could this pervert spank his butt!.

Yibo:"That's for biting me and this..."


"For trying to run away so that you could avoid sleeping on the same bed with me, you really got some nerve!"

Yibo added after spanking xiao zhan for the second time, zhan ass is read plumpy and addicting to spank and the anger he had few seconds ago disappeared, he will forget that he got beaten by a naughty rabbit after spanking him.

Yibo arrived at his room, making sure he closed the door from inside, he released xiao zhan who was all this time quite and stiff like he is dead, zhan moved away quickly to a safe distant and looked at wang yibo wearily.

Zhan :"If you try anything funny with me....then...then....iam warning you dont get close."

Zhan stuttered, obviously his voice didn't contain any authority, making wang yibo to laugh.

"Threatening me but still trembling like a withered leaf, so hopeless." Yibo answered with a teasing voice making xiao zhan to blush, yibo heart still skipped abit, this little bunny infront of him is so cute when he act's so tough and try to scare him.

Yibo immediately warned himself, he shouldn't be seduced and confused by this fox, this fox that is pretending to be cute and innocent is the person that calculated him and brought him in this mess, in a weeks time everything will be done and he doesn't have to do these thing's that he doesn't want to do.

GOVERNOR'S EX WIFE ✔️✅☑️Where stories live. Discover now