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"You better mom! I can't let him steal my thing's over and over again! Now he wants to steal my man!" Chen lu said with a deep frown on his face, even if it means commiting murder to keep wang yibo just for himself then he is ready to do it.

"You don't have to worry son, don't cry you're making you're mom sad and worried, leave everything to me i will let you hear the good news, that adopted and useless boy won't steal your thing's and man anymore, he must be thankful that we adopted him and didn't cast him aside." Mrs Chen reassured her son, wiped his son's tears away and kissed his forehead.

Chen lu nodded his head and forced a smile, excusing himself and saying he is going back to his room, saying over and over again that he is fine for his mother not to worry, the moment he faced away from his mother, his expression changed, he is worried if he will not do something sooner then xiao zhan will surely take away wang yibo from him, few day's ago he could clearly see disgust and hate from wang yibo towards xiao zhan and day's later everything changed and wang yibo is all over xiao zhan, kissing him and hugging him so tightly.

He was so angry that he broke the expensive vases and lampshade in his room, it's impossible for someone to seduce wang yibo, he has seen how wang yibo has been very careful and was never even once swayed by people who has approached him not even once.

Something must be very wrong with that xiao zhan, he must be a witch, an evil fox demon that has enchanted his man! Now wang yibo is under a spell of that witch who deserves to suffer and die! Since they were young that xiao zhan has been stealing his limelight and things that belongs to him! And now here he is trying to steal wang yibo that he managed to safeguard for year's in just few day's!.

"I won't let you steal my man away from me! He is mine, mine alone!" Chen lu shouted while stomping his feet on the floor, he need to think of something and do it quick.

Zhan on the other hand who has never experienced the happiness of being taken out by his adoptive parent's since he was young was very happy, yibo who saw xiao zhan playing at the kids section without shying was surprised.

"Have you never played since you were young, you looked so happy playing with those baby stuff." Yibo who was very curious asked xiao zhan who was obviously happy and somehow reluctant to leave, but he is a grown up young man and he can't throw a tantrum like kids, he will surely come next time to play alone once he has saved money.

"Well no....but it's so fun to play!" Though zhan was blushing but he was beaming with happiness and his smile and clear eyes made yibo to be infatuated, he found himself caressing  zhan smooth face.

Yibo:"Well i will take you to have fun in the future, or i can buy everything that you like and i can set aside a room to be a playroom for the big baby to play with."

Yibo word's made xiao zhan to puff his red cheeks obviously unhappy with wang yibo word's.

"I'm not a baby! Iam a handsome young man!" Zhan answered making yibo to laugh.

"Okay my handsome big baby, no young man." Yibo said with a teasing voice, holding zhan hands, the two left the mall and decided to eat lunch outside.

By the time the two arrived home it was already night, zhan was already asleep in the car, arriving at his house, he looked at the asleep xiao zhan and didn't have the heart to wake him up, he carefully carried the asleep zhan and headed inside, he saw his butler waiting at the door.

Butler:"Master Mrs Chen is inside waiting for you."

Yibo raised his eyebrow wondering what Mrs Chen was doing at his house  at this hour.

"Did she tell you why she is here?" He asked.

"No master." The butler answered.

Mrs Chen heard voices coming towards her and she recognises wang yibo voice, she stood with a wide smile on her face, but for a second her smile dissapeared when she realised the person who was in wang yibos arms, but she is very good at masking her expressions but yibo who was very keen saw mrs chen expression.

Mrs Chen:"Mr yibo aunty...."

Yibo immediately stopped her by lifting his hand. "My partner is asleep, we will talk after i put him to bed."

Mrs Chen expression completely collapsed, what did she just hear? Mr yibo calling his adoptive son partner, not only was she surprised by wang yibo carrying zhan bridal style, now she is bombard by another bomb which couldn't contain her mask at all! It looks like what his son has said is actually the truth, the person they have hoped for year's that could marry their son is actually getting confused and is about to fall in love with someone else.

Yibo didn't care about Mrs Chen reaction, going back to his room, he carefully placed zhan to bed, helped him remove his shoes and socks, wiped zhan face, hands and legs with a warm towel, covered him with a duvet and let him continue sleeping.

"It's so rare for aunty to come and see me, the last time i saw you was at the birthday party." Yibo said.

"That's right, aunty came to see you and also congratulate you on your sudden marriage." Mrs Chen answered while looking at wang yibo closely to see if he will have any reaction, but she didn't see any change on yibo expression, rather yibo seems to be happy with the name marriage.

"Thank you aunty, maybe in future after everything is ready, i will not forget to invite you for my official wedding." Yibo answered, for the few day's he stayed with xiao zhan he could tell zhan isn't as what chen lu said, he doesn't seem to be really calculating, and he hopes with time he will really plan to have a future with xiao zhan.

"But!...." Mrs Chen who was somehow excited with yibo answer shouted but still calmed down. "You know chen lu has always liked you, not just as brother's but he hopes one day you will marry him and start a family together, you have been playing together with chen lu since he was a kid until now, you know his behaviour and iam very sure you two will make a perfect couple, unlike the sudden marriage and you really don't know his behaviour and his ways, he is just like a wild young man."

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