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"Husband nothing really happened, your little brother chen lu and his mother accompanied your parent's, they didn't say or do anything to me, i just feel so bored today and i want to be alone." Zhan answered and somehow felt better being in wang yibos arm's, the discomfort in his stomach really disappeared alot.

Zhan moved even more closer towards wang yibo and closed his eyes to sleep, being so sad before made him so tired and now feeling somehow relaxed after being hugged by wang yibo.

"Being so clingy today but I love it, don't worry your husband won't leave you again for so long." Yibo said lovingly and kissed zhan forehead, his eyes full of love.

"Thank you husband." Zhan answered but his voice was low and he was really tired and he immediately slept off.

Yibo looked at the sleeping Xiao zhan and smiled.

"I have started the process of stepping down, in few days time I will no longer be a governor, after the conference your dear husband will be a normal citizen just like you, your hubby will only concetrate on his business empire that's all, this way I can always be here with you." Yibo whispered and got off the bed.

Going outside he saw the butler was still standing outside his face full of worry.

"Why are you still here?" Yibo asked the butler.

"Master the young master hasn't eaten since morning until now, I tried calling him several times but he refused." The butler answered.

"Oh I see go instruct to prepare some porridge immediately."

"The porridge is already ready."

Yibo:"good, did my parents or Mrs Chen tell my partner anything?"

"No master because I was instructed to go out my your parents, but when young master came out he looks very sad and was about to cry." The butler said honestly what he has seen.

"Okay I understand go get the porridge, my partner needs to eat now."

Wang yibo took out his phone and called his mother, with few rings his mother recieved the call.

'hello mom I didn't call you for greetings or anything, I just called you to tell you and dad to stop terrorising my partner, he is my partner and you two should respect him the way you respect me, I don't know what that woman Mrs Chen told you but if you ever try to approach my partner again or see him sad again, trust me not only will I deal with the Chen family but the relationship between son and parents will turn sour, just leave my family alone."

Yibo disconnected the call before his mother could say a word, he warned Mrs Chen but it seems she didn't take his warning seriously and dared involve his parents, she is lucky she is out of prison and he can tell the person who ordered Mrs Chen to be released must be his parents.

"Mrs Chen you got on my bad side, I used to respect you but now I can show you I can be crazy too." Yibo whispered and had waited who came back with a bowl of porridge not long after.

Yibo went back in the room and went up to bed and hugged zhan close.

"C'mon wake up baby and eat something, you haven't eaten anything anything since morning and you know it's very unhealthy."

"I want to sleep, I don't  want to eat." Zhan complained unhappy being forced to wake up and eat.

"You can sleep once you finish this bowl of porridge."

Yibo forced zhan to atleast finish half a bowl, but zhan vomited surprising wang yibo.

"What happened? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine I don't know why I vomited, maybe it's just a bug but it will be okay, I will just drink mint tea."

Yibo ordered the chef to prepare mint tea and he carried the shy Xiao zhan downstairs and waited for the tea.

"Are you really sure you don't want to go to the hospital?" Yibo asked again still worried, recently wang yibo has done nothing but just worried about this silly and adorable baby infront of him.

"Don't worry hubby, iam really fine." Zhan reassured.

"Honey have you heard what our son has said! He dared to go against us and even threatened me to deal with the Chen family because of that boy! That boy must have bewitched our dear son." Madam wang said worried and at the same time angry, she didn't expect Xiao zhan could even manage to get his son go against his real blood related family for him, someone of unknown origin and even shameless.

"Don't be angry because of that brat, I will find a way to deal with that boy, he can't just come to the wang family and destroy the once peaceful family." Mr wang calmed down his wife, but his eyes were full of maliciousness.

"Grandpa and grandma, I think if you just believe other people's word's without knowing the real truth then the people who are really destroying the peaceful family is you two!" Lu Bai who has just arrived to china from the states said even before he could greet the two.

"You brat! Just arriving at the house and starting to cause trouble!" Mrs wang who saw lu Bai scolded him and pretended to be angry but she was very happy to finally see his grandson.

"Iam serious grandma, by the way I came specifically to see my uncle and also not miss the conference which will happen in few days time, so tired I will go rest now." Lu Bai didn't wait for the two to speak but went back to his room to rest.

He was beyond surprised what he saw that day, he didn't expect what his uncle told him to investigate is actually something serious but what is even more serious is the murder that happened more than a decade ago and it deeply involves that mysterious boy Xiao zhan! His uncle has to pay him handsomely and meet all his demands before giving him all the evidence he collected and secured properly.

Later that evening

Zhan though he reassured wang yibo that he is fine, but deep down he is really worried, he is not sure what happened to him, maybe he is seriously sick or about this die, he saw some dried blood on his pants when he was showering, he knew it must be when his stomach was hurting and he ended up bleeding.

"I really don't want to die young, but maybe it's fate I will die even before I meet my parents and have a good life." Zhan whispered sadly while imagining how his life will just end just like that and no one in this world will actually care or remember that he once existed.

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