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"Humph since he finally managed to seduce the governor now he will no longer eat on the same table as us commoners, so shameless!" Chen lu said sarcastically.

"Silence! You can't say such word's to your brother!" Mr Chen immediately reprimanded chen lu, zhan was beyond surprised, his adoptive father has never stood up for him, this is the first time.

And he really felt very weird and uncomfortable hearing his adoptive father words, he is used to being scolded, humiliated, belittled and insulted by his adoptive parent's and even brother, even the servants in the house since he was young looked down on him and never respected him, until he moved out, now this sudden change is not right and he will never be used to this.

"Little brother I'm sorry if my presence makes you feel uncomfortable, once iam done speaking with dad i will leave, dad i will wait for you to finish eating dad." Xiao zhan answered and immediately walked away, mrs chen was surprised with xiao zhan, she realised that xiao zhan who has been timid to be somehow courageous and even speak without stuttering, it looks like the old xiao zhan is disappearing and a new one who is dangerous and a real threat to his son chen lu sprouting slowly, she has to think of something quickily.

"Honey what is it that you have instructed that adopted boy to come to our house?" Mrs Chen who has no idea what his husband is planning asked, this is a surprise for her, his husband suddenly being nice to xiao zhan which is really so strange.

"From today you two and everyone else in this house is going to treat xiao zhan nicely, he will be treated the same as chen lu is treated in this house, if i hear or see anyone doing anything sneaky then don't blame me." Mr chen warned, chen lu and Mrs Chen were beyond surprised with what they heard.

"What do you mean by that! How can you put that useless xiao zhan at par with me!" Chen lu stood up and banged the table with his hand, mr chen frowned obviously unhappy with his son word's.

"In this house i make the rules, if you think it's unfair to you, then you can get the hell out of my house!"

Chen lu ran out of the dining room, looked at xiao zhan who was seated on the coach sharply then left the house, zhan just smiled at chen lu not at all intimated by chen lu gaze, very soon he is going to meet his biological parents and he doesn't have to suffer or live in fear because he is not sure when he might end up get hurt or scolded, once he meet his family all the torture will come to an end.

"Honey how can you be so mean to chen lu just because of xiao zhan! Remember who your real son is!" Mrs chen shouted.

"And you should learn not to always destroy my plans! If you think iam so unfair, you take your son and get the hell out of here! I really don't care!"

Mrs chen appetite dissapeared and the dining room was only left by mr chen who was also angry, he thought he married someone smart and the child he has could be smart but he was really wrong, everyone in this family is nothing but idiots!.

"You bastard! You must be happy now just because my husband is nice to you! How i hate you!" Mrs Chen who approached the seated xiao zhan shouted and pinched zhan ear hard with her sharp nails making xiao zhan who was caught offguard to shout in pain, it really really hurts.

Mr Chen heard xiao zhan painful cry and when he went out he saw what his wife was doing and he didn't waste time but rushed and pushed his wife away, mrs chen extended her hand and scratched zham face before falling down, zhan face was covered in tears, this vicious woman hurting him not long after seeing each other, what has he done? Just because he came to know about his parent's.

"I didn't let you hurt xiao zhan!

"Are you alright? Does it hurt?" Mr chen asked looking all worried and tried to touch xiao zhan who immediately moved back alert afraid mr chen will also try to hurt him.

"Dad I'm fine, i will get going now, i will meet you some other time, but not in this house." Zhan turned around and ran out of the house not looking back.

Wen ning who saw xiao zhan running towards the car got out and was surprised seeing xiao zhan injury, he went inside well and he came out injured.

"Young master what happened? Why are you sudddnly like this!" Wen ning asked.

"It's nothing, let's go back, iam already done with what i came here for." Zhan answered and entered inside the car, wen ning closed the car doors and headed to the chen family house.

"Hey wen ning come back here! Where do you think your going!" Zhan shouted realising what was happening, even if he is hurt it's not a big deal, he has been seriously injured    before and he still survived.

Wen ning rushed inside and saw mr chen and mrs chen arguing, but the two shut up after seeing wen ning.

"What are you doing here?" Mr Chen who recognised wen ning as one of wang yibos bodyguard asked, xiao zhan couldn't have informed wang yibo so fast that he was injured and wang yibo sent a bodyguard to get even.

"Who hurt the young master? He came here without any injury!" Wen ning asked while looking at the two.

"It was an accident, my wife didn't mean to hurt him, we are like family and we will never do anything to harm him." Mr chen who didn t want any trouble with wang yibo immediately answered.

"Oh an accident? I have called the police, mrs chen you will answer to the police and let them know that it was an accident." Wen ning said and turned around to leave but was stopped by mr chen.

"Why involve the police? I said it was an accident."

"Then you can call my boss and let him know that young master's injury was an accident." Wen ning yanked his hand away and went out, it didn't take long for the police to come since wen ning called them earlier just in case something happened.

Wen ning opend tha car door to let xiao zhan out so that he could give the police a report when he saw his boss car and a second later wang yibo came out of his car and looked towards him, his expression was obviously serious and he looks very angry.

Xiao zhan who saw the angry wang yibo knew that he is trouble now.

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