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"Uncle this is not fair! Your are the one who brought me here! Little uncle say something!" Lu Bai shouted while looking back at xiao zhan who looked at lu Bai then wang yibo and shyly his face with yibos shirt.

Lu Bai never expected his beautiful little uncle who looks really good and not as heartless as his uncle will actually ignore him and pretend he didn't hear what he said! Like husband like little husband! The two are no different both are heartless! No good at all! He helped him and instead of being thankful he was innocently accused of being a runaway teenager who is throwing unnecessary tantrum! His uncle is not a good person at all, teaching bad manner's to an innocent boy like xiao zhan, that must be the case.

Zhan:"Will he be okay? He didn't even stay for lunch."

"He will be okay don't worry, my parents will look after him well, he will come back later to cause trouble, just ignore him you know?" Yibo answered.

Zhan nodded his head and didn't struggle to get down and walk on his own but rather let his husband who has confessed to him not long ago to carry him, though it's embarrassing and the worker's in the house pretends not to see anything,but deep down and out of sight they must be gossiping. Since yibo really love's him and wants to spend the rest of his life together with him, then he doesn't have to warn himself and remind himself everyday that this is just pretending because of the conference, he loves yibo too and he doesn't have to hide, but the problem is he is not courageous enough like wang yibo to say that he has fallen in love with him too and he is really happy that he has for once believed him and didn't scold him or insult him and he is even ready to help him find his parents.

Right now he really doesn't have any reason to communicate with his adoptive dad and continue with such a bad and dangerous plan, if he honestly cared about him and really regard him as his adoptive son, then he could have helped him wholeheartedly and just inform him without trying to make any deals with him, he only wanted to use him and maybe he didn't really find his parents and was lying to him all along, after he achieved his plans then he will discard him and show wang yibo how bad and calculating he is from the start and this time wang yibo won't let him go.

He really shouldn't be impulsive from today, he must learn to think carefully before just letting his emotions and excitement blind him, just because he wants to meet his biological parents, he doesn't have to just jump and promise to accept anything he is asked to do. He hopes to stay together with wang yibo forever but it's impossible, he is sick and his sickness seems incurable, too bad he couldn't grow old together with yibo.

"Master, young master lunch is ready and served." The butler reported to the seated xiao zhan and wang yibo who were just talking normally with zhan laughter heard from time to time.

Wang yibo:"Your stomach looked a little bit bloated, and hard to touch too, must be constipation, I had the chef prepare something good, also drink alot of water and eat fruits too."

Zhan touched his stomach and felt it too, blood spots few days ago and now his stomach seems to be slightly bulged, he really is seriously sick, maybe terminal disease, it can't be constipation, he is very sure of that, he eats alot and he is always feeling hungry.

"I think it's fat, I should start exercising and be well fit, will also start being on diet." Zhan who didn't want to make yibo worry said and forced a smile.

"No need to be on diet, you don't look fat at all, look your all slim, eat well and healthy just like me." Yibo said and had zhan follow him to the dining room, he didn't see xiao zhan sad expression.

"Honey something happened to my jewelry store and boutique, since yesterday no one comes there, and some rumors are circulating that my business wasn't mine but used some dirty methods to get it!" Mrs Chen told his husband whose hand's trembled and he almost dropped the documents in his hands.

"Who spread such rumors! Why didn't you tell me earlier!" Mr Chen asked somehow panicked.

"Here is the post, though it hasn't gotten much attention but some people from influential family has seen the post, I tried to find who dared to post such a thing but failed." Mrs Chen answered.

Mr Chen didn't waste time but called his secretary, it didn't take long for the post to be deleted,but didn't forget to instruct him to check the person who dared to post such a thing like someone who knew what actually happened and once he knows who dared do such a thing, he won't hesitate to kill them.


Lu Bai went online as usual with his side account at night and realized his post that he posted few days ago was already deleted and someone dared to try and check him.

"I didn't expect they could be this fast, it's no fun at all! And having someone try to check me, that's complete wastage, no one has ever won against me." Lu Bai bragged and blocked whoever was trying to check him out.

"Speaking of that, maybe I should start earning money from Mr Chen by threatening him with the evidence I got?" Lu Bai whispered and got excited, but then hesitated, he is smart and must be careful, he not poor he just want to earn money to have fun, but then if his uncle found out then he will be in deep trouble because he informed him he hasn't completed finished collecting the evidence.

He didn't expect Mr Chen will actually kill the xiao family and be shameless enough to pretend to adopt xiao zhan and instead of treating him well they mistreated him and went as far as pondering the wealth that should rightfully belong to xiao zhan, such a family who lives such a disgusting life and pretend to be good, just thinking about it made him feel so disgusted.

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