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Chen lu sneered while watching xiao zhan leave the big unique mansion in a hurry, hearing xiao zhan trembling voice and seeing xiao zhan on the verge of tear's made him about relieved, but then he wasn't satisfied yet, zhan deserves to suffer, he brought everything upon himself when he ended up in Wang yibos bed, he had other plans for him that day, but then he destroyed his plans and he took the man that was supposed to be his away from him which is unacceptable! Wang yibo is his and will never belong to anyone else, in this life Wang yibo is his husband, the man who should be only his.

Chen lu pretended to be sad, sorry and guilty with what has just happened and said, "You didn't have to be so hard on him big brother, he is my friend even if he is confused for a while and he didn't have to say sorry."
Wang yibo felt guilty and didn't hear clearly what Chen lu has said, not being able to sit still any longer, he got up and immediately rushed outside rendering Chen lu speechless, Chen lu didn't expect Wang yibo to really leave and chase after xiao zhan! They have been married for a day and xiao zhan has already bewitched Wang yibo! Using emotional blackmail to gain Wang yibos sympathy which is really despicable!.

Zhan didn't go outside but ran to the garden, sitting down on the ground and hugging his legs, he broke down into tears, he was happy before, he loved his normal and peaceful life, but now everyday he has to cry and doesn't have any reason to be happy or smile.

"Was I brought to this world to suffer? What's the use of fighting to be strong and happy when iam always sad and disappointed, iam scared of pain but I always get hurt when I met this man, why is no one believing me that iam innocent." Zhan cried silently and bitterly, yibo who was standing not far from where xiao zhan was clenched his hands into a fist, he wanted to comfort him but he couldn't do that, he didn't have the courage to approach xiao zhan and he only turned around to leave before xiao zhan could see him.

Wang yibo went back to the house and found Chen lu still seated on the same spot and he seems unhappy, but at the moment he really didn't care, looki at Chen lu and weighing the word's that he has said abou xiao zhan, he really has some doubts, watching xiao zhan cry so bitterly and even having regrets, he is having some second thoughts wondering if xiao zhan was really behind the drugging that day, he wants to investigate but then he is afraid of getting disappointed.

"Master breakfast is ready." A chef came to report making Wang yibo who was in deep thoughts to stop thinking about xiao zhan and Chen lu at the moment.

"Okay, brother you haven't had breakfast yet, let's go eat something." Yibo told Chen lu who as usual smiled, then looked behind Wang yibo.

"Why is xiao zhan not with you? Will he not have breakfast with us? Or he doesn't want to see me?" Chen lu said sadly, yibo was somehow upset with Chen lu who kept mentioning xiao zhan all the time since he came here, and his word's though they seem harmless but they have a very deep meaning and he was indirectly making him to see how bad xiao zhan is.

"He wont be joining us." Yibo who didn't want to talk about xiao zhan answered and headed to the dining room, Chen lu saw Wang yibos reaction, he looks upset and unhappy with his word's.

Chen lu expression was obviously ugly, it looks like if he is not careful he will really lose Wang yibo with him watching and there is nothing that he could do. He needs to be careful and plan everything fast, he is not stupid and he had never even once failed when he is so determined to win something.

Zhan who calmed down got up from where he was seated and decided to go out and buy breakfast, he doesn't have enough money, but it's okay he will still manage, wen Ning saw xiao zhan and called him several times but didn't get a reply from xiao zhan, Ning wondered what has happened for xiao the to suddenly ignore him like he didn't hear him calling him.

He was well prepared, he had a mask and a hat which covered his bruises well, walking for more than twenty minutes, he finally saw a stall, he bought alot of thing's especially snacks that he will eat, even bottled water that will last for sometime, even if he wasn't told not to eat or drink water at the mansion, he wouldn't dare eat anything from the house that wasn't his and from someone that hates him so much. Zhan found a hotel and ordered some food for himself to eat, he has been a foodie and will never shy away from food, not only does he love food, he also loves cooking.

Zhan decided to take a taxi back instead of walking, ten minutes later he finally arrived at the mansion and luckily he didn't see Wang yibo or Chen lu which was really a good thing for him, he went directly to his room, placing the snacks he got carefully, he got a story book from his suitcase and continued to read, he loves reading comics whenever he has time, this way he will forget all his troubles and unhappy events.

It was around four in the evening when his stomach grumbled, zhan got some snacks, ate then drank some water and he felt better, going to the toilet, he did his business and decided to have a nap, but even before he could close his eyes, he heard Wang yibo voice instructing him to open the door, his face turned pale, was Wang yibo there again to beat him up? Did he do something wrong again? Zhan whole body shuddered in fear, he is really not ready to get hurt again, but then what should he expect from someone like Wang yibo, he is heartless, nothing good comes from him and he honestly hates him.

Taking a deep breath and preparing himself, he opened the door and there the devil reincarnate was standing Infront of him, yibo invited himself inside without saying a word, his hand seems to be carrying a document, he was somehow excited, is it the divorce papers? Is Wang yibo now finally tired of him and wants to let him go? He is so ready to sign the divorce papers and leave this heartless man. He no longer wants to see or get near this man, being very far away from this man is his greatest dream.

Wang yibo saw xiao zhan expression and shining eyes and without being told he could guess what xiao zhan was thinking and he immediately frowned.

"Don't think you will easily divorce me, though I really despise you and I feel nauseated whenever I see you, but I will have to disappoint you that you will have to stay here, as for this document, this is a report that was written by me, it has your part of speech and my part of speech, in a week I will have a conference I will tell everyone that your my partner and how we two met, so you have to smile and we act to be so in love, do the opposite and you will wish to be dead, remember you brought this upon yourself, so you don't have any reason to complain." Yibo said what he came for,threw the document at the table and left.

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