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Xiao zhan was really hurt, being all alone and everyone infront of him talking so badly to him and belittling him, zhan couldn't take it and ran back to his room he shared with wang yibo closing the door from behind.

He thought wang yibo parent's might atleast be different and not as bad as the chen family, but he was wrong, the wang family are no good too, saying those hurtful word's to him, accusing him of thing's he has never done just because he married their son.

Chen lu was in a good mood but still he wasn't done with xiao zhan yet, he let his mother and wang yibo parent's to leave saying he was waiting for wang yibo to come back. Chen lu headed upstairs too and walked toward wang yibos room.

"Xiao zhan i know your in there, thanks to my big brother immediately after my mom was taken to the police station, he sent a message instructing the police officers to let my mother go, iam sure you must not be aware because big brother didn't see any reason to tell you." Chen said with a smirk on his face, he has been in misery for day's and now it's time to make xiao zhan suffer.

"You should be aware that my big brother doesn't really love you, he is just doing all these nice thing's to you because of his reputation, i drugged him, drugged you too so that you could be gang raped, but my brother believes in me so much and made your life a living hell, iam waiting for that day that he will kick you out like a dog." Chen lu added and laughed sarcastically.

Zhan whole body trembled, and a sharp pain was felt on his lower abdomen, he knows he will not last forever with wang yibo and today being told several times hurt him too much, his heart really hurts and even his stomach hurts, he had his doubts when he took that drink that day, but what he didn't expect was not only did chen lu drug him he also wanted him to be violated not by  one person but several men.

"I have been nice to you since young, always regarded you as my little brother, and i never took you seriously because i know your only throwing a tantrum, but i didn't expect you could be so vicious, what did i do for you to hate me so much chen lu." Zhan whispered and cried silently while hugging his knees, the pain on his stomach intensifying every second.

He knows he needs to calm down, being overly emotional is not good, taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, he managed to calm himself down, he slowly got up after the pain on his stomach decreased not seeing the little spots of blood on his trouser that he was wearing, he went to bed and lied down not having the appetite to have breakfast or even eat anything else.

No one in this world honesty cares about him, wang yibo is only pretending and acting that he loves him, he is only doing this because he has his own plans, in this world he is all alone, the person who is pretending to him now that he cares is just fake, living in misery when in reality he is not the one who caused all these, he is just a victim.

The butler called wang yibo several times to inform him that his parent's came to see xiao zhan and he is not sure what they talked about, but all his calls didn t go through no matter how many times he called, he knows wang yibo is busy with work today but then he is worried what might happen to xiao zhan.

He finally tried to call wang yibos assistant and the call this time went through, but he has to wait for another two hour's before speaking to wang yibo since he is in a meeting which is very important and yibo will call back once the meeting is over.

Later that day

"Young maater please wake up to eat something, you haven't eaten anything since morning." The butler knocked at the door not knowing how many times he has called xiao zhan but xiao zhan still didn't come out.

"Iam not hungry, please leave me alone." Zhan answered weakily, he doesn't have the moods to eat anything, he doesn't want to see anyone, anyway no one cares about his well being, no one will care whether he is hungry, thirsty, suffering or in pain, whether he is dead or alive, he knows everyone is just pretending just to make him feel better, nothing is real, everyone is happy to see him suffering.

"What should i do? I don't know when  master will be back?" The butler whispered while pacing around but stopped when he saw wang yibo looking at him.

"You called me several times and now your behaving like this, what's the matter?" Yibo asked.

"Master, the young master he..."

The butler didn't finish speaking when yibo opened his room door with the key's he has and went inside worry written all over his face, he saw a small bulge on the bed, opening the duvet that xiao zhan was covering his whole body even his face he somehow calmed down seeing he is in one piece. He hugged zhan close, and zhan winced in pain when he slightly pressed his stomach.

"Baby what happened? Are you not feeling well? Should i take you to the hospital?" Yibo stopped touching zhan stomach and asked several questions.

"Iam fine don't worry, i just want to sleep."

"You're not okay, your face says it all, tell me what happened, else i will have to take you to the hospital for checkup." Yibo warned.

Zhan shòok his head, he is just feeling hungry now but he is not in the moods of eating.

"Did my parent's bully you? Did they say anything to you? Just tell me and i will surely get justice for you, i won't let anyone be mean to my partner." Yibo asked.

"They said nothing, iam fine, they were nice to me." Zhan lied without blinking, he knew better than anyone else not to tell wang yibo what happened no matter how nice he is to him, those two are yibos  parent's, if he said anything and created a discord between parent's and son, then he will surely be seen as a vicious person and if wang yibo is testing him now then he will surely be in trouble if he said anything.

"And what about that chen lu and his mother? The old man told me they came here today."

"Husband nothingreally happened, your little brother chen lu and his mother accompanied your parent's, they didn't say or do anything to me, i just feel so bored today and i want to be alone." Zhan answered and somehow felt better being in wang yibos arm's, the discomfort in his stomachreally dissapeared alot.

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