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Yibo didn't answer but continued to drink, fall in love? Have family? Not gonna happen! He was betrayed once and he is not ready for a second betrayal.

He checked the time it was almost five in the evening, he didn't drink much so he was still sober, telling his friends he was leaving, he left not listening to his friends telling him it was still early, he doesn't know why but today he just felt like going home early, and also he had the urge to meet the little kid again, even though he has a sharp mouth,but still he looks interesting, he didn't drink just in case he met the little he won't smell of alcohol, not only will he be called a mute, but also a drunkard.

"Why should I be so interested in a kid I just saw?" Yibo whispered and decided to go back, parking his car he saw his butler who seems to be waiting for him. After moving out he had his butler go, but the butler insisted to stay, so he chose not to sell the house, but for the past four years he hasn't gone to that house.

"Why are you outside? You can go outside and wait for me uncle." Yibo said and led the butler to the elevator.

"I just arrived and I saw your car and decided to wait for you." The butler answered.

Wuxian on the other hand who was standing at the door wanting to just go out and explore heard people talking, curiosity got the better of him, looking where his daddy was who was busy preparing dinner, he slowly opened the door and first peeked outside with his little head and saw the same uncle whom he saw in the morning, but this time he had a grandpa.

Wuxian smiled and ran out. "Hi handsome uncle I saw you again!" Wuxian said excited while standing infront of wang yibo.

Yibo looked at the little kid and he felt his heart skip a bit, and he couldn't help it but touch the kid head, the butler who looked at the little kid froze when he saw the kid's face clearly.

"Master..he..." The butler who was really surprised tried to speak but he wasn't able to finish what he wanted to say.

"He is just my neighbors kid uncle, why do you look so surprised?" Yibo asked, taking out a chocolate candy from his pocket he gave it to Wuxian.

"For you little guy, what's your name?"

"Thank you uncle! How did you know chocolate candy and cake is my favourite!" Wuxian who was really happy getting to eat his favorite chocolate candy flavor shouted.

"It is also my favourite, it looks like we have some things in common, c'mon you should go back before your parents gets worried." Yibo said, gently patted Wuxian cheek and he didn't realize that he had a slight smile on his face.

"Okay uncle! My name is Wuxian, make sure to bring me more candies and I will share my favorite toy's with you!" Wuxian answered and ran back not forgetting to close the door from behind.

Yibo looked at the kid and chucked, such an interesting kid, he really wasn't wrong to be interested and curious in that kid. "Wuxian?" Yibo whispered, opened his door and entered inside.

"Uncle why are you still standing outside come inside." Yibo who was somehow surprised realizing the butler seems to be in deep thoughts, the butler shook his head and went inside.

Deep down the butler had a lot of unanswered questions, that kid just now looked exactly like his master wang yibo when he was young, he even thought the kid standing infront of him was the master when he was young, the way the kid talks, loves chocolate candy and the way he behaves is the same just like the master, could it be a coincidence? Or is the master hiding something? He has a son but hasn't informed anyone or maybe he is waiting to surprise others.

"By the way master that kid looks just like you when you were little, is he by any chance your child but you don't want to inform anyone yet?" The butler who was really curious asked.

"My kid? He is not, where can I get a child, uncle you should stop thinking wildly."

"But my guts tells me otherwise." The butler whispered and didn't talk again about Wuxian.

Lu Bai who returned to the state's year's ago with the evidence of the Chen family finally decided to give it to his boyfriend whom he heard he wanted to go to china, in the name of fulfilling his father's last wish by helping the xiao family young master get his inheritance back.

"Li yang I know xiao zhan and I also got some sensitive information concerning the butler Chen, xiao family death wasn't an accident but they were killed by the butler, and I think you going to back to china without you knowing this, then you will only be endangering your life and that of xiao zhan." Lu Bai said and sent all the evidence he got to his boyfriend.

Li yang was beyond surprised when he saw the evidence, he didn't expect a butler who was so much trusted by the xiao zhan could do such a thing just because of wealth, not only did they mistreat the young master of the xiao family, they also kicked him out and treated him like he is nothing, if he didn't check the documents his dad left behind given by the lawyer a month ago, then he wouldn't know after xiao zhan has reached twenty one year's, all the inheritance that belongs to xiao family will be returned back to xiao zhan and Mr Chen who was acting as a guardian must step down and give all the rights back to xiao zhan.

"All these years you never said a word, keeping such dangerous information, I hope you didn't show this to anyone else." Li yang who has gone through the evidence asked.

"At first I wanted to use it to intimidate the Chen family, but then I chose not to, I wanted to give this to my uncle, but still decided not to, now that I know your going to help xiao zhan to get what rightfully belongs to him, I will give you all the evidence I have, make sure the Chen family pays, they must be brought to justice." Lu Bai answered, he is no longer the kid who only knows how to cause trouble.

"You have really grown up, give me your uncle's contact information, with his help it will be easier for me." Li yang said while taking out his phone.

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