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Mr wang:"What are you talking about?"

Yibos dad asked.

Chen lu never expected wen Ning could say such a thing infront of the wang couple, he won't be so scared if they were alone but now with wang yibo parents here he just doesn't want to imagine what will happen if they know the truth of what actually happened.

"Master I went to the mall to check what actually happened, my boss has always been careful especially when driving and after going i managed to get the CCTV footage and knew what actually happened." Wen Ning said and took out his phone meaning to give the phone to Mr wang but Chen lu was first enough to snatch the phone away surprising the Wang couple.

"What are you doing Chen lu? Why are you suddenly behaving so strangely?" Mrs wang asked making Chen lu who realized what he has done to panic but it is already too late if this phone ended up in Mr wang then he is done for.

Wen Ning smirked he expected that to happen, someone like Chen lu whose behavior and ways has never been good will do something like that just to keep his secret intact and never let it exposed to other's.

"Aunty I just don't want you to see something that will scare you, you can't trust this bodyguard he is in cahoots with that xiao zhan and he will do anything to destroy our good relationship." Chen lu answered his eyes looking at the smirking wen Ning sharply.

"Chen lu can you please stop now, if what you said is really the truth then why did you snatch my phone away? If your really innocent and has nothing to do with the accident give my phone back to me." Wen Ning said and extended his hand towards Chen lu who immediately moved back and his wen Ning phone behind his back.

"Chen lu what wen Ning said is right, if you did nothing then hand over the phone back, you know we have always believed in you and will never let anyone say something bad to you." Mr wang said but Chen lu shook his head.

"I can't do that sorry uncle, iam sorry aunty." Chen lu said and turned around and ran with the phone.

The wang couple never expected something like that to happen, with how defensive chen lu was the two could guess without being told that chen lu is hiding something and whatever he is hiding is something very unpleasant.

"Master's you don't have to worry I still have another phone on me." Wen Ning said and took out his phone and showed the video to the two couples the video he got.

The wang couple never expected the person they trusted too much will do such a thing and even came infront of them to pretend to be sad and console them knowing better the person who caused the accident is none other but him.

"I didn't expect chen lu to be such a person, and he even pretended to care." Mrs wang who was still in shock said.

"That's not enough you will interested to watch and listen to this too." Wen Ning added and showed the video of wen Ning at yibos mansion with chen lu talking very arrogantly and the word's coming out of his mouth were scary and traumatizing.

Mrs Wang leg's became weak and she had to use his husband's body as support, chen lu the innocent boy they knew could actually do something so scary, drugging someone else and even finding wild men so that they could violate an innocent boy.

"How can Chen lu do such a thing! How can we be fooled all these years by that pretentious boy! He fooled and played us all these years!" Mr wang shouted angry, they hated and despised xiao zhan thinking he wasn't worthy of their son and insisted on Wang yibo marrying Chen lu not knowing that they were making the biggest mistake in their life.

The wang family knew they were wrong and the person they hated and despised all this time was innocent and not the kind of person they thought he was, they must ask for forgiveness and they don't know if xiao zhan will really listen to them and give them a chance to rectify their mistake.

"Honey we have been wrong all this time, we never expected chen lu to be such a person and he even fooled us to believe him as a good child." Mrs wang said while sighing.

"Let's find a good time to talk to xiao zhan, right now is not the right time yet." Mr wang said and the two left the hospital.

Wen Ning also didn't take long and he left with Wuxian after instructing the remaining bodyguards to be careful and not make mistake.

One week later

Chen lu didn't dare to go back to his parents house or even go outside, he was scared and chose to hide to one of the secret apartment out of the city, he knew the wang family must know what has happened and if they find him he is not sure what will happen and he can't bring himself to even think about it.

Wang yibo on the other hand was recovering well, most of the superficial injuries has already healed and with xiao zhan on his side and taking good care of him, not once has he abandoned him and is always there to take care of him.

Zhan noticed that wang yibo parents seems to have changed their behavior whenever they visit yibo at the hospital they always find a chance to talk to him which made somehow confused and uncomfortable.

Being treated nicely suddenly without knowing the reason why they suddenly changed their attitude towards him made him to think maybe they are cooking some other plans.

"Yibo your parents suddenly being nice to me makes me feel somehow uncomfortable, they have always disliked me and now they suddenly started treating me well, it can't be that they want to take my son away from me right?" Zhan who has been quite and observing for the past week decided to speak.

"They wouldn't dare take Wuxian away from you, if you feel uncomfortable I will talk to them to stop disturbing you don't worry." Yibo answered.

Zhan shook his head. "You don't have to, that's not good maybe iam wrong maybe they really care about me and wants to make up but they don't know how to do it." Zhan said.

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