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"New life, fresh start, I hope everything will go well without any problems." Zhan whispered while looking outside.

It is already late, but he can't sleep yet, he needs to check the nearest kindergarten, go check tomorrow if his son could get a chance to study there, he has a week to make sure he has sorted out everything before reporting to work and he doesn't have time to waste, luckily he immediately found a kindergarten which wasn't far from the apartment, just a two minute walk.

The kindergarten is good and the fees is manageable, his baby deserves the best, he is working hard not just for himself but for his son too who deserves the best, even if he can't take to the best kindergarten where those influential family take their kids, still he can take his son to one of the best school's.

Tomorrow is will be on a monday, a good and perfect day to go to the kindergarten, know the thing's his son needs and get everything early and maybe by monday next week his son could join the other kid's at the kindergarten.

Zhan slept at around midnight and was awakened as early as six in the morning by Wuxian who was excited on going out.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wake up!" Wuxian shouted.

"Baby it is still early, go play with dudu, daddy will sleep some more." Zhan who was really sleepy answered and closed his eyes to sleep.

Wuxian was unhappy for a while, but still got up and headed towards the balcon, the place is safe and danger free even if the door towards the balcon wasn't closed, Wuxian who was able to see the ground floor and other tall buildings through the glass was amazed.

Wuxian who was looking around saw another person who was also looking at the tall buildings just like him.

"Good morning handsome uncle!" Wuxian shouted and waved at the uncle who was at the next balcon not far from him.

Wang yibo who has finished his morning exercise and went out at the balcon to get fresh air heard a milky voice, looking where the voice was coming from, he saw a young boy still in his pajamas and actively waving at him, his lips twitched and awkwardly lifted his hand and waved back, be never knew someone else moved here, for year's he has been alone and he never knew people moved here.

"Uncle don't you know how to speak! Why are you only waving? Are you mute?" Wuxian asked again with his baby voice.

Yibo who was about to speak closed his mouth, slightly frowned and went back inside, he never expected such a little kid to have such a sharp mouth and dared to call him a mute! Such a good morning and he met a little demon! He didn't expect the neighbour living next to him child to be so...well so impossible and talk like a parrot.

Wuxian:"Such a rude uncle ignoring little Wuxian!"

Wuxian whispered while pouting and also went inside to play with his puppy who was also awake and playing alone.

Wang yibo looked at his bodyguard wen Ning who brought breakfast and said.

"I didn't know someone moved in next door?"

"Boss they moved in yesterday, but I don't know who they are, but what I know it's a young man with a kid." Wen Ning answered, yibo nodded his head and had his breakfast and left for work.

Xiao zhan on the other hand who had enough sleep woke up, prepared himself and his son, ordered breakfast and fed the puppy too his dog food, he took his excited son and the two left.

"Daddy today I saw a rude uncle, he ignored little Wuxian!" Wuxian who remembered complained to his dad.

"Where did you see him? You didn't go outside without my permission right? I already told you, you can't go outside alone, your still young and can easily get in trouble, what if you met bad people." Zhan who was unhappy scolded Wuxian who immediately pouted.

"I didn't go out alone, I saw him standing at the balcon not far from where I was, daddy I know little Wuxian shouldn't go outside alone or speak with strangers but that uncle was so handsome and Wuxian can't control himself and said hi."

Zhan heart softened but still warned his son, not everyone can be trusted, some people are not good and you can't know what kind of people they are, maybe they're kidnapper's or even traffickers and finding someone as defenceless as Wuxian who is still young and can easily be lied to is dangerous, whenever he goes out he must be accompanied by someone older, before it was cai xu or cai xu boyfriend, but now they have moved to another city and they must be extra careful.

"My good boy, daddy will buy you something sweet later okay, c'mon smile." Zhan said and kissed his son all over his face, the pouting Wuxian giggled and immediately forgot what has happened, zhan entered the elevator with his son, with a few minutes walk, he arrived at the kindergarten.

Half an hour later zhan ordered for a taxi went to the mall and got everything needed for Wuxian, ate lunch outside and didn't forget to buy groceries, ordering food out all the time isn't his hobby, he loves cooking and his baby needs nutritious food as he is still young and growing, he needs to grow up being all healthy.

By the time he returned back it was already past afternoon, he fed dudu wiped Wuxian hands and feet and let him continue sleeping, tomorrow he will take his son out, maybe take him to the park, even if it's been years, he was born here and lived most of his lives here and he knows good places his son will obviously love.

"Buddy it's been years now and your no longer young, just look at us, we are already married and having our first borns, but you just being alone and showing no sign of having a partner soon, how about bringing some beauties here, you must be interested in one of them." One of yibo friends said.

"If you want to be a eunuch continue spouting nonsense." Yibo warned making his friend to cover his manhood.

"You don't have to be so harsh, just saying this for your own good, your already twenty nine this year."

Yibo didn't answer but continued to drink, fall in love? Have family? Not gonna happen! He was betrayed once and he is not ready for a second betrayal.

GOVERNOR'S EX WIFE ✔️✅☑️Where stories live. Discover now