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"He is my friend, i invited him here." Chen lu who will never recognise xiao as a member of his perfect family answered, he will never let a useless and a stain from his family destroy his interest, chen lu welcomed Wang yibo, then looked at xiao zhan who was following behind with disgust, he always steals his limelight since he was little, he wondered why his parents adopted such a jinx!.

Xiao zhan saw how his little brother looked at him and knew he wasn't wanted, Chen lu himself doesn't recognize him as a family member which is really hurtful enough, he has never done anything to hurt the family, he has always been obedient but still he doesn't understand why everyone in the family treats him so horribly, the only thing he wished for is family love nothing else, but a little love and care is so hard to get since he was young.

Zhan decided not to stay here for long, once he has given her mother's birthday gift he will immediately leave so that he won't cause anymore trouble for the perfect family and get scolded and being told that he is not filial enough to the family that pitied him and took care of him for year's.

Xiao zhan looked around the hotel which was extravagantly decorated, the people who attended the party were dressed lavishly and everything shouts nothing but money, as for him he looked like the odd one out, even the chefs and waiters were dressed way better than him.

Chen lu didn't leave Wang yibo side, zhan watched Wang yibo the governor approach his dad and mom, greeted them and gave them the gift he came with, Xiao zhan was sure the gift the governor handed over must be worth of millions, because he could see how her mother smiled and held the gift given by Wang yibo with care, looking down at his own gift which was worth of few thousand yuan and sighed, he is not rich to afford expensive thing's.

Chen lu who was aware of Xiao zhan presence moved closer to the side of her mother and touched her mother's shoulder.

"Mom why did you invite that jinx at the party? He will only embarrass us you know." Chen lu complained, madam Chen looked where his son was pointing and saw Xiao zhan looking down at his own gift that he has bought still entangled with the fact that he couldn't afford an expensive gift. Madam Chen sneered when she saw Xiao zhan.

"Why should I invite him to such an important event? He must have come to cause trouble." Madam Chen excused herself and approached Xiao zhan whose head was still lowered.

"Who allowed you in here? Are you here to show everyone else how our Chen family is mistreating you?" Madam Chen who was obviously dissatisfied with the jinx presence asked, zhan shook his head and looked at the woman who is supposed to be her mother, the woman who should call him son gently and lovingly just like how Chen lu is called, just wishing to be given nothing else but just love and care seems to be so hard and impossible to him, the people he calls family doesn't like him and always despise him.

"M-mom happy birthday, I know it's your birthday today and this is the gift I got for you this year, I will leave immediately after this, I won't cause any trouble." Zhan answered and handed over the gift he got for her mother, he has never celebrated his birthday before, only his brother Chen lu always celebrate his birthday every year and given gift's that he asked for, he doesn't know the feeling of recieving a gift and being wished a happy birthday before, how he wished one day someone will celebrate his birthday with him, surprise him just like how his mom and dad surprise Chen lu.

Madam Chen looked at the cheap gift in disgust and walked away without saying anything discarding the gift given by xiao zhan in a nearby dustbin and joined his husband, zhan walked towards the trashcan, picked up the gift and decided to leave, it's not something surprising, he will just send the gift to charity that's what he does every year.

"Hey xiao zhan, why are you leaving so soon? It's your mother's birthday today, how about joining us for a drink?" One of Chen lu friend's stopped him from leaving, xiao zhan was surprised, Chen lu friend's has never talked to him before or interacted with him, and now behaving all friendly like they have known each other very well is really strange.

"I..I don't drink and I have to go now." Zhan stepped aside so that he could leave but was still stopped.

"You shouldn't be so conservative, once in a while you should have fun." Another added, xiao zhan shook his head but was still dragged away towards a group of boy's who were the same age as him and they seemed not to mind his presence at all, and one of Chen lu friend's left and had a few words with Chen lu.

"I stopped your brother from leaving, tell me what are you up to? I hope your not trying to hurt him, though I have never interacted with him before but I know he is a good and has never hurt you before." Li xin Chen lu friend asked, Chen lu rolled his eyes.

"In your eyes do I look so heartless? He is my brother and I want him to have fun, I will never hurt him." Chen lu answered but was obviously not sincere, li xin didn't bother and walked away to continue having fun, Chen lu took out his phone and sent a text message then joined Wang yibo to continue chatting.

"Yibo this is your room card, your room is 305,das gave me this." Chen lu said sweetly and handed over the card, Wang yibo didn't see how Chen lu reacted after he accepted the card, and the drink that a waiter brought over to Wang yibo.

Xiao zhan on the other hand Chen lu has other plans for him, getting two men Chen lu decided to drug him so that he could be taken advantage of when he is not in his senses, as for Wang yibo, the drink brought over by the waiter had aphrodisiac added, once the aphrodisiac has taken effect he will follow Wang yibo to his room and the two will just do the did, and the second day waking up with the paparazzi all over and Wang yibo will not have any choice but marry him.

Chen lu knew his plan was perfect, xiao zhan getting drugged succeeded without any problems, yibo on the other when he started feeling funny he immediately excused himself and decided to go back to the room given by Mr Chen. Entering the elevator before it could be closed, yibo met a beautiful boy in the elevator who seems to be drunk.

Xiao zhan who has no idea what was happening staggered and bumped his head on Wang yibos chest, his whole body was pressed against that of Wang yibo, yibo body which was already burning hot knew his drink was spiked and with the way this boy was behaving, he must be responsible and with this thought made Wang yibo really angry.

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