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Xiao zhan who was alone in the house tried to sleep but he failed, he thought for a while and decided to go to the hospital and see how Chen lu is doing, he just couldn't stop being worried.

No one was at home at the moment, it looks like the bodyguards were given a day off and they must be back in the evening, his phone vibrated and he saw yibo message telling him that he won't be home today since he is busy and will sleep at the company, he also sent him five million adding with the other one million, his account has six million, he looked at the zeros and he couldn't help but jump up and down on the bed, he is now a rich young man.

"It's not easy to be rich, baby just look at this, your little daddy is rich, now you don't have to be worried, I will take good care of you." Zhan said while caressing his stomach.

He had a quick shower, changed his clothes and checked his account balance again to make sure the money is still there and safe and he finally calmed down, he is not dreaming he is an eighteen years old man with six million yuan in his account.

He called for a taxi and waited, ten minutes later he left the house and said the hospital Chen lu was taken to, he heard his adoptive dad mentioning the hospital, arriving at the hospital he said the name of the patient he came to see and was directed where Chen lu was admitted and just s expected someone as rich as the Chen family will come to such an expensive hospital and the room he was admitted was very expensive.

Though he was nervous but he swallowed hard and entered the elevator and not long after he arrived where Chen lu was, the floor where Chen lu was was quite, hesitating for a while he took a deep breath and knocked at the door and waited patiently.

Minutes later the door was opened by Mrs Chen who immediately frowned when she saw xiao zhan and didn't hesitate to push zhan away, zhan protected his stomach and staggered back.

"You bitch! How dare you come here! Have you come here to make fun of my baby boy after he almost died!" Mrs Chen shouted.

"You jinx since you came to our lives the only thing you know is causing trouble and making other people lives terrible! Why don't you just go and die!" Mrs Chen shouted again and this time she used her whole strength to push xiao zhan who fell down on his butt but still protected his stomach.

"Mom I'm sorry, I don't know what I did wrong, i don't remember the last time I talked to him, I only came to see how he is doing and wish him quick recovery, I never meant any harm." Zhan answered his voice low and was obviously feeling guilty.

Mrs wang and his husband together with Mr Chen came outside and stopped Mrs Chen from approaching xiao zhan who was still on the floor and now trying to get up while trying to ignore the pain he felt on his lower abdomen.

"You pretentious bitch! I really hate you and I want to kill you now!"

Mrs wang:"Can I have a word with you alone?"

Zhan took a deep breath to prevent himself from crying, if only he could listen to wang yibo and not come here, but he was just too worried and he couldn't help it but come to check how Chen lu was doing, he slowly followed Mrs wang to a more isolated place.

"Iam not here to scold you or anything, you don't have to pretend to be pitiful because I won't buy it." Mrs wang said, zhan didn't say a word but the next second his eyes went wide when wang yibo mother knelt infront of him.

"What are you doing! Please get up." Zhan who never expected an old woman will kneel infront of him said but Mrs wang didn't get up but rather lifted her head to look at him.

"Iam begging and now even kneeling infront of you, please in the name of god leave my son and go far away, because of you my son threatened me and his father, he is no longer the son I knew, because of you Chen lu tried to kill himself, luckily he was saved, if was a minute late then Chen lu could have died, just as Mrs Chen has said nothing good comes out of you, your destroying peaceful families and causing disaster whenever your around, if you don't want to see other's suffer and even die just because you refuse to let my son go then I will not get up, I will keep kneeling until you promise me to leave my son and completely dissapear." Mrs wang said while looking at xiao zhan.

Zhan whole body trembled, he clenched his hands into a fist, opened his mouth but no word's came out, his eyes reddened and tears covered his face but he didn't make a sound.

"I...I promise you I will leave....I will go far away and I won't disturb your son, iam sorry I didn't know me being together with your son will cause a lot of trouble, I hope me leaving your son will make ev right." Zhan answered and choked on his tears, turning around he decided to go away, he didn't walk far when he felt something cold on his forehead.

He lifted his head and saw Mr Chen holding a pistol aimed at his forehead, he didn't get scared but just looked at his adoptive father.

"If I ever see you again infront of my family or anywhere near wang yibo who from the start meant to marry Chen lu then you won't blame for being heartless, because not only will aim this pistol like iam doing now, next time I will pull the trigger, stay away from us and just dissapear!" Mr Chen said and walked away.

Zhan left the hospital but didn't go home directly, he walked aimlessly and found himself at the beach, finding a place which was less crowded he sat down and closed his eyes, he loves wang yibo so much but fate seems to be so unfair to him, he can't be together with the person he fell in love with, anyway wang yibo hates children and he will never love his unborn baby and he is very sure wang yibo will tell him to abort his baby, Chen lu almost died and it's all because of him, yibo family is in chaos because of him, if he will not leave then he will cause alot of trouble, people will die and might even die.

"God why is it only me? In my previous life did I do alot of unforgivable thing's that iam destined to be unhappy in this life?" Zhan whispered and sighed, even if it hurts he has no other choice but to leave.

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