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People has been asking whether it's a different from before, i once posted on my timeline and said the story might be abit different, some parts of the story might be omitted, also other thing's will be added to the story, the plot storyline might slightly or majorly   different but nothing much will be changed, you will find other parts to be familiar in the plot and most of the times completely different because of the added new parts.....

But!...." Mrs Chen who was somehow excited with yibo answer shouted but still calmed down. "You know chen lu has always liked you, not just as brother's but he hopes one day you will marry him and start a family together, you have been playing together with chen lu since he was a kid until now, you know his behaviour and iam very sure you two will make a perfect couple, unlike the sudden marriage and you really don't know his behaviour and his ways, he is just like a wild young man."

Yibo was somehow surprised but also annoyed with Mrs Chen calling xiao zhan the person he plan's to have a future after making sure he completely cleared out the doubt he has on xiao zhan, no one not even someone who is close to him will be allowed to talk ill of his partner.

"Mrs Chen you have no right of judging my partner, no matter what kind of a person he is that's none of your business, now iam curious why your son chen lu always talk ill of my partner even if he claims they're best of friend's and now here you are still continuing  to tarnish my partner's image." Yibo said his voice containing abit of anger making Mrs chen to shudder in fear.

She doesn't remember the last time wang yibo called her 'mrs chen' it seems wang yibo is really angry and has started to have some doubts of what happened and if he now tries to investigate then not only chen lu will be in trouble even the family will not be spared.

"Yibo aunty doesn't mean anything bad, iam just concerned about you, since it's already late aunty will get going." Mrs Chen and immediately got up to leave, she is sure if she continues to stay here then yibo who seems to have really changed might really realize that something is wrong and even suspect chen lu of what happened during the birthday party.

"Mrs Chen before you go, tell chen lu i see him as my little brother and no romantic attachments involved, my feelings for him are just like a big brother protecting his little brother and i will never take my relationship with him further." Yibo added and didn't look at the leaving Mrs chen, after the conference is over he will have someone check xiao zhan background and what really happened at the birthday party, someone like xiao zhan, he really has no guts and courage to do such a thing.

Xiao zhan woke up the moment wang yibo left the room, he wondered who took him back to the house and even to the room, he remembers the last time he was in the car, but then it seems he fell asleep and was carried back to the house, the shirt he is wearing has abit of wang yibos body cologne, it looks like wang yibo was the one who carried him all the way back to the room, he even helped him take off his shoes and socks.

"He is so nice to me, if only it wasn't pretending then i could really wish i could be in a normal and peaceful relationship with wang yibo, he is really my type but sadly nothing like that could happen." Zhan whispered and sighed sadly, he is just so unlucky, being in a relationship that is not real but everything is just false, just being pretentious.

He walked out and went down the stairs, he was about to head to the sitting room when he heard her adoptive mother's voice, and whatever she said wasn't really good, not only chen lu is trying to make wang yibo hate him more and even despise him, even her adoptive mother is in the same boat, he never needed something much and his demands are not so complicated, what he needs since young was family love, someone to just love him and be honest to him, but until now all those are his wishful thinking.

It looks like once her adoptive mom leaves then wang yibo will be just like how he was before, he will insult him and hurt him, despise him and look down on him, yibo will obviously believe what his mom will say, he is after all someone who takes the blame from other's and even after he encouraged himself to be courageous and bold, when facing someone like wang yibo and adoptive mom, all the word's and courage will wither.

He was expecting for the worst from wang yibo poisonous mouth, but what wang yibo said made him to be rendered speechless, yibo spoke up for him, he protected him and didn't let his adoptive mom to try and tarnish his good name! So all this time wang yibo has doubts, he must be thinking that he didn't drug him and someone else plañned everything and he was a victim all along.

"He really did protect me! Yibo really defended me, does it mean he believes that he is innocent and never did such a thing?" Zhan whose heart beat has accelerated whispered, for once someone stood up for him.

But then his adoptive mom talked of chen lu and wang yibo getting married, even his adoptive mom is in support of the relationship, yibo and chen lu looks good together, the two are perfect couple's and as for him, since the beginning it was a mistake, he was never destined to be together with someone like wang yibo, and since yibo didn't talk about chen lu relationship with him, it looks like deep down wang yibo must be in love with Chen lu.

He turned around all dejected and sad when he heard yibo continuing to speak, and at this time he talked of his relationship with chen lu! So yibo never loved chen lu and only takes chen lu as his little brother! And he even stated it clearly that he will never change the relationship between him and chen lu, the two will always remain to be brother's!.

He should stop doubting wang yibo, even if he will not end up together with wang yibo then it means yibo will find someone else to start a family with but it won't be his brother  chen lu, he is after all not that perfect to be together with yibo, wang yibo deserves someone better not like him who looks so ordinary.

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