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Chen lu never expected wang yibo would kiss xiao zhan whom he hated to the core and even after he heard him and felt someone was standing at the door he continued to kiss xiao zhan even more deeply, he did everything and hinted several times towards wang yibo but all his approaches and hinting were ignored! He left the house and ran out of wang yibos house crying ignoring the butler's calls who wondered has happened for Chen lu to suddenly leave while crying.

Zhan felt his whole body softening with such a deep kiss, feeling wang yibo grope his ass he came to his senses and started pushing yibo away, he has never kissed before, this is his first kiss and the way he is feeling right at the moment is really strange, but he is very sure if he allows this to happen, he might end up getting eaten cleanly.

Xiao zhan:"No....mmh...stop...sir, don't do this."

He finally managed to push wang yibo away who was obviously very dissatisfied, he looked at wang yibo was looking at him like he is some kinda of food and swallowed hard, this pervert took advantage of him while pretending to help him cook and now he is using his perverted eyes to be shameless!.

Yibo:"Are you dissatisfied with my kiss? Do you think my kiss is disgusting?"

Zhan seeing wang yibo seems to be angry immediately shook his head, he wasn't disgusted or dissatisfied...wait? What!!!! He didn't feel disgusted at all! And he somehow liked the kiss and for a minute he was completely immersed in the kiss and forgot himself.

Yibo:"Iam asking you a question and you're here daydreaming early in the morning! Iam i so unimportant! You really got some guts!"

Zhan hearing yibo cold voice moved towards yibo and held his hands which were way bigger than him, well it's not his fault, he is growing and in future he will grow as tall and masculine as wang yibo and those girls will no longer look at him and coo while calling him cute! He is not cute, he is a handsome young man.

"I....i I'm not disgusted sir, ireally like the kiss, after all's..." my first time getting a kiss, no one has ever kissed me.'

Zhan didn't dare to say it out loud, knowing Wang yibo couldn't believe him, after all he believes that he intentionally seduced him, and he approached him on purpose all along and he won't notice that he really is innocent and he wouldn't dare or dream of planning to appear in front of the governor.

Yibo saw zhan reddened face and knew he was shy, he can clearly tell xiao zhan has never kissed before and if he didn't guide him then his lips could have been gnawed to death, and now blushing like this, such a person who looks so green can't be shameless and plotting, he really should now try and find out what really happened for him to be drugged when he is always careful whenever he attends a party, and as for xiao zhan he was also drugged at that time if he was not mistaken.

Yibo:"C'mon let's finish up and go have breakfast, i will take you out later, let's go have fun."

Zhan didn't refuse, the two ate breakfast with wang yibo feeding zhan and zhan feeding yibo, the environment was harmonious and someone who doesn't know what is happening might the two are old couple's who has been together for year's and deeply in love, such loving couples is so rare to come by.

Chen lu on the other hand left yibos premises and headed direclty to his parent's house, he saw his mom who was seated comfortably and seems to be in a good mood and his dad who was about to go out and most probably going to work.

Mrs Chen was surprised with his son's cries and wondered what has happened for his son to cry so bitterly, he left earlier so happy saying he is going to meet his big brother but now he is back in tears.

"Son what happened? Tell me who bullied you? You were happy earlier and now your like this." Mrs Chen asked worry written all over her face.

Chen lu:"Mom you said that bitch and homeless xiao zhan will have a pathetic and terrible like at big brother's house!"

Mrs Chen:"Ofcourse yes and few day's you even told me how miserable that useless child is, wang yibo adores you and will never let anyone go as long as they bully you."

Mrs Chen has known how protective wang yibo is towards his son and she knows one day her family will be united as one with the wang family and there prosperity will skyrocket even more and no family will dare try or think of doing anything to them.

"Mom i wanna die! Big brother ignored me because of that cursed child! That useless xiao zhan seduced and bewitched my big brother to even kiss him!" Chen lu shouted in tears and that image of wang yibo and xiao zhan kissing so deeply appeared in his mind again.

Mrs Chen didn't believe what she has heard, it's impossible for wang yibo to really act like what he has son has said, even if she didn't plan what her son has done, but what chen lu did was good and at the same time risky if wang yibo found out that the person who drugged his drink is not xiao zhan but chen lu the person he trusted the most is actually the person he trusted him wholeheartedly.

Mr Chen who heard what his son has said clenched his hands in a fist, he has always warned his son not to do something stupid that will lead to problems in the future but now doing such a dangerous thing, taking out his phone he made a call to the hotel where the birthday party took place.

"Impossible! It's impossible for wang yibo to fall in love with that wretched child, don't worry mommy will deal with that ungrateful son accordingly."

"You better mom! I can't let him steal my thing's over and over again! Now he wants to steal my man!" Chen lu said with a deep frown on his face, even if it means commiting murder to keep wang yibo just got himself then he is ready to do it.

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