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should stop doubting wang yibo, even if he will not end up together with wang yibo then it means yibo will find someone else to start a family with but it won't be his brother  chen lu, he is after all not that perfect to be together with yibo, wang yibo deserves someone better not like him who looks so ordinary.

He turned to return back to the room but his small movement was caught by wang yibo who looked at his direction.

"Where are you going? Come here." Yibo spoke making xiao zhan to sudddnly stop his steps like he was caught doing something wrong and was about to be reprimanded. 

Zhan stiffly turned around, forced a smile while looking at wang yibo who didn't have much expression on his face, he hesitated for a while and slowly started walking towards wang yibo while stopping for a second still wondering if wang yibo knew that he was secretly eavesdropping on what he was talking with his adoptive mom.

"Why are you taking so long? Do you want me to come where you are and carry you? Hmm?" Yibo asked again.

Zhan footsteps immediately quickened and within seconds he was already standing infront of wang yibo, his head lowered not daring to look at wang yibo, his hands clasped together with his fingers slightly trembling, he yelped when he was suddenly pulled and the next second he found himself sitting on yibos lap and his thin waist tightly hugged by yibos strong hands.

"Why are you walking around so suspiciously? If you want something just get it without being scared, being all timid doesn't suit you so well, or maybe are you scared of me.?"

Zhan reaction to yibos questions was to nod his head, but then he immediately shook his head again, it's true he is really scared of wang yibo, the way they met and how wang yibo treated him was not nice and comfortable, its traumatizing and he will never forget that, he even thought wang yibo would kill him, until now he is not sure when wang yibo will just wake up one day snap and kill him not caring that he has pleaded for his life.

"I know i have been very harsh with you before, i understand if you are scared of me, after the conference is over i will have a check at the hotel and see whatreally happened, as long as your innocent then i will do anything you will instruct me, but then if i realise that you have been pretending to be good to deceive me, i will deal with you accordingly."


Zhan never expected wang yibo will really tell him this that he will investigate what has happened at the birthday party, as long as he is ruled out to be innocent and he never tried to approach wang yibo or have any evil thoughts towards the governor, then the only thing he will wish for is his freedom, have his peaceful and normal life like before and he will never bother or appear infront of wang yibo again.

Zhan felt his chin being lifted and the next second he saw wang yibos handsome face.

"You seem to have forgotten something?"


Yibo chuckled and flicked zhan forehead whose face was full of confusion.

"Have you forgotten what i said last night?" Yibo asked.

Zhan thought for a while and his face turned red when he remembered that yibo instructed him to call him hubby, his face turned and he tried to avoid looking at wang yibo but his strength can't be compared to that of yibo and it seems like he can't withdraw if he will not do what he has already promised last night, taking a deep breath he finally opened his mouth and said.

"Hubby." His voice was clear and soft which made yibo eyes to darken and a strange and strong feeling emerged deep from his heart, taking a deep breath he tried to calm down and not do anything to scare this timid rabbit in his arms.

"As long as your here with me, then you should learn to act tough and stand for yourself, don't act timid all the time and never let anyone bully you you know, as a member of the wang family, you must learn to be tough." Yibo said, zhan was somehow surprised, the sudden change of wang yibo behaviour is really alarming, if this is still pretending then it has gone too far and he can't which word's and behaviour is real and fake, everything is just so complicated and confusing that his little brain hurt just trying to think and come up with a solution of the current situation.

Zhan stayed in yibos arms until he fell asleep again.

After making sure zhan is really asleep, he took out his phone and searched for his nephew number, he doesn't remember the last time he talked to him, because nothing good comes out of that boy and whatever happens turn out to be a mess at the end of the day.

'Uncle what a coincidence! I don't remember the last time you called me, i thought you have forgotten that you have a nephew from the states who loves you so much!' The phone  was immediately connected the moment yibo called and lu yang on the other end shouted, yibo frowned and moved his phone away from his ear.

'Stop joking around, i want you to do something for me, as long as you do it well and not mess around then i will give you anything that you will ask for.'

Yibo didn't beat around the bush but went down to business completely ignoring lu yang shameless word's.

'Uncle without even greeting me and asking for my well being you instruct me to do something! Are you really my relative or you take me as your errand boy! It's so unfair i will have my.....'

'I have already sent you what you need to check, bye.'

Yibo cut short his nephews complains and disconnected the call, he looked at xiao zhan who was sleeping so peacefully with his lips slightly parted and smiled.

"Sleeping like this, so defenceless in my arms and seducing me in your sleep, what can i do with you?" Yibo whispered with his hoarse voice, his thumb rubbing xiao zhan smooth and soft lips.

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