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Mrs wang:"Such a poor child having a miserable life since he was young and we even mistreated him, the xiao family and our family used to have a very good relationship and after I gave birth to you I promised Mrs xiao that whether she will give birth to a son or daughter then you two will surely get married after you grew up, but then the xiao family suddenly dissapeared and what we heard was they decided to move away."

Wang yibo was surprised and looked at his mother with his face full of question marks and his mother nodded her head her face full of smile's, he never expected the boy he actually met and ended up falling in love was betrothed to him and if nothing happened to the xiao family then xiao zhan and him could have grown up together and there relationship could have been even more closer,they could be called childhood sweethearts, but sadly fate has other plans and they met in a very different circumstances.

But now they're together and still in love and on top of that they have a son and in future if xiao zhan is ready to have more kids he won't mind, they can even make a football team and he will provide for them all.

Zhan was done preparing lunch and served for everyone including the Wang family he was about to call his husband's family for lunch when he saw wen Ning coming with his son Wuxian.

"Daddy uncle!" Wuxian shouted and the first person he rushed to was xiao zhan who as usual picked him up and walked towards Wang yibo and his parents.

Wuxian as usual looked at the two stranger's infront of him and prrtended not to see them as usual.

"Uncle how is your hand and leg, does it still hurt?" Wuxian just as usual asked his uncle all concerned.

"Uncle is doing better and better thank you for asking baby." Yibo answered with a smile.

Wuxian was satisfied with his uncle's answer and returned back to his dad's arm's.

Wang yibo parents looked at each other then at xiao zhan who was carrying Wuxian with expectant eyes.

Zhan knew what the Wang couple's were thinking about and since he decided to give them a chance it is not a bad idea letting the Wang family to know more about Wuxian and even interact with them.

"Baby daddy want to tell you something, i want to introduce you to other good people." Zhan said his gaze on the Wang couple. "You see these two are uncle's parents, this is uncle's mommy and the other is uncle's dad." Zhan added.

Wuxian looked at the two old people that he has always ignored his expression right at that moment exactly like Wang yibo when he was young and the Wang couple's were amazed they never expected one day in their old age they could actually see the exact version of their son wang yibo when he was young.

"Hello uncle's mommy and daddy." Wuxian greeted the two making the Wang couple's to be overly excited and they didn't hesitate but got up to carry Wuxian, Mr wang was one step fast and took Wuxian who didn't resist since his daddy told him the two are good people and uncle's parents.

"Little man you call me grandpa." Mr wang who was really excited said.

"And iam grandma, hey honey let me carry him you have been carrying him all this time." Mrs Wang said unhappily, and the two old couples started arguing who should carry the grandson they have always wanted to be introduced to.

Xiao zhan and wang yibo looked at the two happy couples, xiao zhan went to the kitchen and got the food he especially prepared for wang yibo, helped him to eat and gave him his medication, then had the two couples together with Wuxian eat the food he prepared.

"Zhan dear can we let our grandson stay with us, don't worry the Chen family won't know a thing about Wuxian."

Zhan thought for a while and didn't refuse, he was worried of the Chen family knowing about Wuxian and causing unnecessary trouble, and since the Wang family decided to believe him and start over then he is going to trust them.

Since wang yibo is injured and the only thing he did was communicate with li yang and his dad and planning what to do and get justice for the xiao family, they got all the evidence they wanted and the police was also informed and all the evidence was given to the authorities.

Lu Bai on the other hand wondered why these people only think about planning on how to deal with the Chen family and those moles who still works at the company after helping Mr Chen kill the xiao couple instead of letting xiao zhan know the truth! Xiao zhan deserves to know the truth too, everytime he talked about it the only answer he got is it's not the right time yet!.

He finally decided to take action on his own and sent a text message to xiao zhan saying he wants to meet him at a certain hotel because he has something important to tell him.

Xiao zhan at first wondered what lu Bai wanted to tell him and getting a call from lu Bai and the way he sounded so serious then xiao zhan decided to go and the two decided to meet tomorrow in the afternoon.

Yibo was doing well an x-ray was done on his tibia and humerus bone fracture and the healing process was going on well. He was allowed to go home but must follow all the instructions that were put down.

Xiao zhan prepared lunch for everyone and then left to meet up with lu bai, he didn't tell wang yibo exactly what he was going to do, but just informed him he is going to meet a friend they haven't seen each other for year's.

Wang yibo didn't want to question zhan and make him feel like he is controlling his every movement, he will trust and respect zhan every doing as long it won't affect their relationship and also put xiao zhan in danger.

Zhan arrived at the hotel and saw lu bai who has already arrived and waiting for him.

"It has been years since the last time I saw you, you have really grown." Xiao zhan said with a smile and sat down.

"Ofcourse I won't behave childishly forever, what do you want to drink I will order for you." Lu Bai answered proudly, he is already a mature young man.

"Just orange juice will be enough." Zhan said.

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