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The reporter's wanted to question the governor and the beautiful boy, and how they got here they were tipped and told to come here earlier yesterday even before the party started and they were to take pictures and videos once once the room door was opened, the room number was also sent over.

This is big and hot news the young and competent governor caught with his lover at xxxx hotel!

The reporter's were somehow confused because the young man who came out of the hotel room at that time wasn't the young man who instructed them! The one who instructed and paid them was Chen lu and this boy is unknown but it doesn't matter any hot news is worth it!.

The news of the governor and his secret lover was all over the internet and television in no time! It looks like the famous and beautiful Chen lu and Wang yibo were just rumor's the two were shipped alot by the media and internet they even have die hard fans but it turned out the two are just friend's because the governor has a beautiful boyfriend that has been dating in secret and no one knew about it!.

The media was in chaos, the reporter's started searching for Chen lu for an explanation. Pictures and videos of xiao zhan with Wang yibo together were all over the media. Everyone knew about their relationship now and people were curious and asking when they will get married.

Chen lu who saw the news and knew the reporter's were trying to find his whereabouts hid while trembling in anger, never in his life has he dreamt or expected his useless and good for nothing brother the man he has been in love with for year's to end up on the same bed! And now everyone has seen it and knew what happened between the governor and that slut xiao zhan! He was the one who was supposed to spend the night with Wang yibo not the adopted child who appeared everywhere and steals everything that belongs to him!.

Chen lu shouted in frustration and started breaking thing's that were visible to the eye and reach, not caring of the injuries he was sustaining on his hands.

The news didn't last for long and we're immediately taken down within ten minutes.

A government official private life shouldn't be exposed like that, the media platforms that released the news were given a warning and if any similar news that will be released again will be dealt accordingly.

Xiao zhan on the other hand moved back in fear when the governor's gaze didn't leave his sight even for a single second, no word's came out of his mouth and his lower lip has been tortured again and again because of fear.

"I.....I.." Zhan who mastered up all his courage tried to speak but kept his mouth shut when Wang yibo started laughing, his laughter wasn't genuine, he could feel the malice in the governor's voice.

"Now you finally got what you wanted right? Your plan has achieved and you can be in the limelight!" Yibo said sarcastically, zhan shook his head, he never planned anything, even if he has the courage to plan something he wouldn't dare to involve the governor someone who is working with the government! He is not stupid do to such a thing!.

"I know you won't admit that, and looking at you look familiar! The boy who stood Infront of my car and was almost ran over, you even has the guts to spike my drink, sleep with me and call the reporter's over! Such a calculating person who resides in an innocent face! So shameless!" Yibo shouted making zhan face to turn even more paler.

He has no idea what Wang yibo was talking about, he never planned anything, he doesn't remember how he got in the governor's room, he only wanted to go back home and lead his normal life but something terrible happened to him, he got violated and he is still bleeding because he could feel the wetness on the trousers he was wearing, but he wouldn't dare to say that he needs to see a doctor because he is hurt.

"I didn't sir...I didn't." Zhan who has panicked answered immediately, he is innocent he is also a victim but how can he explain himself when he was caught red handed.

Yibo smirked, people who are guilty will always be the first people to defend themselves by denying for what they have done and the boy here isn't an exception.

"You're such a great actor, I should praise you for that. Tell me honestly why did you target me? Maybe I can give you a lighter punishment. Are you in dire need of money or someone sent you to destroy me and my career?" Yibo asked his voice getting sharper with each said word.

He got up and approached xiao zhan who hit a dead end, grabbing zhan chin and forced the trembling xiao zhan to look at him.

"Stop pretending, it disgusts me! Don't try to make up a lie by saying it was a coincidence when we met yesterday! I have come across and seen alot of people like you!" Yibo continued to speak.

Xiao zhan was so scared that he lost consciousness.

Yibo with his fast reflexes immediately moved back, making xiao zhan to fall down on the floor, a trail of blood could be seen on the floor and yibo without being told knew better where the blood was coming from, yibo looked at the unconscious xiao zhan in disgust and made a call, seconds later a bodyguard entered.

"Take this filth to the hospital and don't let him to escape." Yibo instructed and headed to the shower to clean himself.

The bodyguard did what was instructed, yibo finished preparing himself then took out his phone and called Chen lu but his calls didn't go through, yibo had to call Chen lu mother who immediately recieved the call, the two talked for few minutes and yibo disconnected the call.

An hour later

Wang yibo decided to go back to his parents house since his dad called him. Yibo was well aware it must be because of the news earlier.

Arriving at his parents house Wang yibo was invited inside and he sat down beside his dad.

"Iam sure you saw the news, you know your status very well, you don't have any other choice if you want to keep your reputation clean then you will have to marry that boy." Mr Wang said, yibo facial expression turned ugly, marry a person who planned to destroy his life? A nobody?.

" But dad you know very well I don't have any plans of getting married for the time being, and seeing myself marrying that shameless boy who planned everything evil is unacceptable!" Yibo shouted very unwilling.

"I understand, but you have no choice, just get married to him then divorce him later, iam sure he is just after your money." Yibo dad said.

Wang yibo rubbed his face in frustration, the resentment and anger towards xiao zhan in his heart grew even more.

"You slut I will make you pay for this!" Yibo whispered while gritting his teeth in anger, he still couldn't bring himself to believe that his life just made a major U-turn just because of a single night.

GOVERNOR'S EX WIFE ✔️✅☑️Where stories live. Discover now