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"Uncle what you instructed me to find is really hard, iam still in the process, just give me few more days and I will give you all  the report." Lu Bai who didn't want to give out the already report he had answered looking really honest and not someone who is actually lying, wang yibo didn't realize that his nephew is actually lying.

"My patience is running out and if find out that your trying to play smart with me lu Bai, then I will make your parents forget how you originally look like, don't think I don't know your little games you always play." Yibo who believed his nephew warned just in case and he saw a change in lu Bai expression and without being told he knew his nephew must be lying or trying to hide something from him.

"Lu Bai! You dare lie to me! Do I look like your mate!" Yibo asked while gritting his teeth in anger.

" can I lie to you, you just scared me with your word's! You always threaten people without changing your expression, I wonder if my little uncle is really happy and comfortable being around you when you don't even smile or act gentle, he must only pretend to be good because he is afraid!" Lu Bai answered.

Wang yibo remained silent for few seconds still digesting and processing lu Bai words, is xiao zhan really scared of him? Is the way he talks to xiao zhan not gentle enough? Does he always look scary and xiao zhan is actually afraid of him but pretends to act normal infront of him?.

Speaking of that, the first time he met with xiao zhan after the birthday party was not good at all, he insulted xiao zhan, humiliated him and looked down on him, not only that he also threatened him several times and because of him being so angry and disgusted with xiao zhan he indirectly hurt him physically too and later saw injuries on zhan body.

He has not apologized to xiao zhan with what he has done to him, an eighteen years old boy experiencing such things, hurting him emotionally and mentally which must have really traumatized zhan, not even once has xiao zhan refused what he said and he has never complained even once, how many hurts and suffering has xiao zhan carried alone all this time and not even once has he complained or shared with others but he only smiles and laugh's infront of him.

He claimed to really love xiao zhan but he hasn't done anything sincere to him and not even once has he said sorry for what he has done, he really is so proud and heartless that asking for forgiveness never passed in his mind not even once, xiao zhan must be thinking he is good not because he loves him but because they're pretending, he already told xiao zhan that they're only pretending to be close because of the conference and he shouldn't fall in love with him.

But here he is he is the one who failed miserably, he warned zhan not to fall in love with him but he is the one who actually fell in love with the person he was so disgusted with and swore never to fall in love with.

"Don't have any weird ideas for my partner, let's go and I will introduce you to him." Yibo finally said, lu Bai pouted, the only thing his uncle is good at is warning him.

"Uncle by the way before I forget I will tell you something, please be careful of the Chen family, they're not the way they always portray themselves to be, if your not careful then...." Lu Bai didn't dare to continue speaking but just followed his uncle out of the restaurant, he knew the Chen family wouldn't dare to do anything to his uncle, but then if they dared to do such a heinous crime and they're still Scot free then they might have weird ideas and dares.

"Oh? the way your talking now, you look so mature and I prefer this side of you more, my partner is so mature and it will be better if you have even one percent of his behavior."  Yibo said and let his nephew enter the car before driving off with his pouting nephew.

Xiao zhan left not long after wang yibo has left, he didn't go far this time but a cafe which is near wang yibo residence and he didn't have to be driven there, it is only a two minutes walk from the house.

Mr Chen booked a private box where the two of them could talk privately.

"Hi dad, I'm sorry the other day I left suddenly without talking to you." Zhan apologized and sat down.

"It's okay, I should be the one to apologize to you, my son and wife didn't treat you well, but even though we made you feel isolated, but we honestly and truly care about you and treated you as our own child, you were young when we brought you home from the orphanage." Mr Chen answered, zhan felt funny with Mr Chen word's, suddenly saying such caring word's which seems very weird.

"It's okay dad, I don't remember anything about my childhood, it's all a blur, just like other kids who remembers few things or most thing's about there childhood but I don't remember anything not even one thing." Zhan answered, it's really so unfortunate that he doesn't remember anything.

" Have you ever wished to remember anything from your childhood." Mr Chen asked his expression changing and his hand slowly went under his court and he tightly clutched the pistol he always carries, xiao zhan will be able to live for few more year's if no one comes to stress his family and he will be safe for now as long as he doesn't remember anything, he is already eighteen years old and he is lucky until now he hasn't died but if anything happens then he will kill xiao zhan and no other threat will be standing in his way.

"No, whatever happened when I was young is not important." Zhan answered with a smile on his face, what's important right now is fulfill his little wishes.

Mr Chen released the pistol and smiled at xiao zhan.

"Your parents lives in another city, you also have a little brother." Mr Chen said, zhan eyes lit up, his family, his real family! He has a mother, father and even a brother!.

"Really! When can I see them, can I see them now? I really want to see them." Zhan shouted all excited, his wish of finally having a family of his own has been achieved.

"You can see them just after you do something for me, it's nothing much, but as long as you do it, you will meet your family."  Mr Chen who expected such a reaction from xiao zhan said with a smile.

"Don't worry I will do anything as long as I will see my family." Zhan didn't hesitate but answered, as long as he could do it, no matter how hard and challenging it will be, he is ready and he won't back down.

"Good, there's a very important project that your husband has, I want you to get into your husband study and get the documents of the project and send them to me, as long as you do it, I will let you see your parents." Mr Chen said.

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