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"I really don't want to die young, but maybe it's fate I will die even before I meet my parents and have a good life." Zhan whispered sadly while imagining how his life will just end just like that and no one in this world will actually care or remember that he once existed.

He was sad for a while, but at the end he decided to accept the outcome, but before he does, maybe he should go to the hospital and know how many days, weeks, months or years he has remained so that he could be ready, in this way if he has weeks or months or years he might be able to fullfil all his unfulfilled wishes and he will die without regrets.

He took out his phone and called his adoptive dad, he needs to meet with him and tell him about his parents and maybe he will be able to meet them, this is going to be his first wish, know about his parents and at least get his parents love and care which might be considered his second wish.

Zhan disconnected the call with a smile, tomorrow he will meet with Mr Chen and he will be able to know more about his parents and he might even meet them, embrace them, cry in their arms, pour out all his grievances all these years, just imagining about that, he was honestly very happy and looking forward to meeting his parents who will be genuine with him.

At night

Yibo finished his work, it was already passed midnight and Xiao zhan was already asleep, he checked to see if xiao zhan was comfortable before going to have a quick shower and went to bed, he noted that xiao zhan stomach seems a little bigger than normal, he is not sure if it's because zhan over ate today, he had the kitchen adjust the food cooked in the afternoon to be as abit spicy and also some sour fruits, zhan ate more than usual in the afternoon and even at night and if he didn't stop him, he could have continued to eat.

"Now see until now your tummy is still protruding, you should start exercising else you will be big bellied." Yibo said with a slight smile on his face, he caressed zhan stomach making him to Humm comfortably and moved closer towards him still asleep.

"You still want to be close to me even when your still sleeping, you clingy bunny." Yibo added, gently tapped zhan nose and hugged him to sleep, he has already decided to accept zhan and be with him forever, at first he only was pretending to be close to zhan so that he during the conference it won't be uncomfortable or too fake, but now whatever he is doing is not fake but very real, he really does have feelings for xiao zhan but he hasn't confessed to zhan yet, but decided to show with actions, he no longer wants to use that fake report he prepared, but just be natural, he wants to be honest, he wants to show xiao zhan that he genuinely love him and wants to be together with him.

Next day

"Your awake early today, give me your phone number and let's add WeChat." Yibo told the awake xiao zhan who seems to be in a good mood and spirits today.

Zhan didn't refuse and added WeChat with wang yibo, second's later his phone vibrated and when he checked his hands trembled and he rubbed his eyes several times to check if it's real.

"Hey why are you behaving like you have never seen money before? You go buy something for yourself." Yibo asked xiao zhan who was behaving like someone who has never seen money before.

" all for me? .....are you really.... really sure?" Zhan stuttered but still wanted to confirm.

"Yes it's all for you... anyway it's little money it's nothing." Yibo said while laughing wondering if xiao zhan has never had such amount of money before.

"But....but... it's one million! This is a lot, you know you can't just waste money like this, this is really a lot, I can't accept it." Zhan answered, in his life he has never been given such amount of money and all the money he has saved in his life has not reached more than a hundred thousand yuan.

"Hey have you forgotten who iam, money is not a problem to me, even if I use it extravagantly without working then I will still survive for years."

"Then...then this money can I save it, I don't want to buy anything."

"Yes it's your money, you can do whatever you want." Yibo who was fully prepared got up and added before going out. "My nephew came today and I have something to discuss with him,you can go out to have fun."

"Can I go out alone without bodyguards, I promise I won't get into trouble, just go out to explore and come back early." Zhan suggested, being followed really makes him feel so uncomfortable, it doesn't give him a sense of privacy at all.

"Not possible, anytime you go out you get hurt, you must go out with someone following you, this way I will be less worried." Yibo didn't hesitate but refuse, this careless bunny can't even be careful and always gets bullied and hurt all the time, making him worry all the time.

"Please! please! Please hubby, I swear I won't go far, just nearby, I swear I won't get in trouble." Zhan who decided to act coquettishly, lovingly rubbing his face against yibos chest, yibos heartbeat accelerated and his heart melted, his partner acting so cute made him not to be able to control himself.

"Okay...okay you can go, just be careful, make sure to have breakfast before leaving." Yibo walked out closing the door from behind and took a deep breath to calm himself down, if this continues he is not sure when he will completely lose and jump on that bunny and eat him cleanly, using such a seductive voice to beg him and those naughty hand's touching him has always caused him in a way that he has never reacted before.

"Uncle you finally came to see me! Just look at me, haven't I grown to be more mature and handsome just like you.?" Lu Bai who saw wang yibo shouted catching attention to the people who were also in the restaurant for breakfast.

"Mature and handsome like me? Have you ever seen me creating unnecessary attention just like you now?" Yibo who hasn't seen his nephew for year's couldn't scold him.

"Uncle you don't have to be so mean! Can't you be caring even a little bit?" Lu Bai complained while showing his pinky.

"Just hand over what I instructed you to get."

"Uncle what you instructed me to find is really hard, iam still in the process, just give me few more days and I will give you all  the report." Lu Bai who didn't want to give out the already report he had answered looking really honest and not someone who is actually lying, wang yibo didn't realize that his nephew is actually lying.

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