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Xiao zhan woke up early and he felt like he has been entangled all over by a big python who wants to crush him and suffocate him  to death, he remembers clearly he was sleeping in wang yibos room and now being in this situation, does by any chance wang yibo keeps a python pet or maybe after he fell asleep yibo took him and threw him in a den full of pythons!

He quickily opened his eye's while trying to move away from the entanglement, the grasp on his waist tightened, his legs were also prevented from moving, looking carefully he realised that it's wang yibo who has plans of crushing him to death! Hugging him so tightly like he is a teddy bear! This is unacceptable!.

"Sir let me go! I want to go to the toilet." Zhan said knowing well wang yibo must be awake.

But he stiffened when yibo kissed his cheek several times and the next second his face turned crimson red, yibo just kissed him! Not only once but several times!.

"Good morning my love."

Zhan felt like a bomb exploded in his mind, what did he just hear? Wang yibo the governor called him my love! Since when did they become so close and intimate that they can call each other my love! Why does this wang yibo want to kill him with heart attack when he is still very young!.

Yibo:"Hey i greeted you, why are you not answering?"

Zhan:"G-good morning."

Zhan stuttered blushing even more.

"You seem to have forgotten something, since we are legally married and iam your husband, from now on you have to call me hubby."


Yibo:"Yes, call me now."


Yibo breathing became heavier when he heard xiao zhan call him hubby, the way xiao zhan called him with his unique voice felt so right that for a second he felt there is no need of keeping a grudge and hating this calculating boy who behaves so innocent and just enjoy the life of marriage.

"That feels really good, you will have to call me hubby and give me a kiss every morning after waking up and at night before going to bed, remember we are real and legal partner's at the moment." Yibo said lovingly making xiao zhan heart to beat fast and he somehow felt really sweet and happy, if only the man hugging him right now is really the man who has plans to spend the rest of his life with him and be happy forever, its just so unfortunate that nothing like that could happen and wang yibo hates him to the core and right now they're just pretending.

Zhan covered his face in embarrassment but still nodded his head, he shouldn't be swayed away by such sweet word's, they're just pretending to be a loving couple and wang yibo will ales see him as someone despicable and shameless, he will make sure not to be confused and end up getting hurt.

The two showered separately, zhan got dressed back to his room, but yibo informed him to bring everything back to the room they will be sharing, together they headed downstairs and went directly to the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat for breakfast?" Zhan asked wang yibo while checking the fridge to see all the thing's available.

"Pancake with eggs should be good, iam not a picky eater." Yibo who was quite for a while answered and stood behind xiao zhan who was about to wash his hands after taking out everything that was needed to prepare pancake pancake with eggs.

"I will help you wash your hands and at the same time i will washing my hands too." Yibo whispered in xiao zhan ear's and couldn't help himself but smell xiao zhan neck.

"I love how you smell, so addicting." Yibo added making the already blushing zhan to blush even more, the two are just so close, wang yibo was obviously back hugging him and he could feel yibo powerful heartbeat.

Yibo though he said he is helping xiao zhan prepare breakfast kept back  hugging xiao zhan and touching his abdomen and sometimes his ass which xiao zhan really noted and knew wang yibo wasn't here to help him cook but secretly take advantage of him.

"It smells nice, you are a good cook, from today your going to prepare my food." Yibo said and motioned xiao zhan to feed him.

"Open your mouth." Zhan said, cut a little bit of the pancake with a fork, yibo opened his mouth took a bite his eye's not leaving xiao zhan pink lips and pulled him close by his waist and kissed him, zhan eye's went wide when he was suddenly kissed.

Chen lu who hasn't seen or talked to wang yibo for day's decided to visit him and even have breakfast with him, going inside the house he saw the butler who was doing his own thing's.

"Uncle good morning, where is big brother yibo i came to visit him." Chen lu said with a smile on his face.

"Oh your here, master is in the kitchen preparing breakfast today." The butler answred, chen lu was surprised he has never heard of wang yibo cooking or even going to the kitchen, well maybe he wants to learn how to cook.

"Okay uncle thank you i will go help him." Chen lu said and run towards the kitchen even before the butler could speak.

"Big bro........" Chen lu who arrived at the kitchen shouted but didn't finish what he was saying because what he saw infront of him made him to freeze and drop his phone and bag he was carrying.

Xiao zhan who heard commotion from the kitchen door tried to push wang yibo away which made yibo to frown and he pulled zhan even more closer towards him and deepened, zhan subconsciously closed his eye's and slowly learnt how to kiss just like wang yibo.

Chen lu never expected wang yibo would kiss xiao zhan whom he hated to the core and even after he heard him and felt someone was standing at the door he continued to kiss xiao zhan even more deeply, he did everything and hinted several times towards wang yibo but all his approaches and hinting were ignored! He left the house and ran out of wang yibos house crying ignoring the butler's calls who wondered has happened for Chen lu to suddenly leave while crying.

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