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Chen lu looked up and saw wang yibo who was together with xiao zhan outside the police station, he panicked when he saw wang yibo he still remembers what he did and moved back in fear.

"Has hiding all this time think I won't find you Chen lu, all this time I actually know where you were hiding." Wang yibo said with a slight smile on his face.

Chen lu trembled all over opening his mouth and closing it several times he finally managed to say a word. "Big brother iam sorry that day I didn't mean to cause that accident."

"With what you did you should be behind bars by now."

Yibo word's made chen lu to be very scared he quickly rushed towards Wang yibo but zhan stood infront of yibo stopping Chen lu from getting close to yibo.

"My husband is out of bounds, if you want to say something then please use your mouth and stay away and being touchy isn't allowed at all." Zhan said.

Chen lu stopped on his track's and had no other choice but get onto his knees surprising xiao zhan who never expected one day Chen lu will actually keep aside his pride and kneel.

Xiao zhan knew he doesn't really hate chen lu, whatever happened to him when he was young wasn't really that bad, and he can't hold grudge just because of that, Chen lu if he was brought up well then he could have turned up to be good and not bad like he is now.

"Big brother please don't let the police arrest me! I don't want to be jailed! Iam sorry I promise I will change my behavior, I promise not to bother you again!" Chen lu begged in tears but yibo didn't react in any way, all the little affection he had for Chen lu has long dissapeared.

Wang yibo knew Chen lu will never change, whatever his good for nothing parents taught and the way he was brought up, it's just a pity.

"Chen lu you did alot of unforgivable thing's that won't spare you, I will forgive you for the accident but for what you planned to do xiao zhan during the birthday party is something I won't easily let go, not only are you a danger to my family but to other's too." Yibo answered his voice not containing any emotions, he knows xiao zhan might be softhearted and let Chen lu go, but he is not that softhearted, be promised not to let any danger lurk outside not knowing when it will attack.

Chen lu shook his head and grabbed zhan trousers while crying. "Xiao zhan please beg big brother for me, I was confused at that time and did such an unforgivable thing, please don't let him put me to jail! I will turn a new leaf! Xiao zhan for the little relationship we heard when we were young please help me this once iam begging you!"

Zhan just shook off Chen lu hand grabbing his trousers in disgust and moved back, the police officers immediately arrested the crying Chen lu.

"Chen lu remember what I told you not long ago, karma is a bitch! You need to pay for everything that you have done." Xiao zhan told Chen lu who was being dragged then looked at his husband who was smiling at him and said. " I hope the psychiatrist we got for him will help him and after he comes out of jail he will turn to a new leaf and start his own life afresh."

Yibo could only sigh, his partner is as usual softhearted he still hopes for the person who did alot of unforgivable thing's to him to be given a second chance.

"I hope your right, he really looks like he is mentally ill and I hope he will change to a new leaf just like you have said."

A week passed and the case hearing finally started and lasted for almost two weeks,the verdict was finally read the accomplices who participated in the murder of the xiao couple were each given seventy year's in prison, they were already old and can't last for all those years meaning they will never be out for the rest of their lives, also all their riches that they have made all these years will be handed over to xiao zhan, as for Mrs Chen and Mr Chen who were the master mind were given life imprisonment without the possibility of parole with hard labour.

Wang yibo wasn't satisfied with that but he also paid a good amount of money to make sure the Chen couple will have a very 'good stay' at the prison for their lives, just like how xiao zhan has said their lives will be a living hell, they will wish to die but they just can't die and was finally satisfied.

Although justice was finally served but the xiao couple resting place was never known and they couldn't get the respectful and good burial that they deserved.

A memorial vigil was held for the xiao couple who has died for year's, close family members friend's and some well known people attended the vigil.

Xiao zhan was really thankful to everyone especially lu Bai, li yang, his husband and the Wang couple who did everything to make sure the Chen family was brought to justice.

All the inheritance that was supposed to belong to xiao zhan was finally given to the rightful owner, zhan didn't want a thing the millions of money that belonged to him he decided to donate to the needy and orphanages too and charity, their people out there who needs these things than him, the xiao family has long been forgotten for years and as long as justice has been served he no longer wants to dwell in the past it's better to move on.

Xiao zhan pregnancy progressed well and everyone was happy knowing a new member will added to the family, the Wang couple's were beyond excited and bragged to anyone they met, Wuxian on the other hand was very happy knowing he is going to be a big brother.

Wang yibo recovery went well and after going therapy for several months he was finally well and completely healed and resumed his normal activities.

Wuxian came to know of his big daddy but  he used to call wang yibo mommy since in his mind since xiao zhan is his daddy then wang yibo is his mommy and people who heard how Wuxian called wang yibo couldn't help it but laugh.

Wang yibo didn't mind at first but then seeing how serious the situation was and no matter how hard he tried to tell Wuxian that he should call him big daddy not mommy but all his teachings and reminder fell into deaf ears and the title of mommy remained with him until Wuxian grew up big enough to know that wang yibo is his big daddy not mommy but then by then the two little guy's born a girl and a boy continued to call wang yibo mommy and even sometimes asked for breast milk making Wang yibo to sometimes think twice coming home the little devil's he should call kid's.

The family of five lived happily ever after without any problems coming their way, Chen lu who was jailed for five years was released and turned a new life just as xiao zhan has expected, Chen lu travelled to the state's changed his name and led a new life far away from all the bad thing's that has occurred.


Thank you all for your support for this story, the story has finally come to an end, it has been a long journey and I never expected the story to end so soon..

I will be finishing my all ongoing stories which are not that long before starting to write a completely new storyline and I hope to get more support and love from you guys thank you so much!!!!!

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