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"I'm sorry hubby, I know you will hate me, but if I don't leave and persist on staying with you then my life will be in danger and I can't tell the day I will drop dead, I don't want to be the reason for you to fight with your family, I don't want to be a reason of someone dying, I love you so much, I really do, but I can't be with you." Zhan whispered while sobbing.

He knew the most important right now is find a place to live, it's already night and he can't just sleep in the street, right now he needs a place to sleep and tomorrow he will think of a way to find a place to call home, being in the same city as wang yibo isn't a good idea he will easily be found, moving to a small town or even a less developed place is the only thing to do, he first bought a new simcard, opened a new account and transferred the six million and discarded the old simcard.

Finding a place to buy food for himself, he boarded a bus and decided to move out of the city and go as far as possible, he made sure not to book with his real details rather he had an old lady who was also travelling to book for him, this way even if wang yibo tried to check he won't find a trace of him, he covered his face well even on CCTV cameras no one will recognize him.

Luckily he had the medication he was given from the hospital, after eating the dinner he bought and he took his medicine, by the time he was done the bus was already the big busy city that he has been since he was young until now, but with unexplained circumstances, he has no choice but to leave, he didn't have a chance to look at wang yibo closely, hug him , kiss him for one last time before leaving.

Wang yibo on the other hand handled the matter at hand at the company half way through, then he got a call and the process and confirmation of him stepping down as a governor was approved, finally he doesn't have to be in the limelight all the time and he is going to lead a normal life with his family and that's none other but xiao zhan.

"Boss why did you suddenly decide to step down as a governor?" The secretary asked still not sure why his boss did so.

"Once you have fallen in love, gotten married and you have your own family then you will understand." Yibo answered and imagining xiao zhan being alone at home waiting for him to go back made his expression to soften, xiao zhan must be pouting right now knowing that he can't be home tonight.

The secretary just nodded his head and continued to report the ongoing work but deep down he knew his boss must be deeply in love, that young man must be lucky to have found his boss, it's so rare for someone to find a person who genuinely love's him.

The night was busy for him and he didn't have time to check his phone, by the time he was done it was already past three in the middle of the night, he let the secretary to leave early, having a shower he decided to have a nap then go back home and see xiao zhan.

He slept for four hours, by the time he woke up, it was already seven in the morning, he rushed outside the company, getting inside the car he headed back home, the bodyguards, butler's and the maid's has already returned and could see everyone was getting busy, he rushed to his room expecting to see xiao zhan sleeping, but the bed was empty, checking the toilet no one was their, he wondered where xiao zhan could have gone to.

He left the room and saw the chef who was preparing breakfast.

Wang yibo:"Have you seen my partner?"

Chef:"No, but your father spent the night here and he said the young master left to see relatives."

Wang yibo frowned and he immediately left the kitchen and went upstairs to check every room to see which room his dad was sleeping and he saw his dad outside from one of the windows and he seems to be watering the flowers.

He left the house and went outside to meet his dad who noticed him approaching.

"What did you do? Where did you take my wife? Who gave you permission to be in my house! I already warned mom and you from coming here right! Tell me what did you do to xiao zhan!" Wang yibo shouted the moment he got close to his dad.

"Is that the way to talk to me your father! Why shouldn't I come to my son's house! Your house is my house! Can you show some respect when talking to me!" Mr Wang scolded wang yibo obviously unhappy with how his son talked to him.

"If your my father then you should have respected my decisions! I don't want to argue with you, just tell me where my partner is else thing's will really get ugly!" Wang yibo who was already angry said while approaching his father, Mr Wang moved back vigilant still not believing his son could actually threaten him like this and not respect him at all just because of that boy.

"is your so called partner a child? Did you assign me to look after him!" Mr Wang who was also short tempered shouted, his word's angered yibo more and he lifted his hand to hit his dad but was stopped by the bodyguards who were nearby.

"I dare you say that again! Just because your my father you don't have any right to dictate and control my life! Don't pretend to act innocent, you must have done something for my partner to leave."

"You should be thankful if I didn't come here yesterday, then I wouldn't have known he is such kind of a person!" Mr wang who decided to lie and use xiao zhan earlier word's shouted.

"What kind of person is my partner! Do you think slandering my partner will make me believe you, I know xiao zhan better than you!" Yibo said with a sneer, he trust xiao zhan more than anyone else in this world.

"Your blind with love that's why your saying such word's! Xiao zhan never loved and was only toying with you all this time!"

"Lier! You can't accuse him without any evidence!"

"You want evidence then I will show you the evidence, iam your father and I will never stay aside and watch you get conned, I care about you and I will always protect you."

"Here he left a message for you." Mr wang said and took out his phone and gave his son who was fuming in anger.

Wang yibo took his father's phone, looked at his dad for a second then opened the video to watch.

Yibo hand's trembled and he dropped the phone, then looked at his dad.

"You forced him to say this right? Xiao zhan is not such a person, it's impossible! I know you don't like him, but you didn't have to cook such kind of a story to lie to me!"

Mr wang didn't expect his son to trust xiao zhan so much that he didn't believe the video and has started to doubt him and if he will not think first and come up with word's then his son will know something is wrong.

"You know me better son, iam not such a kind of a person, from the start you know better how you met xiao zhan, you two have been together not for long and you can't just believe what you see when you don't know him very well, son don't be blinded by him, he has been making fun of you all this time and enjoying when he sees how act so in love with him, he doesn't deserve you nor your love." Mr wang who has walked closer to his son said gently and patted his son shoulder

GOVERNOR'S EX WIFE ✔️✅☑️Where stories live. Discover now