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Wang yibo had wen Ning stay with Wuxian for a day and bring him back the second day, wen Ning didn't refuse, Wuxian seems to be a very good kid to hang out with and even stay with and it's not a bad idea having a child at his house atleast he won't be bored, he could guess what might have happened between his boss and young master.

"Would you like to sleep at uncle's place today? I have alot of fun thing's for you to do at my place and I will cook something good for you too." Wen Ning who was carrying Wuxian asked.

Wuxian who loves playing and being surprised all the time didn't refuse but immediately accepted.

Wen Ning who was nervous calmed down and was no longer worried, taking care of a child looks hard but the young master's child is different, he is not so annoying or a cry baby, the night was peaceful and Wuxian didn't cause any trouble.

"After you left where did you go next? I tried to find you here in the city but there was no trace of you?" Yibo who was feeding porridge to xiao zhan asked, he has always been curious where xiao zhan could actually run to.

"Well thanks to an old lady who was like a family to me and decided to help me, it's a small town miles away from here and you will never think I will go to such a place, thanks to the six million I had, I didn't suffer at all." Zhan answered but pouted when he was pinched on his cheek.

"You didn't suffer at all? So that means you didn't even miss me or think of me at all?" Yibo asked unhappily.

"Hey! I was talking about money not about missing you, don't try to twist my word's!" Zhan defended making yibo eye's to be narrowed.

Yibo approached xiao zhan who didn't move away but rather looked at yibo in the eye, the two looked at each for few seconds before yibo finally spoke.

"It does count, as a ran away wife it is your obligation to think about me and miss me every day and every second."

Zhan rolled his eyes, this Wang yibo is just so impossible missing him every second that means he did nothing all these but just think about wang yibo all the time.

"Stop joking around, your my husband, at that time when i was forced to sign the divorce papers, that was the most hard and painful thing, you know I love you even if I didn't tell you, being away from you pregnant with our child was the hardest thing in my life, loving you and wanting to be together with you but I couldn't, for the past four years I really wasn't happy, I miss you every single day and always think about you." Zhan answered honestly and hugged the smiling wang yibo.

"Oh my baby, you know I love you too and now that your here with me together with our son Wuxian, I will make sure nothing happens to you, as for those who forced you to leave me and even threatened you, I will personally deal with them." Yibo said making zhan to somehow feel uncomfortable.

"Yibo those are your parents and you don't have to do anything, no matter what they do they will forever remain to be your parents."

"Parents?" Yibo sneered "If they are really my parents they shouldn't be meddling in my affair's, you don't have to say anything I will take care of everything."

"But yibo."

"Don't say anything because you won't change my mind, let's not talk about this."

Zhan kept quite seeing that wang yibo will really be angry with him if he continued to talk about his parents and the determination in yibo eye's and tone, it looks like it's impossible to change his mind, he is just as stubborn as Wuxian, now he can say without doubt like father like son.

The night was good, zhan and yibo talked most of the night and the two fell asleep late, finally clearing the misunderstanding they had before and the two after year's of separation and torment now they're finally together.

Xiao zhan knows no matter how many challenges he will go through as long as he is destined to be together with wang yibo then they will surely be together, as long as they will be together and never separate again then they will fight any obstacle's together and conquer it. He just doesn't want to watch Wang yibo fight his family because of him, yibo is lucky he has parents who cares about him and him he isn't so lucky and he just feels so uncomfortable knowing Wang yibo is ready to go  against his parents because of him.

The man sleeping beside him loves him so much and he will do anything for him even if it means going against his family just to make sure he is not bullied or be mistreated by other's, all these years he never found other's but remained faithful to him and believed him without doubting his words, he accepted Wuxian as his own son without having any doubts and demanding having a DNA test, meeting such a man who puts him first in everything is so rare.

"Hubby why iam so lucky to have found you, you treat me so well and love me so much, I lost you once, I let you down once, but now that we are together again, I will be here with you forever and never leave you again, our son needs a father too." Zhan said and kissed yibo forehead then closed his eyes to sleep.

Yibo opened his eyes which were full of smile's, he feels the same too, anything that concern's xiao zhan then he will do his level best to make sure he has accomplished it without delay, even if he didn't say it about leaving him, he has already decided he won't let xiao zhan leave him so their won't be a second time.

"Tomorrow I will go meet your uncle, be good and stay here, don't fool around when it's the right time I will let you see xiao zhan." Li yang told lu Bai, he only has two months to make sure everything is dealt with and with wang yibo help then xiao zhan could get what rightfully belongs to him.

"I know I will be good, but iam curious to know, it looks like xiao zhan doesn't have any memories of his childhood at all, did an accident happen to him when he was little?" Lu bai asked somehow confused, xiao zhan lived with the Chen's for year's.

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