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"Baby iam sorry but if you get acquainted with your other father then our peaceful life might come to an end, you should forget about your uncle, you can see that after knowing your my son he stopped being nice to you and ignored you." Zhan who was holding his son's hand which was slightly hot unlike before said and kissed Wuxian forehead.

Xiao zhan remained at the hospital with his son and he knew maybe he will be allowed to go back home the second day, luckily he won't going to work tomorrow and with current situation it looks like he can't be going to work soon, with his son behavior he will have to wait until he is completely fine and being his old self before thinking of resuming back to work.

Called his boss and informed him something serious happened to his family at home and until everything is resolved he won't be able to go to work.

Wang yibo who closed the door clenched his hands into a fist and closed his eyes tightly, he knows it's wrong he shouldn't treat a child like that, the child is innocent and he doesn't know whatever happened to him and his father, he knows he shouldn't treat an innocent child so heartlessly but then thinking the person he loved and still loves so much doesn't love him and played him really hurts and he can't control his emotions at all.

"Boss just now out there..."

"You don't have to say it, I know what I am doing and you don't have to lecture me! You can go now, I need to be alone." Yibo who didn't let wen Ning finish speaking said and walked away.

Wen Ning who was left behind sighed and went out, his boss has been secretly suffering for year's but he always acts strong and doesn't easily show his emotions, but when it comes to xiao zhan his boss reaction and emotion's he really does pity his boss, he has never been so vulnerable and emotional before but because of love his boss seems to really change.

Second day

Xiao zhan was carrying his son in his arm's and trying to feed him the porridge he bought since he can't leave Wuxian alone at the hospital and return back home, Wuxian refused and closed his mouth tightly.

Xiao zhan:"Baby please don't treat me like this, try eating something, your making me worry."

"I want uncle! I want uncle right now!" Wuxian answered though his voice was weak because of the fever last night, but you could feel the determination in his tone.

Zhan sighed, he knew how stubborn his son can be even if he is still young, but when Wuxian decides on something no matter what you will do as long as his wishes won't be granted then he will not follow your instructions. Looking away he secretly wiped his tears away that were about to fall down his face, what should he do now? Wuxian going on a hunger strike and the only word's coming out of his mouth is wanting his uncle.

He now wonder's where this sturboness came from, it must be that jerk Wang yibo, instead of Wuxian picking good behavior's and traits from him he chose to pick such unhealthy and bad traits from wang yibo! This is all Wang yibo fault! Treating a small child so unfairly and not caring at all! Creating all this mess and he is the one left to clear it.

"Wang yibo you bastard! This is all your fault! Your fault!" Zhan whispered while gritting his teeth in anger.

"Baby how about eating a little bit and we can go see uncle, I will even let you see and spend more time with handsome uncle." Zhan suggested again, just like any other parent who will coax a child, but the answer he got was Wuxian closing his eyes and turning his little head away.

Xiao zhan who didn't know what else to do got up with Wuxian in his arm's and walked out of the hospital, taking a taxi he went back home, arriving at wang yibos door, he banged at the door several times, the door was opened and wang yibo who seems to have just taken a shower stood infront of him.

Xiao zhan didn't waste time but handed over Wuxian to wang yibo.

"You can also take care of this mess you caused! All thanks to your bad behavior's and traits you have!" Zhan shouted and left without looking back.

Wang yibo just stood there wondering what has just happened, still trying to process while carrying the kid he was just given by xiao zhan.

"Uncle Uncle! I miss you so much!" Wuxian who was really happy seeing Wang yibo said and hugged Wang yibo by wrapping his little hand's around yibo neck.

Yibo whole body was stiff, he has never carried a kid before and this is his first time, this kid looks so happy and excited even though yesterday he treated him so unfairly. And now what is he thinking about! A kid was just thrown over or him and xiao zhan just walked away just like that and didn't even explain what was happening.

Yibo looked around and had no other choice but go inside with Wuxian, breakfast was ready but he hasn't eaten yet.

"Well your daddy just left you here with me, will you eat breakfast with me?" Yibo asked Wuxian who seems not to want to get down from his arm's because he hugged him tightly like the next second he will dissapear.

"Yes uncle."

Luckily yibo ordered porridge recipe it was still warm, he sat down with Wuxian in his arm's, even though you could see his clumsiness handling Wuxian, but Wuxian wasn't dissatisfied at all rather he was happy, his uncle his here with him and he is even feeding him porridge which is more than enough.

"Iam sorry about yesterday, uncle was stressed and didn't treat you well." Yibo who was really guilty remembering what he did yesterday said.

"It's okay uncle, iam happy handsome uncle is here with me." Wuxian answered with a wide smile.

Yibo heart felt warm, it doesn't look so bad when it comes to taking care of kid's, still he is confused what xiao zhan meant by saying those words, leaving a kid with him and walking away, like he refused to take responsibility, he looks like a man who refused to take full responsibility after messing up.

Xiao zhan left the apartment complex again and ran his last stop being the park he wanted to go with Wuxian yesterday but nothing good came out of it after wang yibo appeared.

"Since you appeared everything has been going south instead of north, the only person I should call family is now being snatched away by you! Wang yibo how can you be so heartless!"

Tomorrow I might not be able to update since I will be going to work, so today you will have a double update...

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