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Wen ning opend tha car door to let xiao zhan out so that he could give the police a report when he saw his boss car and a second later wang yibo came out of his car and looked towards him, his expression was obviously serious and he looks very angry.

Xiao zhan who saw the angry wang yibo knew that he is trouble now.

Trying to think first how to save his ass and not got beaten by wang yibo, he immediately thougt of running away, this way he will surely be safe for sometime and prepare for his body which has been very good and haven't suffered any pain to get used to being in pain, he is very sure wang yibos beating will hurt very badly and asking for forgo won't work at all.

Seeing wang yibo getting closer and closer, he knew it's time to run and get as far away from here as possible before it is too late, he turned around to run.

Wang yibo saw xiao zhan action and knew what he was planning to do, and his steps became faster and with one two fast steps he grabbed xiao zhan shoulder.

Wang yibo:"Where are you trying to run to huh?"

Zhan swallowed hard not expecting to be caught even before he started running.

"Husband how can i run away? I....i just don't want you to see my ugly face." Xiao zhan  whose mind has been racing nonstop trying to find word's immediately said then turned around and hugged wang yibo, wrapping his hands around yibo waist.

Yibo heart somehow softened when zhan called him husband, that name husband really makes him feel very happy, he loves xiao zhan calling him  husband, that feeling is really good.

"C'mon look at me, i don't mind how you look like, your husband will get justice for you." Yibo who had a slight smile on his face answered, the anger he had few seconds ago greatly reduced, wen ning himself was surprised, his boss seems to have really changed.

"Huh justice?" Zhan asked somehow confused and lifted his head to look at wang yibo, the injury on his face wasn't that bad, and the blood has already dried.

Yibo frowned seeing the injury on xiao zhan face even around the ear, no one is allowed to hurt his partner, no matter the reason why xiao zhan came here, it doesn't give them any reason and right to hurt his partner.

"Does it hurt?" Yibo asked not having the courage to touch the small wound, fearing xiao zhan could be in pain. Zhan nodded but then shook his head.

"Why are you being so confusing? Nodding your head and then shaking your head."

"It doesn't hurt."

"Really? One thing i hate the most is being lied to."

"It really doesn't hurt right now, i only felt pain when she scratched me." Zhan answered his face full of innocence.

Yibo held xiao zhan hand, looked at Mrs Chen who was shouting and struggling to break free from the police officers.

"Wang yibo, iam your aunt! Tell these police officers to let me go! That xiao zhan is just a lier, i never hurt him! You know me well i will never hurt anyone!" Mrs Chen shouted, zhan hid behind wang yibo.

"Take her away, she is scaring my partner, hurting someone that belongs to me, is an unforgivable crime." Yibo answered and didn't bother to speak with mr chen or look at Mrs Chen who was taken away.

"Wen ning for failing to protect my partner, you know you failed to do your duty well and exposed my partner in danger, you go and recieve your punishment." Wang yibo added while looking at wen ning, zhan froze and looked at wang yibo still not believing wang yibo will go to such extent to punish someone else who is innocent.

Xiao zhan:"But he is innocent, why are you punishing him? He did nothing wrong."

Zhan who couldn't just let wen ning get punished asked, the person who hurt him is mrs chen and the police has already arrested her and she will punished for what she has done, as for wen ning, he doesn't deserve to be punished.

"Are you trying to question me? Being overly protective of him, do you have something going on verse you and him?" Yibo whose gentle expression has changed and now frowning asked his voice cold.

" nothing is going on between us, i just think....he...he doesn't deserve to be punished." Zhan stuttered but still tried to reason out with wang yibo.

"Wen ning your punishment will be doubled." Yibo told wen ning who hasn't left yet.

Xiao zhan:"Huh but....but."

Wang yibo:"You will be punished three times."

Zhan who wanted to speak closed his mouth and didn't dare to say another word.

Wang yibo looked at xiao zhan sneered while walked away angry, zhan who was left behind looked at wen ning whose expression was the same and run to catch up with wang yibo.

"Shouldn't you stay behind and console your dear sweetheart, why are you following me?" Yibo asked sarcastically while looking at xiao zhan.

"What sweetheart?"

"Now pretending not to know, few seconds were you not the one trying to protect another man infront of me!"

Zhan realised wang yibo is actually jealous, that's why he suddenly changed and became angry, his voice became cold and he was even talking to him so sarcastically.

Zhan back hugged wang yibo and his voice became soft and gentle like he was coaxing a child who was wronged.

Zhan:"It's all my fault, I'm sorry i shouldn't have done that, your my only husband, sweetheart and darling, i will never defend other men infront of you."

"You will never defend other men infront me! Does it mean you will still defend other men infront of other's!"

"No! No! I won't, i will only defend you, please don't be angry, you know husband, your my only man, no one else." Zhan answered but didn't get any reply from wang yibo who was just standing.

"Ouch it hurts, i talked too much now the wound has started hurting." Zhan added and this time hereally got a reaction from wang yibo who was no longer angry.

"Let's go to the hospital, your wound will be cleaned." Yibo said and hugged zhan waist and the two left the chen family house, yibo drove to the hospital and zhan wound was cleaned, luckily it was just a superficial wound and it will heal in a few day's ago time without leaving a mark.

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