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Twenty minutes later he got a call from unknown number.

Zhan who didn't even have the energy and mood's to even cook because he was worried was just seated, he recieved the call and what he heard made him to drop the phone and his slightly pale face became even more paler.

Wen Ning who was outside heard commotion from inside and didn't waste time but rushed inside, he was worried wondering what happened to xiao zhan he was fine not long ago and now he looks like this.

"Young master what's wrong, why are you like this?" Wen Ning asked concerned.

Wuxian heard his uncle wen Ning voice and rushed towards him and his attention was immediately shifted to his daddy who seems not to be okay.

"Daddy what happened?" Wuxian also asked, zhan came back to his senses with his son's voice and he somehow tried to calm himself down and put his emotions in check.

"Baby it's nothing, I will go pick up uncle and come back soon."

"Wen Ning look after my son, something happened to my husband and I must go to the hospital." Zhan said and rushed outside confusing Wuxian and wen Ning.

Wen Ning instructed the other bodyguards to follow xiao zhan who he also decided to go find out what has happened, his boss didn't take any bodyguards with him today because naturally he is not in any danger, he no longer works with the government nor is he in politics, he mainly deal's in business now.

For something to happen to his boss then that must the doing of someone who hates him and doesn't wish his boss well, wen Ning saw the news of the accident and knew the hospital which his boss was taken and he decided to also go, as for Wuxian he also took him along.

Wang yibo never expected such a thing to happen, the collision was so sudden that he didn't have time to react, the pain that he didn't feel came all at once when he hit the ground.

He just didn't expect when he met his wife and son and his life was to get better and happy he got into an accident and he might even die, his conciousness continued to get hazy with each passing second.

He failed xiao zhan, he promised to start all over again, the two could be happy together forever, he will protect him and their son and not let any harm befall them but still failed both xiao zhan and Wuxian, he knows how sad they can be and this is all their fault.

If he could see clearly who that bastard was who dared to intentionally appear infront of his car and forcing him to such situation then he will not let him go, if by any chance he will survive then he will deal with that person.

"Baby I'm sorry I let you down, I didn't keep our promise." Yibo who managed to let out these words then he completely lost conciousness.

Zhan arrived at the hospital and introduced himself as wang yibo husband and he recieved a call from the hospital about his husband's accident.

Zhan was told where wang yibo was taken and he didn't waste time but rushed there and was stopped outside the emergency room by a nurse who was about to enter.

"Sir you have to wait out here, you are not supposed to go inside." The nurse said.

"But he is my husband,I have to see him." Zhan who was really worried his eyes turned red like he is about to cry the next second answered.

"I know but you still can't enter, wait out here." The nurse said and went inside closing the door from behind, zhan rushed forward to stop the door from closing but got stopped by the bodyguards who followed xiao zhan from home.

"Young master listen to the nurse, my boss will be okay, you need to calm down, if you go inside then you will disrupt the doctor's and they won't be able to treat my boss when fully concentrated." The bodyguard who was stopping xiao zhan said, zhan knew he shouldn't behave like this but he is just worried and he couldn't help it.

Zhan was helped to sit down by the bodyguard but he still stood up but started pacing around his eyes not leaving the closed emergency room door.

It didn't take long for the Wang family to arrive and they were surprised who was already there but there surprise turned into a frown and Mrs wang approached the pacing zhan and stopped him from walking.

"What are you doing here? Who gave you the permission to be here!" Mrs Wang asked.

Xiao zhan yanked his hand away making Mrs wang to stag back. "Why shouldn't I be here? Wang yibo is my husband and I have every right to be here, don't think iam still the eighteen years old gullible xiao zhan who could easily be scared and believe every word you tell me!" Zhan answered surprising both Mr wang and Mrs wang.

The Wang family never expected in a span of four years the person standing infront of them and the way he is talking is completely different, this is not the xiao zhan they knew this is a different young man!.

"I don't have time to deal with you yet, I will deal with you later!" Mrs wang who didn't know how to refute xiao zhan word's shouted and walked towards her husband.

Chen lu also arrived and he heard what Mrs wang has said and the answer xiao zhan who has dissapeared and suddenly appeared and he didn't even know when xiao zhan arrived in Beijing and he even came into contact with wang yibo! And the way xiao zhan speaks he is completely different, this is not the xiao zhan he knew!.

Chen lu wanted to approach xiao zhan and confront him but got scared, the way xiao zhan spoke to Mrs wang was scary and he is not sure how he will treat him if he just approached him.

"Aunty uncle once I heard about the accident I rushed to the hospital, big brother will surely be fine, nothing will happen to him." Chen lu who walked towards the Wang family said, Mrs wang smiled and held Chen lu hand.

"I know he is strong and nothing bad will happen to him, by the way honey find the person who caused my son to crush, I won't let him off once I find who that devil is!" Mrs wang said making Chen lu face to turn pale.

Xiao zhan saw Chen lu expression and guessed Chen lu must know something about the accident.

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