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"I will leave early today, my family is waiting at me back home, by the way find the best school and inform me, my son who is three years old needs a better school." Yibo instructed and left the frozen secretary whose face was full of question marks.

He almost fainted what did his boss mean? Since when did his boss has a son? And the baby is already three years old! Why did his plan give him a heart attack, shouldn't he atleast prepare him mentally before giving him such a hard bomb.

"Boss why did you have to give me such a shock?" The secretary complained while patting his chest, he really should start preparing himself for such shocking news.

Wang yibo left his company in a good mood, first went to the mall, he hasn't bought anything for his son yet, and as a father he needs to get something good for his only child, going to the toy's section yibo got everything a three years old boy would love, he got a lot of toy's that will be needed to be delivered to his apartment later, going to the clothes section, he took everything and will also be delivered later, he finally got a small sized chocolate cake for Wuxian.

Without being told he can confirm Wuxian is his son, he loves chocolate flavored candy and cake just like him.

Yibo was satisfied and decided to go back home now and wait for the things he bought to be delivered later, he was somehow nervous wondering how Wuxian will react after seeing what he bought for him, will he be excited? Or will he be disappointed and dissatisfied?.

He was about to drive off when somehow suddenly appeared infront of his car, Wang yibo who has already started the car was caught off guard trying to avoid the person who suddenly appeared, yibo car was hit by incoming car and he was sent flying out of his car.

The people nearby shouted and some rushed to help the injured Wang yibo who was bleeding profusely.

Person A:"Quickly call an ambulance!"

Person B:"Who was that boy that tried to do such a dangerous thing, he must be arrested!"

Person C:"He seems to have escaped already!" Then the same person added.

Person C:"The ambulance will be here in few minutes, any medical personnel here, at least we should try to stop the bleeding."

Person D:" Don't move him, we don't know the extent of his injuries, iam a doctor, my wife here is a nurse, we will give him first aid before the ambulance arrives."

Chen lu who heard people talking about him didn't waste time but escape, he didn't mean to harm wang yibo he only wanted to talk to him, he was with his friends at the mall having lunch when he saw wang yibo, he excused himself without explaining anything to his friends and left.

He secretly started following Wang yibo wondering what he was doing at the mall? That's so unlike his big brother, he was even more surprised when his big brother went to the toy's section and bought a lot of things, not only that he even bought expensive custom made clothes for a child, he wondered who those things that wang yibo belongs to? He has never heard of his big brother having a child or even his big brothers friend's having a three years old child and even if the things are for a child friend's, yibo couldn't buy so many things.

He secretly followed him to the parking lot and just as he was used to he suddenly appeared infront of his big brothers car to stop him hoping that this time he could talk to him, but he didn't expect such a terrible accident to happen, he didn't mean to hurt his big brother, he only wanted to talk to his big brother, ask for forgiveness and started all over again, getting ignored by his big brother for year's really hurt him, he feels horrible every day knowing the person who cares about him and was ready to protect him and do anything for him ignore him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you big brother." Chen lu whispered while trembling all over, seeing Wang yibo flying out of the car because of the collision impact and falling down on the ground with such force made him really scared and then hearing some people wanting to call the police, he got so scared that he ran away, nothing will happen to his big brother, he will be fine he won't die he has a long life, he will be fine, he will recover soon, the accident wasn't so serious, everything will be better after he is taken to the hospital.

Xiao zhan was busy preparing dinner at his apartment, yibo texted him few minutes ago saying he will home soon but he will go to the mall to buy some things for Wuxian.

Zhan was cutting when he suddenly cut his index finger deeply and he felt his heart beat fast like something bad has happened, Wuxian who was playing around in the kitchen saw his daddy's finger bleeding and he cried.

Xiao zhan washed his finger with running water, got a bandage and carefully bandaged his finger and carried the crying Wuxian.

"Baby see it's nothing, just a small cut daddy wasn't careful and hurt his finger scaring little Wuxian, how about calling uncle to ask him when he is coming back?" Zhan said making Wuxian who heard the name 'uncle' to stop crying and immediately forget about his daddy's injury.

"Yes! Yes daddy! Call uncle, tell him to bring a lot of presents for Wuxian and dudu." The excited Wuxian shouted.

Zhan with trembling hand's he took his phone which was on the counter and decided to call wang yibo, he is not sure why he feels so nervous like something bad has happened but he can't explain what has happened, he just hopes nothing has happened to wang yibo, he sent a message not long ago that he will be going to the mall to buy things for Wuxian so nothing bad will happen, Wang yibo is perfectly fine, he has always been careful even when he is driving.

Zhan dialed Wang yibo number which he hasn't changed and called, the phone rang but no one answered, he got even more worried but took a deep breath and calmed himself down, he can't behave like this infront of Wuxian, his intuition has always been wrong. He called wang yibo again but no one answered.

"It looks like uncle is still in the mall buying good thing's for little Wuxian, he will call once he is done." Zhan said to his son while reassuring himself too.

Twenty minutes later he got a call from unknown number.

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