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"I am pregnant, I have a baby, in future I will have someone to call me dad, sadly there won't be other dad, but only me, yibo iam sorry but leaving you is the best choice." Zhan whispered while gently caressing his slightly distended abdomen.

From the start he won't last long with wang yibo, because at the start yibo hated him and seeing him made yibo feel disgusted and nauseous, but now yibo treat's him better and love's him, he can also feel it that Yibo really love's and cares about him, and he is very happy and grateful,he loves yibo too and doesn't want to leave him, but now he is not sure if he should leave or tell yibo about his pregnancy, but then he is afraid of getting disappointed.

What if wang yibo will deny the pregnancy and even hate him because he is a man who can get pregnant and have kids, what if the news of the pregnancy makes wang yibo remember the unpleasant first meeting and immediately deny the pregnancy and hurt him together with the baby, and he is not ready for that.

Deep still worried he fell asleep in a daze and was awakened by someone who was kissing his face, he slowly opened his eyes and saw yibo looking at him with a smile.

"Sleeping so defenceless, are you not afraid that you will be stolen?" Yibo said with a teasing voice, zhan pouted and lazily stretched his body before getting up and heading to the washroom, after finishing his business he came out and saw yibo waiting for him.

Zhan:"What time is it?"

Yibo:"Six o'clock, the butler said you have been asleep since afternoon, if I didn't wake you up, you could have continued to sleep."

Zhan:"I slept for so long? I must really be exhausted."

He no longer feel so weak and funny like before, the medicine the doctor gave him really work miracle's and he feels better.

"How is your friend at the hospital? I heard you went to the hospital today." Yibo asked while going through his phone.

Zhan expected wang yibo to ask, luckily he didn't ask about his weak condition in the morning which the bodyguard realized he was not well, it looks like the bodyguard believed him when he said he was fine.

He sat on yibos lap and intertwined his finger's with that of yibos.

"Hubby I want to ask you something, just by the way." Zhan tone wasn't that serious, since he didn't want yibo to get suspicious. Yibo nodded his head indicating xiao zhan that he could ask.

"What do you think about having a baby? Do you like kids?" Zhan asked his eyes for a second flashed with nervousness, still not sure how wang yibo could answer.

"Well I have never thought about that, but I honestly think kids are annoying and so demanding, having you by my side is more than enough." Yibo answered but didn't notice xiao zhan hurt expression, speaking about having kids, that means they will have to think about surrogacy, and sometimes it will cause unnecessary drama and he just hates drama, as for adoption as long as xiao zhan likes it in the future he will support him, since he chose to be with xiao zhan for the rest of his life, he knew having kids is impossible and he doesn't mind that.

Zhan:" Oh....I see." I thought you liked kids, but it looks you hate them, if I tell you that iam pregnant you could only force me to have an abortion since you find kids to be annoying.

That gives him a reason not to tell him about his pregnancy and a reason to leave here and protect his unborn baby, just as expected of wang yibo, he only thinks and love's himself, but doesn't care about other's.

Day of conference

Xiao zhan never told wang yibo about his pregnancy, he secretly takes the medicine the doctor gave him while thinking of a way to leave wang yibo after the conference, he doesn't want to be hurt and sad anymore, since yibo doesn't like kids, he will take responsibility and take care of his baby without wang yibos help.

Wang yibo and xiao zhan woke up early, prepared themselves and got dressed, zhan never expected one day he will wear an expensive custom made tuxedo, it fit him perfectly well, luckily his abdomen doesn't show much and he doesn't have to be worried.

"After the conference we will have lunch outside with my parents, with me there, they won't dare say anything to you, don't worry." Yibo said reassuring xiao zhan who looked abit worried when he mentioned his parents.

"I'm not scared, they never did anything to me." Zhan answered and forced a smile, he still remembers vividly what happened not long ago when yibo parents came, he can see the hate they had for him, not just hate, but a very deep hate, like the next second they want to tear him into pieces so that they could never see him again.

By nine they left the house, the conference will happen at nine thirty at the same restaurant they will have lunch later.

"Mom do I have to go? I really don't want to see the two acting all lovey dovey infront of me!" Chen lu who had already asked several times asked again, and the answer he got was the same, he will have to go because they were invited and the relationship between the Wang's and the Chen family has been good for year's.

Though reluctant Chen lu had no other choice but to follow his parents to the so called conference.

They arrived right on time and the conference was about to start, he saw xiao zhan and wang yibo seated side by side and talking to each other, the two looked so harmonious and you could tell the two are not pretending, but there relationship is very real.

"Big brother you told me you two were only pretending at that time but you actually lied to me." Chen lu whispered, his eyes red and was about to cry the next second, he just can't accept it, he feels so unwilling to accept that wang yibo fell in love with xiao zhan, his useless adoptive brother.

"Calm down, trust wang yibo, iam sure deep down he has you in his heart." Mrs Chen whispered to his son who was obviously unhappy and didn't like the way wang yibo us treating xiao zhan.

The conference finally started and wang yibo answered every question that the media wanted to know, this time it wasn't just pretending but whatever he said was the truth, lu Bai was the only one who was genuinely happy and supportive of his uncle's relationship.

Wang yibo didn't forget to talk about his formal wedding that will happen once they have properly planned and talked to his partner, since they have only signed the marriage certificate but they haven't officiated the marriage, Chen lu who heard wang yibo word's lost it and ran out of the hall, Mrs Chen followed his son closely. And when she saw his son holding a small folding knife.

"Baby let's go back home, don't do anything stupid, I will talk with your brother, he will surely listen to you, baby put down the knife, it's dangerous you know that." Mrs Chen who was really scared his son might do something to hurt himself said with her voice trembling.

"I won't! you also heard what big brother said, he is going to hold a wedding with xiao zhan! What's the use of me being alive and watch the man I love be happy with another person!" Chen lu shouted and slashed his wrist deeply, planning to bleed to death.


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