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Xiao zhan pov

Opening my eyes and finding myself in a ward with other patients made me realize that I was actually at the hospital,guessing the time it seems to be already evening. I guessed that I must have been out for hour's and my body doesn't hurt much like before, but still I could feel mild pains.

I remembered clearly what happened to me, that scary governor threatened and even called him shameless and scheming man, he blamed me of something I haven't done and wouldn't dare to do, he didn't even give him a chance to explain himself, he knows very well that he is not shameless or a scheming man, he will never do something that will hurt other's, he wasn't taught that way.

I have always been responsible with whatever I do, I will never slack off or try to deny something that I have done, but I honestly don't have any idea what happened, I woke up in the morning and found myself in a strange room with the governor, if I could have been in my right senses I could have never dreamt or think of approaching someone who is out of my league. I might be poor, a loner and no family to turn whenever iam in trouble, but then I have my own principle's that will not allow me to take advantage of other people.

"It will be better to get out of here as soon as possible." I whispered and slowly left the bed I was sleeping, I found my clothes well packed and by the look of it the hospital I was in was very small so it's not expensive, at least the governor wasn't so heartless he took him to a hospital to receive medical treatment when he fainted, at least the governor has some conscious.

Changing to my clothes and covering myself well I managed to get out of the hospital without being seen or stopped which was good enough, limping and finally getting out of the hospital premises, with the movement the pain seems to worsen, luckily my credit card was well secured in my pocket, stopping by a chemist I bought some painkillers and decided to walk all the way back to my apartment since I couldn't sit.

Two hours later I arrived at my apartment, I was already sweating profusely and the pain got even more worse, I quickly took the painkillers that I bought, checking my small fridge I found some fish and dried meat, I decided to prepare some fish soup.

Finally getting to eat something warm and delicious, satisfied I headed to the shower, getting a warm towel I slowly and carefully wiped my body, though it was very difficult but at least I still managed, no one is here to take care of me so I should be responsible and do everything on my own, anyway I have always been alone, no friends,no family nothing, just being on my own and fending for myself since I was little, even when someone saw me they will surely deny if his parents are actually rich.

I retired to bed and was immediately knocked out with the drugs I have taken, it made me feel drowsy when it started to take effect, I just hope I will forget everything and take everything as a nightmare and continue with my normal life, since I got blamed for something I haven't done or thought of doing, it will be better to just let it go as long as I will not meet that scary governor and everything will be alright.

Wang yibo on the other hand managed to trace where Chen lu was hiding, it was actually one of the apartments owned by Chen lu friend's and it was empty at that time and Chen lu was there. Chen lu immediately tried to close the door when he realized who it was but yibo forced his way in.

"Hear me out Chen lu it's not what you think, you don't have to hide yourself because people will look at you differently, we have known each other since we were young and I take you as my little brother, you know I care about you." Yibo explained, Chen lu gritted his teeth in anger, thousands or more takes him and yibo as a couple and in future they will get married but Wang yibo always regards him as a little brother! He has always hinted Wang yibo several times but not even once has Wang yibo reacted, the only thing he thinks and talks is little brother this little bro that!.

And that xiao zhan didn't he see any other men out there and after getting drugged and escaped the two men he hired he ended up sleeping with the man he loves! He has every reason to hate xiao zhan who always robes what belongs to him! He is always in his way and destroying everything that he has planned since he was little.

"Big brother! I told you to wait for me but you walked away, the media already knows your relationship with that boy! If I knew he is that shameless I should have never let him go inside the party! He must have calculated everything, I remember he asked me if you will attend the party, and I said yes but I never expected he had such a horrible plan." Chen lu who pretended to be a white lotus and also a victim said and seeing Wang yibo ugly face, his hurting heart felt much better, having Wang yibo hate and despise xiao zhan even more is his plan, so what if xiao zhan slept with the man he loves but as long as Wang yibo hates xiao zhan that's more than enough.

"Don't worry I will make that shameless bitch pay, don't blame yourself it wasn't your fault, you never knew such a friend will be scheming and using your innocence to betray you." Yibo said blaming himself even more, if he didn't let that shameless boy to follow him then nothing like this could have happened, if he knew earlier he could have just ran over that boy and kill him once for all.

Wang yibo just a good big brother hugged Chen lu and coaxed him, such a good and naive boy should choose the people he interact with well, Chen lu regarded xiao zhan as a friend but that shameless bitch has had plans all along! He should make that xiao zhan pay for what he did!.

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