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He didn't expect he will actually meet someone who will be so nice and ready to help him, he didn't even struggle much, maybe his stay here and his future here won't be so hard.

He wasn't sure how wang yibo must be doing now, did he feel betrayed? Is he now sad? Will he think of him now that he has left and they might never meet again in this life? Will he marry someone else and treat him well just the way he treated him? Has he already moved on and thinks he is a burden when he was together with him?.

Zhan felt his heart hurt thinking about it and couldn't help it but silently cry, wang yibo marrying someone else, he can't bring himself to accept it, but he doesn't have any choice, if he insists on staying with wang yibo then he will be regarded as someone who is selfish and heartless, not caring about other people's lives and happiness, he is pregnant now and he will also endanger his unborn babies life.

Xiao zhan:"Hubby I miss you."

Xiao zhan cried himself to sleep and by the time he woke up it was already evening, he was at first confused wondering where he was then he remembered he is no longer in his husband's house, well it should be ex husband he has already signed the divorce papers and the two are no longer legal partner's, he missed the warmth, he missed when yibo kissed him on his cheek or forehead before they sleep, how he hugged him close and he felt safer, but now nothing like that could ever happen, he will only sleep alone and when he is scared no one will be there to console him.

"Don't think about him anymore, xiao zhan wake up and cheer up! No need to be sad!" Zhan patted his cheeks and took a deep breath, this is his new life and he must start getting used to it.

"Talking to yourself immediately after waking up, are you alright?" The old lady asked xiao zhan who blushed and forced a smile.

"It's nothing grandma, iam fine don't worry." Zhan answered.

"The house you will be staying has already been cleaned, you can spend the night here, then tomorrow you can move out or stay a few days here."

Xiao zhan went to check the house and he loved it, the house was already fully furnished and the rent was very cheap, xiao zhan knew the old lady is doing it for him and he was really thankful for that, he didn't expect to meet someone so nice and will treat him very well.

A week has passed and yibo wasn't able to get any news from xiao zhan, it's like he dissapeared without a trace, he just couldn't believe xiao zhan left just like that without explaining to him clearly, he didn't even show a little bit of sign that he wanted to leave him.

"Honey a week has ended and our son has only indulged himself into drinking and not meeting anyone, he even doesn't want to talk to us, if this continues iam afraid he will get sick." Mrs wang who was worried told his husband, she didn't expect xiao zhan departure could cause such a mess and her son who has always been responsible has become a drunkard and doesn't care about anything else.

"Let's give him time, he will surely come around and accept that xiao zhan has really left him and won't be back." Mr wang answered and looked at his grandson who was looking at him with hate.

"I just didn't expect my little uncle will leave just like that! He didn't even say goodbye to me! We didn't have time to talk and get to know each other well, grandpa even if you don't admit it, u feel like you must have something to do with little uncle departure!" Lu Bai who was kicked out by wang yibo from his room when he went to see him and got a beating when he dared to mention the name xiao zhan, now his uncle doesn't even want to hear anything to do with xiao zhan!.

"You brat! An old man like me where can I get such an idea! Xiao zhan chose to leave on his own without being forced, he already has a person he loves and left." Mr wang said and pretended to be annoyed.

Chen lu who woke up from his coma a day later heard the news of xiao zhan departure and he was informed if the divorce papers, xiao zhan has already signed and the only person remaining is Wang yibo, he can finally smile and be happy, yibo will only be his and the person who was a big threat to his relationship with yibo has finally vanished now he doesn't have to worry, it looks like taking extreme measures like trying to commit suicide really worked miracle's.

Even if wang yibo didn't go to the hospital to see him, it's no problem, atleast the biggest obstacle has already been dealt with.

He was allowed to go back home two day's ago, he contacted his friends and finally he got someone who somehow looks like xiao zhan, promised to pay him handsomely as long as he does what he is told and that is taking side pictures of his upper body being in the arms of another man and even kissing, the pictures were taken to wang yibo and it looks it really had an effect.

Though he hasn't seen wang yibo, at least he was told the fake xiao zhan in the pictures seems to really work, yibo who didn't believe the video started believing that xiao zhan really had someone else because the pictures looked very authentic.

"You must really be happy xiao zhan and laughing seeing me in misery, you really know how to hide and even leave pictures of you and your sweetheart for me to see!" Yibo shouted and teared the pictures into pieces.

"Uncle you can't just believe this, even if the pictures looks authentic, xiao.....ahhh uncle fine... fine I will dissapear, I won't bother you again." Lu Bai who tried his luck again but failed and his hand was almost broken decided to leave but looked at Chen lu who pretended to be a white lotus and now living in his uncle's house like he owned it.

"It won't be long before you get your karma! Just you wait until my uncle calms down! Compared to you xiao zhan is far much better, looking at you it makes me hates you more!" Lu Bai who was finally alone with Chen lu said what was deep in his heart, if he didn't get tricked by his grandpa to travel the same day he took Chen lu to the hospital and get the so called important documents and even a ring that was to be given to xiao zhan, then all this mess couldn't have happened and xiao zhan couldn't have left, now his uncle who has been heartbroken has slowly starting to believe that zhan betrayed him.

Chen lu just gritted his teeth in anger but didn't say anything to lu Bai who was leaving.

"You're lucky your are member of the wang family, but you could have been dealt with by now." Chen lu whispered and took a deep breath, his aunt and uncle gave him important job of taking care of yibo, stay with him until he feels better, but until now he hasn't fully succeeded yet, he knows with time his big brother will belong to him.

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