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"You know me better son, iam not such a kind of a person, from the start you know better how you met xiao zhan, you two have been together not for long and you can't just believe what you see when you don't know him very well, son don't be blinded by him, he has been making fun of you all this time and enjoying when he sees how act so in love with him, he doesn't deserve you nor your love." Mr wang who has walked closer to his son said gently and patted his son shoulder.

Yibo removed his father's hand from his shoulder and turned around to leave, he must be dreaming, xiao zhan will never leave him just like that, yesterday xiao zhan never showed signs of wanting to leave, he just can't sit and get up and say I am leaving and I never loved you and I was only toying with you all this time, it's impossible! Xiao zhan never had a boyfriend, something must be wrong somewhere.

"Son you must think that iam just plotting against you, but xiao zhan personally signed the divorce papers." Mr Wang added, yibo clenched his hands into a fist and walked away quickly, taking out his phone he called xiao zhan but all his calls didn't go through.

Yibo:"Baby you can't do this to me, please come back to me, I will treat you better and I will forget everything, please don't leave me."

Yibo kept calling xiao zhan several times but the results were the same, it didn't go through. He felt like his heart has been peirced and bleeding, he felt suffocated and had to take a deep breath to calm himself down else he is sure he will suffocate to death.

He still can't believe xiao zhan will be dating with someone else and he was only playing with him, even if he never said he loved him but he can feel and see xiao zhan loved him and cared about him alot, if he didn't love him then he couldn't given himself to him few days ago, xiao zhan belongs to him and the day he decided to be with xiao zhan, then it means no one is allowed to take xiao zhan away from him.

But then his dad's word's keep ringing in his mind, he doesn't doubt his father but then at the same time he can't just believe that xiao zhan was toying with him all this time.

"I know you love me, you will come back to me, you can't treat me like this, my dad must be lying to me, I don't mind how we met, I have forgotten everything, even if you drugged me I don't mind, I just want you to be with me, I can't take it, I can't watch you betray me." Yibo whispered and collapsed on his bed which he shared with xiao zhan, it still has zhan smell on it.

"Why leave me? Wasn't I good enough to you?"

Remaining on bed for a while, he got up and checked the wardrobe and he didn't see a single cloth belonging to xiao zhan, it looks like he carried everything that belonged to him, standing still confused wondering what he should do, he took out his phone and called his secretary instructing him to find someone to check the whereabouts of xiao zhan, he can't get far, he didn't forget to ask his bodyguards to look around, maybe xiao zhan must be hiding not far and he himself he went out and headed to xiao zhan former apartment, maybe he will find him there.

But all his searches bore no fruit, xiao zhan wasn't in his apartment but someone else has already moved in and the remaining things that belonged to xiao zhan were stored in a store, yibo had people move out all the things belonging to xiao zhan and he took them to his house.

By the second day xiao zhan arrived at the small town that he felt was much safer and it's not easy for wang yibo to think of looking for him here if he ever planned to look for him, anyway he doesn't have to put his hope's high, wang yibo must have hated him now and only thinking of way's to torture him and lastly kill him, in yibos eye's he must be nothing but a betrayer.

"My dear you seem to new here, it must be your first time here right?" The old lady who helped zhan get a ticket.

"Grandma it's okay, it's my first time here, I will find a hotel to settle in first." Zhan answered and bowed his head.

"If you don't have a place to stay you can come to my place." The old lady suggested, zhan immediately refused, she was good enough to him and didn't question him when he asked her to book a ticket for him, and now even asking him to go to her place, that's really too much.

"Grandma I really can't accept it, you have already done so much for me and I haven't thanked you yet."

"Stupid boy, you don't have to thank me, I have a two bedroom house that has been vacant for two years now, I can have you stay there and pay me monthly what do you think?"

Zhan hesitated for a while but then decided to accept, renting a two bedroom house, that's more than enough and enough speace for him and his unborn baby, the old lady was happy and the two took a taxi and half an hour later they arrived at the grandma's house.

The environment was good, even if the place looks normal but it gives the feeling of being at home, and xiao zhan immediately fell in love with the place.

"You can stay at my place first, I will have someone clean the house then you can move in."

"Thank you grandma."

Xiao zhan volunteered to prepare breakfast after putting his luggage in the room he was to stay, after eating he took his medicine and rested, travelling the whole night was really tiring and he didn't have enough rest.

He didn't expect he will actually meet someone who will be so nice and ready to help him, he didn't even struggle much, maybe his stay here and his future here won't be so hard.

GOVERNOR'S EX WIFE ✔️✅☑️Where stories live. Discover now