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"I know I will be good, but iam curious to know, it looks like xiao zhan doesn't have any memories of his childhood at all, did an accident happen to him when he was little?" Lu bai asked somehow confused, xiao zhan lived with the Chen's for year's.

Wang yibo wanted to spend more time with xiao zhan but he couldn't, he still needs to go to work even if he isn't needed to go every day, but he isn't the kind of person who will intentionally skip work without any valid reason.

Yibo made sure xiao zhan and Wuxian were comfortable and well protected before he completely relaxed and left after stating his instructions to the assigned bodyguards.

"Daddy did you take good care of uncle?" Wuxian who was being carried by xiao zhan asked for the hundredth time.

"Baby iam your daddy but your more concerned about a stranger, I now wonder if Iam your relative or that uncle, your obviously being unfair baby." Zhan complained unhappily.

"Daddy he is not a stranger, daddy are you jealouthy?" Wuxian asked in his baby voice while giggling.

Zhan pretended to be angry and gently pinched his son's little cheek's.

"You bad boy you really know how to speak!"

Zhan teased and started tickling Wuxian who started laughing while kicking his little leg's.

"Daddy! Daddy! Not fair!"

"Don't run you bad boy come back here!"

The two played around and the two were really happy, xiao zhan for year's felt more comfortable and happier, his husband is now with him, the family of three will forever be together and never be separated again, their family is now complete and no one will ever force them to be apart again.

Lu yang who got Wang yibo location drove directly to yibos company and had yibo secretary tell his boss a good friend of his has come to see him and wants to talk to him about something so important if not he will go meet xiao zhan.

The secretary was confused he knows the boss wife and his boss seems not to be in good terms and after so many years a man came and even bargained with his boss with xiao zhan, the secretary informed his boss and waited for the boss to laugh but was surprised when he heard his boss telling him to call the man inside.

Li yang who was allowed to go inside the office smiled and immediately after he closed the door he was invited by a punch on his face by the furious Wang yibo.

"I wanted to see the useless man who dared to provoke me and it's actually you." Yibo said with a sneer on his face while wiping his hand in disgust.

"You don't have to be so violent buddy, it's been years since the last time we met and you beat me up the moment we meet." Li yang complained while rubbing his swollen cheek, he can even taste a metallic taste in his mouth, meaning he is bleeding.

"You deserve it you can fool around with me but my partner is out of bounds, tell me why you are here?" Yibo said and sat down.

"Don't be so worked up I just need your help, you have more influence here in china compared to me iam like an ant within seconds." Li yang didn't beat around the bush but said what brought him there.

"What kind of help I hope it's not one of your games."

"Ofcoures not if I was able to do it I will still have to come to you because without you then I won't be able to meet xiao zhan." Li yang answered but immediately moved back when yibo stood up.

"Don't be so worked up wang yibo, I really need your help and the help concern's your partner xiao zhan, few months ago I got my father's last wish before he died, come to china and help the twenty one year's old xiao zhan get what rightfully belongs to him, but then thanks to your nephew I got this shocking evidence." Li yang this time didn't try to fool around, he took out his laptop and showed all the evidence he has to wang yibo.

Yibo was beyond surprised, speaking of that he seems to have heard of the xiao family when he was little and the most beloved child of the xiao family, but then he is not sure what happened later because the xiao family just vanished like that and he thought maybe they travelled out of the country and decided to start a new life somewhere else, that's what most of the influential families in china knew.

"Did lu Bai give you all these information? How did he manage to keep such sensitive information for year's?" Yibo who was still in shock with all the sudden information asked.

"I was also surprised I didn't my silly boyfriend to be so smart and mature." Li yang said proudly.

"What did you say! Who do you call boyfriend?" Yibo asked while frowning.

"Lu Bai is my boyfriend and soon we will get married."

"You! You what did you do? How dare manipulate my nephew to be with an old man like you!" Yibo shouted.

"Old man? Wang yibo how can you say such a thing! Iam only thirty years old, calling me an old man what about you, you married such a young boy, you must have manipulated him too." Li yang didnt waste but also fired back.

Yibo was rendered speechless and didn't know what to say and decided to change the topic, the two discussed in the office for hour's before li yang was seen leaving.

The secretary looked at the leaving li yang and scratched his head in confusion, the man entered being perfectly fine right, but now he left with a swollen and red cheek, did his boss and that man fight inside the office? His boss shouldn't be hurt right, should he got and check on him or should he call emergency services?.

The secretary was wondering what to do next when he saw his boss standing infront of him, luckily the boss wasn't hurt he was perfectly fine, it looks the unlucky person was the man who left.

"I will leave early today, my family is waiting at me back home, by the way find the best school and inform me, my son who is three years old needs a better school." Yibo instructed and left the frozen secretary whose face was full of question marks.

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