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"Just orange juice will be enough." Zhan said.

Lu Bai called the waiter and placed the order but still didn't say a word, zhan was somehow confused he was called here to be told something and until now nothing was said.

Zhan scratched his head in confusion and finally spoke, "hey lu bai we have been seated here for the past five minutes just drinking juice and you haven't said a word."

Lu bai smiled awkwardly wondering how to start and after taking a deep breath he decided to speak. "I will show you something and I hope you will remember something, it mostly concerns about your childhood."

Zhan was surprised he doesn't have any memories about his childhood, but what he knows is the Chen family pitied him and adopted him from the orphanage that's what he was told, and now looking at the somehow nervous lu Bai and hearing him mention about his childhood was somehow confused.

"Are you really sure? Did you try finding about my childhood and parent's? Did my husband ask you to do that?" Zhan asked several questions at the same time.

"Well you can say that and as a well known and professional hacker I did it within a day, iam great right?" Lu bai answered proudly his face full of smile's.

Zhan was really happy, he remembers year's ago yibo promised him that he will help him find his biological parents, but after they separated he thought yibo will not bother finding his family, now hearing lu Bai talk about it he really became excited, soon he will reunite with his parents and maybe sister's and brother's, his son Wuxian will have an extra grandma and grandpa, even uncle's and auntie's! Just by the thought of it made him really excited.

"You can show me! Do it now!" The excited and happy xiao zhan shouted impatiently.

Lu Bai lip's twitched wondering what xiao zhan was thinking about right at that moment that made him suddenly so happy and demanding to be shown immediately.

Lu Bai took out his laptop placed it on the table and switched it on, zhan who was genuinely happy knowing any second from now he could see his family and know where they are at the moment got up from where he was seated and went to stand behind the seated lu bai his hands slightly trembling because of excitement.

"You can sit down you don't have to stand up." Lu bai said.

"No need I will stand iam still young and very energetic." Zhan answered his eyes not leaving the laptop screen even for a second and he even forgot about blinking.

Lu bai clicked open all the evidence he collected but first showed a picture of xiao zhan when he was still very young until three years old. "Do you remember anything when you look at these pictures of you when you were young?" Lu Bai asked.

"Well no even if I can guess it's me when I was little I don't have any memories." Zhan answered not getting any familiar feelings with the pictures.

Lu bai clicked again and showed pictures of xiao zhan parents carrying xiao zhan but he didn't any strong reaction from xiao zhan though xiao zhan somehow reacted.

"If you can't even remember your parents, I wonder what I should show you now? Are you really sure you can't recognize them?" Lu Bai asked again making xiao zhan who was looking at the two people smiling and shook his head and second's later he held his head with his hands.

"I can't remember, I really can't remember! Stop asking me alright! Even if you persist it can't help at all!" Zhan who feels like something which is deeply hidden wants to erupt answered, he has a feeling that he shouldn't really remember anything, being the way thing's are now is better.

Lu Bai was somehow discouraged wondering what to do next. "Then what should I do?" Lu Bai whispered somehow frustrated.

"How about just telling me where my parents are and I will go meet them? As long as I see them I will surely be able to remember them." Zhan who calmed himself down suggested.

Lu Bai somehow panicked wondering how he could even tell the excited xiao zhan that his parents are long dead and the person involved is none other but the Chen family.

"Since you can't remember then let's just call it a day, let's meet some other time and talk." Lu Bai said and was about to switch off his laptop but was stopped by xiao zhan.

"Why leave now, can't you just tell me the city and address of my parents? That's more than enough, we don't have meet again." Zhan who was only thinking about his parents at the moment and wanting to meet them answered somehow anxious and angry.

Lu bai didn't say a word but tried to switch off his laptop and find a way to escape from xiao zhan when he accidentally clicked another image which show's a house, this is where xiao zhan used to leave with his parents, and the image seems to make xiao zhan react.

Zhan moved closer towards the laptop and looked at the picture closely, touching his face he wondered why he was crying, the house just made him have this feeling of painful familiarity, clicking another image zhan staggered back and shouted in pain while clutching his head.

Lu Bai looked at the picture on the screen and saw a car and he wondered why xiao zhan reacted like that by just seeing a car. He panicked and rushed towards zhan who immediately pushed him back and continued shouting in pain.

"It hurts! It hurts! My head hurts!" Zhan shouted catching the attention of the people who were in the restaurant before losing conciousness.

Lu Bai panicked and didn't waste time but called an ambulance, some good Samaritan's helped the medical personnel who has arrived to take the unconscious xiao zhan out.

Lu Bai didn't know what to do, he didn't expect xiao zhan just by seeing a picture of a car he will react in such a way.

"My uncle will surely kill me this time! He won't spare me." The scared lu Bai murdered while looking at xiao zhan whose eyes a closed but his expression is painful and his face pale, it looks like whatever he was thinking or dreaming about even when he has fainted isn't a good thing at all.

Lu Bai called his uncle and informed him that something happened to xiao zhan while they were having a chat, he didn't dare to say what they were talking about.

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