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Lu Bai called his uncle and informed him that something happened to xiao zhan while they were having a chat, he didn't dare to say what they were talking about.

Yibo who heard the news panicked wondering what could have happened to his partner, zhan left perfectly fine and suddenly zhan fainting, thinking carefully that brat lu bai must have said something that he shouldn't say, and he knows exactly what lu bai must have said.

Yibo called li yang explaining the situation and rushed to the hospital to check on xiao zhan, he arrived at the hospital and saw li yang has already arrived and the brat lu bai hiding behind li yang.

"You think your boyfriend will protect you from me forever, you better come here on your own and your punishment will be lighter else...." Yibo whose expression was scary, his eyes cold said his voice deep making lu bai to tremble in fear.

"U....uncle you don't have to bother yourself I will punish myself." Lu bai who didn't dare to approach yibo said rolled his eyes and fainted.

Li yang and wang yibo were rendered speechless they didn't expect lu bai to be so scared that he punished himself by fainting, at first they thought he was pretending but looking closely they realized that he really fainted!.

The doctor checked on lu Bai and nothing was wrong with him, he was only scared and will wake up soon, as for xiao zhan the doctor wasn't sure whenever he will be able to wake up but what he knows xiao zhan was overly stimulated with whatever he saw or heard and if it's something traumatizing then after waking up he will need to see a psychologist.

Doctor:"By the way mr yibo we did a blood test and noted that HCG levels in his blood are abnormally high which suggest that he might be pregnant and with his unstable emotion's now it's not a good sign."

Wang yibo who was about to go out on his wheelchair froze for a while, more than a month has already passed since the last time he was intimate with xiao zhan and not even has he dreamt or imagined that xiao zhan could actually become pregnant with only that day intimate relationship, his sperm's really knows how to make babies they don't waste time.

He was somehow excited knowing that xiao zhan might be pregnant but at the same time worried, zhan will surely remember his painful experience when he was young and maybe he was there when the traumatic tragedy of what his parents went through before dying and if zhan is really pregnant then it came at the wrong time, but he Wang yibo will not easily give up he will make sure xiao zhan is safe and even the unborn baby, he was not their when xiao zhan was pregnant with Wuxian but this time he will make sure to take good care of xiao zhan.

Wang yibo:"Thank you doctor for informing me."

Yibo went out and what he heard was noises coming from the room xiao zhan was, he didn't waste time but wheeled his wheelchair with his uninjured hand towards the room and when he entered he saw the scared xiao zhan crouched in the corner, his face completely hidden between his legs and trembling all over.

"After waking up he didn't want anyone to get close to him and whenever we try to approach him he will start shouting hysterically." Li yang and the nurse's together with the doctor who was present reported.

"I know you guy's can go out I will talk to him, if anything happens I will call you immediately." Yibo said and then looked at the trembling xiao zhan.

"Baby it's me your hubby don't afraid iam here nothing will happen to you, with me here everything will be alright." Yibo who was finally alone in the room with xiao zhan said gently.

Zhan lifted his face looked at wang yibo and making sure no one else was around he immediately rushed towards zhan and hugged him tightly, yibo didn't care whether he has a broken leg and hand, as long as xiao zhan is safe and still trust him then that's more than enough as for the Chen family he will make sure they will pay and he won't spare them, whatever they did they deserve to be brought to justice, suffer and never be forgiven.

"Yibo parents." Zhan who finally managed to speak said and bursted into tear's.

Yibo could feel the pain and hurt in zhan tone and he knows xiao zhan must have remembered his childhood memories and is well aware of what has happened, he knows xiao zhan is hurting and he is here to take care of him and stay by his side.

Xiao zhan knows exactly what happened year's ago and no one was there to help his parents or pity them.

Year's ago

He remembers vividly that fateful day and whatever happened to his parents he was their to witness them all.

Mr Chen used to be their family butler, his mom and dad trusted Mr Chen so much and treated him like family, Mr xiao even allowed him to handle sensitive information that involves the business, Mr xiao even let the butler family to live in the same house as him not expecting one day the same people he trusted so much will actually betray them.

Zhan remembers the day his mom dad and him were to go out and meet some important visitors, his dad was also to meet his business partner's later that day, the butler Mr Chen prepared everything and even chose the car they will drive not knowing the car was actually tampered with.

When they left their mansion and drove towards their destination, ten minutes later the car lost it's way and hit a big rock injuring the people that were inside, luckily xiao zhan wasn't seriously hurt because his dad and mom protected him and he only sustained superficial bruises.

Mr Chen appeared not long after with a car and Mr xiao was really happy knowing it was a good thing at least they will be saved.

Mr xiao:"Brother Chen quickly call an ambulance, we are injured, my wife too is seriously injured and can't hold on for long."

Mr Chen:"brother? I don't remember ever having a stupid brother like you! Just you wait help will be here soon." Mr Chen said with a sneer on his face, moment's later another car arrived and the injured Mr xiao and Mrs xiao were ruthlessly dragged out and forced to enter another car.

Xiao zhan remembers he was also forced to go inside the car, the only thing he did was cry for his mother and father and he can remember vividly well Mr Chen word's.

"Don't worry soon you will go to hell with your dear mother and father, that will be better right?"

The three years old xiao zhan who didn't clearly  understand Mr Chen word's didn't refuse but nodded his head making Mr Chen to laugh his voice full of morcery.

Mr xiao and his wife together with his son were held hostage without food or water and the condition of injured Mr xiao and Mrs xiao detoriated.

Mr Chen seeing that the family still persisted on living instead of dying, took the weak xiao zhan who has been starved for day's out of the place where they were hold hostage.

"Young master xiao zhan I want you to watch your mother and father being burnt alive? It must be fun to watch right?" Mr Chen who was holding the weak xiao zhan said then motioned the men who were nearby to put the small house into a blaze.

The young xiao zhan watched his mother and father getting burnt to death, the painful cries of his mom and dad and next to him the hysterical and happy laughter of Mr Chen.

The Three year's old cried until he lost conciousness and he runned a fever for more than three days and when he woke up he didn't remember a thing not even the people who caused his parents death.

End of flashback.

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