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The bodyguards immediately stood infront of the old couple stopping them from approaching xiao zhan and the child.

Mrs wang and her husband frowned and became unhappy being stopped by the bodyguards.

"What are you trying to do? That is our grandson and we have every right to see him! You don't have any right to stop us, you better move aside." Mrs wang who was the talkative one shouted.

"Ma'am, sir this is the hospital noise is prohibited, as for this child he is my child not your grandson, please don't get confused and excited for nothing." Zhan who was quite talked and didn't allow the bodyguard's from letting the Wang family from approaching them.

Mrs wang face turner red, she knows it's not right to behave like this especially now that wang yibo is in a bad condition and they don't know the outcome, but she is just so excited to meet her grandson that she can't wait any longer.

"Xiao zhan I know it's so wrong of me to treat you so unfairly year's ago, iam sorry for that but don't you think it's wrong for you to stop us from meeting our grandson, you can hate us but preventing us from seeing our grandson is unacceptable." Mrs wang address but she didn't get any reply from xiao zhan who kept quiet and completely ignored the two.

"Honey let's not talk about this now, let's wait until our son is better." Mr wang finally spoke and walked away with the resisting Mrs wang who kept looking back hoping to atleast see his grandson again but every time those good for nothing bodyguards intentionally blocks her sight.

Two hours later the emergency room was opened and the first person to rush to the doctor was xiao zhan.

"Doctor iam yibos partner, how is my husband? Is he okay?" Zhan asked with the asleep Wuxian in his arm's.

"Let's go to my office to talk, only family members will be allowed." The doctor answered and led the way, zhan gave the sleeping Wuxian back to wen Ning and followed the Wang couple to the doctors office.

"Wang yibo lost a lot of blood but luckily he arrived here earlier, his injury is not that serious, he sustained a minor concussion so you don't have to worry about his head injury, broke his left hand and right leg, broken four ribs on his right side and some superficial injuries too, he recieved a unit of whole blood and he is stable, tomorrow he will receive another unit of blood and we can see how his progress will be." The doctor reported everything.

The worried xiao zhan and the wang couple somehow calmed down, luckily nothing serious happened on his head, because if he sustained a serious head injury then thing's could have been very serious and xiao zhan didn't want to imagine such a scenario.

Xiao zhan was allowed to go see wang yibo, he was really nervous but still encouraged himself, the scenario he imagined of his husband being connected with tube's all over didn't happen, yibo only had a cast on his leg and hand, his head was also bandaged seems like he was injured too, the injuries on his face caused some part's of the face to swell but it's okay his husband is safe and nothing serious happened.

"Hubby iam here to see you." Zhan said gently while holding yibo hand which was not injured. "You know how I was worried, all those worst scenes that happens in accident's appeared in my mind." Zhan added and choked on his own tear's.

Yibo opened his eyes and slightly smiled. "I'm sorry I made you worry, don't cry see iam perfectly fine and nothing serious happened to me, iam very strong and such a small injury won't do anything to me." Yibo said in a reassuring voice while trying to ignore the pain around his ribs, talking too much really makes him feel pain.

"Don't speak just rest you still look weak, Wuxian is outside and wasn't allowed to come see you." Zhan answered his face full of worry, yibo smiled and closed his eyes to rest, he really feels weak and just speaking few words consumes alot of his energy.

Zhan let the Wang family come inside to see wang yibo and he went outside, he has to stay at the hospital to take care of wang yibo and Wuxian needs someone to take care of him but still he can't think whom he should trust to take care of Wuxian while he stays at the hospital.

Thinking for a while he thought of wen Ning, he is not sure if wen Ning will accept to take care of Wuxian while he is away, he will still go to check on him from time to time, he approached wen Ning and to his surprise wen Ning didn't refuse but immediately accepted.

Mr wang and his wife didn't take long and the two came out, they looked at xiao zhan who was talking with wen Ning and the two looked at each other and walked closer.

"Xiao zhan since you will be looking after our son who will be taking care of our grandson? You can't leave him all alone right? Iam free you can let me look after him." Mrs wang suggested her gaze not leaving the asleep Wuxian.

"Yes my wife and I can take care of him and you don't have to be worried about anything." Mr wang added.

Zhan lips twitched he doesn't remember the last time the Wang family talked to him so calmly and gently and now listening to them made him really feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry ma'am and sir I already have someone to look after my son." Zhan refused, his son's safety will be compromised with the Wang family having a very good relationship with the Chen family.

"! I know you despise us but don't you think it's so unfair doing this! Instead of letting a stranger to look after the child, why not let us his close family to take care of him! He is the young master of the Wang family and his safety must be the first priority!" Mr wang this time talked.

"I will be less worried having a stranger look after my son then letting him be exposed to a den of lion's, I don't remember my son having anything to do with the Wang family or even having the surname Wang, I don't know who lied to you that my son is your grandson." Zhan answered and walked away going to where wang yibo was because he has already instructed wen Ning on what to do.

Chen lu appeared and saw the two couples.

"Aunty uncle I came back after you told me my big brother is out of the emergency room." Chen lu said with a smile, he is completely different from earlier.

Wen Ning:" You have the guts to come here after you almost killed my boss Chen lu!"

Wen Ning who didn't care to expose Chen lu infront of his boss parents said, he really has enough of this pretender.

Mr wang:"What are you talking about?"

Yibos dad asked.

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