Kharn continent and other characters bio

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The Kharn Continent is dominated by Lomor Empire which is the main power of the region (the other states in the continent are only vassal kingdoms) and it is a peninsula that borders with the Solat Continent in the eastern part of the region (thanks to the Usol Mountains). The continent could be imagined as a bigger version of Spain.

The Kharn Continent is mainly composed by plains but has a lot of forests, rivers and lakes. The inhabitants of Kharn are for the greater part humans but there are also elves, giants, trolls, orcs, dragons, vampires, beastmen, unicorns, dwarves, fairies, wyverns, gryphons and many animals that can also be found on Earth (dogs, cats, wolves, bears, deers, cows, ...)

Instead, in the Solat Continent we could find many small kingdoms (and a commercial republic) that have a lot of forts and castles in the Usol mountains that are the shield aganist any attempt of conquest by the Lomor Empire. They also have signed a mutual defensive pact aganist any declaration of war by the Empire. This continent is also rumored to have demons and a "demon lord" that is planning to bring chaos but this story is labelled as a legend.

The ocean that surrounds both continents is called Selafod Ocean and is very dangerous to venture because there are a lot of sea monsters. So, the navigation is limited to near the coasts.

Other characters:

Name: Giovanni Rossi

Age: 27

Personality: he is a physics professor from Earth (he teaches at the University "La Sapienza" in Rome) and he has a PHD in theoretical physics thanks to his studies about wormholes and string theory. He is very smart but very introverted. He is also a great history fan and a nerd that likes science fiction, anime, manga and fantasy stories.


Name: Valentinia Rusolic

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Name: Valentinia Rusolic

Age: 20

Personality: she is a commoner that has magic powers (nobles are for the most part the people that have magic powers) and she had the chance to study at Imperial Academy of Magic (the same attended by princess Sefy). She is the academy's best student and she is very gentle even thought she is bullied by nobles because of her commoner origin.


Name: Senir Vasalis

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Name: Senir Vasalis

Age: 80

Personality: he is the court wizard of the Lomor Empire and the strongest wizard in the entire empire. He is very smart but a bit rude and he often argues with the emperor.


Name: Lord Enric Manoli

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Name: Lord Enric Manoli

Age: 48

Personality: He is the best diplomat in the empire and he is very manipulative in order to reach his goals. However he is very loyal to the empire. Being a noble he can use magic.


Name: Setor Pastros

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Name: Setor Pastros

Age: 25

Personality: He is the emperor's personal bodyguard, being one of the strongest swordmen in the entire empire, and he is very loyal to the crown. He is one of the prince's best friends and they often pratice swordsmanship together.


Names: Lisaria Crasit and Rudolph Martic

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Names: Lisaria Crasit and Rudolph Martic

Ages: 18 and 75

Personalities: they are the main servants in the imperial court and they are very hardworking and respected by the royal family despite their commoner origin.


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