Chapter 58: The Final Battle Begins

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Outskirts of Rocam, january 2028.

"Imperial patrols at 1 o'clock. Engage!" A german leopard 2 tank commander stated while ordering to his tank crew to open fire.

Then, a loud noise came from the tank's main gun and the patrols was reduced to mere pieces.

"Musketeers! Form line! Aim! Fire!" A commander from Lord Selfrud's army ordered to his men.

These soldiers were trained to use 1700's line infantry tactics by Earth's military instructors (it was all Lord Selfrud's ideas because he remembered watching a clip of the movie "The Patriot" when he was learning Earth's history during his time in Rome).

The line formations was tremendous effective aganist the enemy "pike and shot" based army and, combining that with Earth's technology, the oncoming enemy reinforcement had no chance...

Despite that, the path toward Rocam's walls was still very long and more enemy mages were coming to aid the mages together with many demihumans and beasts.

"Shit! Vampires incoming. Get the anti air vehicles ready!" Shouted a canadian soldier and soon, before the vampires could land, all the Earth's anti air power was directed aganist them, knowing their regenerative abilities.

After that, the enemy monster started falling from the sky giving to the viewers a macabre show.

"Everyone, keep pushing! The airforce is clearing the sky for us from enemy dragons and vywerns." An israeli sergeant shouted before locking eyes with an iranian soldier in a very awkard situation...

Some hours later...

"My lord, the Earthling and the vassal armies are about 2 kilometers from Rocam. We already lost about 20 thousand men." A troll explained to the demon lord Xander.

"Keep defending. Force the peasants to fight if necessary. I have to buy time for the little surprise I've been preparing for the enemies..." He explained.

Meanwhile, Rocam's slums, "The Golden Mug" inn.

"The Golden Mug" was one of the imperial capital's most famous inns and, despite being located in the very smelly slums of the capital, it was visited by both nobles and commoners for his very good beer that was rumored to be the best in the empire. There, the earthlings's spies that infiltrated the capital since the very beginning of "this mess" estabilished their base.

"Soon the entire city will be in chaos. It will be the perfect opportunity to rescue the VIPS imprisoned in the palace's dungeons."

"Let's wait for the "green light signal" from the HQ before starting the operation." The spies commented.

Some minutes later, walls of Roccam.

"Prepare yourself men! You are the last stand aganist the otherworlders's desire for conquest. You're the finiset men in the empire and nothing can scare you!" A commander shouted before being hit by an air to surface missile shot by a german fighter plane.

But from who is the imperial army taking order from? Well, the anti imperial faction that was corrupted by the demon lord's magic declared that they deposed the emperor because he wasn't strong enough to stand aganist the earthlings and because of that the empire might have become a vassal of Earth in the future.

Of course, the imperial army had no choice other than believing that. Infact, the alternative was a civil war that would have crumbled the empire (of course, the army didn't know about the war aganist the solat alliance other than some rumors).

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