Chapter 43: The Solat Alliance Attacks

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June 2027, border of the Selos Forest.

After having won the battle and secured the portal's entrance, the Earth alliance quickly started building a FOB (forward operating base) that was managed by the UN like the international agreement signed before the invasion had stated.

The base had everything needed in order to defend it and was ready for the empire's next move.

Furthermore, preprations were being made in order to set up some recon units that had the task to find out the mastermind between all the mess that was happening since the day of the embassy accident. These units would be supported by the secret agents that were already present all over the new world undercover. They even had to learn the language because no mage was there to cast the spell for them.


The border between the Solat and the Kharn continent was a tinderbox: sporadic news about the Earth's invasion of the Lomor Empire were reaching the armies stationed along the border but were so vague that no one understood what was really happening.

"Lord Selfrud, an envoy tells us that the Earth's nations have invaded our empire." Said a counselor.

"What are you telling me? Did they attack because of the embassy accident?" Replied the lord.

"No, It seems that one of our armies crossed the portal and attacked their lands."

"Did the emperor go crazy? We are already worried about our enemies's probability of attacking us and now he declared war on Earth!" Shouted the noble.

"Something isn't right... Rotar is a very smart leader and he would never do such a thing. Let's hope for the best because I'm worried for the safety of my daughter who stayed in Castir." He continued.

The same day, Morsor Kingdom's camp.

"General Yaluz, that "guy" was right. The Lomor Empire is really being invaded by Earth's military forces." Said an advisor.

"Our spies confirm his reports but I'm not sure if we can trust the one he is working for..." He continued.

"He may be working with the embassy attackers but for now let's use this situation at our advance. The alliance will attack in a week." Replied the general.

"This will be remembered as the time where the Lomor empire fell." He continued.

"These bastards have been too cocky for too long. Now we will teach them a lesson and later we will destroy our temporary allies too and rule both continents like our queen wishes."

"Glory to our mighty and beautiful queen!" He shouted and the soldier rejoiced.

Yaluz then went to talk with the other commanders (a week was required to regroup all the generals and set up the armies) and together they agreed to a massive attack using stealth units first and then a massive strike with their artillery.

"They are heavily defended and these mountains have very cold temperatures even in summer." Said the morsorian general.

"This will be a nightmare." Said a general of the Restal Kingdom, a kingdom that has a society that is like the 18th century France one with no military feudalism in it and absolutism.

This kingdom also host the second most important magic school in the Solat kingdom and has very powerful mages in his armies.

"Enough talking! My kingdom will show its technological superiority to everyone." Shouted a general of the Frenic Kingdom.

"And my men will show to everyone who has the bravest soldiers! Cold is nothing for them." Replied a nostorian general.

"They are discussing war like childrens who argue about who has the best toy. Pathetic..." Thought a general of the Carsor Republic.

"Enough talking! Let's start our plan with the help of the darkness of the night." Shouted Yaluz.

Some time later.

The night of the attack then finally arrived and it started with some morsorian elven archers that used some invisibilty magic and longbows to eliminate some sentinels.

Then, some assassins of the Restal Kingdom infiltrated in the lomorian camp and tried to kill some generals and lords but a surprise welcomed them...

"We are being attacked! All men ready for combat ASAP!" Shouted a lomorian soldier who spoted an assassin.

"Fuck! We've been spotted. Retreat!" Shouted one of the enemies before being killed.

Then some arrows started raining towards the lomorian camp with some artillery shells that started killing many imperial soldiers.

"All men, retreat inside the Kamar Fort immediately!" Shouted lord Selfrud with his sword in one hand.


"They're retreating inside the fort! Charge!" Shouted a nostorian commander to a heavy cavalry unit.

Then the cavalry readied their lances and charged toward the enemies killing many of them before being forced to retreat because of the artillery and musket fire from the nearby fort.

After the cavalry charge, the rest of the army started advancing with mages providing cover from the enemy fire thanks to the barrier magic.

The siege of the fort was about to begin with similar battles being held all over the Solat Mountains.

Was it the beginning of the end for the Lomor Empire?

Meanwhile, in a dark room somewhere in an a very ancient castle...

"Demon Lord Xander,  another phase of your plan has started. Now both continents are like your personal chessboard." Said a servant.

"Perfect! Let's continue moving them." Replied Xander.

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