Chapter 18: Learning Earth's History Part 1.

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University "La Sapienza" 's auditorium. 11 december 2026.

The lomorians and the italians were staying in the university's auditorium eager to learn Earth's history.

"Welcome to univeristy "La Sapienza", the university where I teach physics. Today, you will learn the struggles and the challeges that us, the people from Earth, had to overcome. You will also see how our two worlds were not much different in the past, leaving the "magic" aside." Said Giovanni Rossi.

"Now I will let our historian, Sandro Gennari, in charge of showing you our history hoping that in the meantime you will tell the one of your world too." He ended.

"Thank you Mr. Giovanni. I'm ready to begin the lecture." Said the historian while the projector of the auditorium was starting.

Before starting the lesson Sandro told the lomorians how the calendar on Earth worked (before Christ and after Christ) because some of them didn't know that (Valentinia already knew that since the italians' first visit). After that brief introduction he finally started expaining:

"We begin our lesson starting from 65 millions years ago when an asteroid, a big rock that came from space, collided with Earth destroying the creatures known as "dinosaurs" that were the dominant species on this planet back then."

"The impact was so strong that sent some debris in the air obscuring the sunlight and killing the plants that were the main source of food for many dinosaurs."

"But while the dinosaurs were dying some mammals that were hunted by them started spreading and evolving into a creature called "monkey"."

"Some monkeys, thanks to changes in the enviroment, later started evolving even more and so the human race was born." Sandro Explained.

"This evolution thing is strange... We always thought that the gods created us and that humans were present in our world since the begin of time." Said Valentinia.

"The Catholic Church thought a very similar thing when the man called "Charles Darwin" proposed the "Theory of Evolution" in the 19th century." Said the anthropologist Lucia Bianchi.

"This theory states that a species survives when manages to adapt to the enviroment even chaning their apparence." She finished explained.

"Thank you Lucia. Now let's get back to the main topic." Sandro said.

"When the first humans set foot on Earth they were very primitive and used stone tools and lived in caves but they later discovered fire and much more later agriculture and with the latter they passed from hunters/gatherers to farmers." Sandro began explaining again.

"The next step was the discovery of writing and the start of the very first civilizations like the egyptian one and the sumerian one." Sandro explaining while the projector showed images of the map of the modern Iraq (where the sumerians were) and of Egypt.

"Ha, I almost forgot. I think that in order to better understand our history it's better if you learn a little bit of Earth's geography first."

So Sandro shortly showed the 5 continents on the map shocking the lomorians with the huge size of planet Earth.

"Ok. Now that you know basic geography we can restart the lecture." Said Sandro.

"These civilizations were very important because they made very important discoveries in math and the first cities were there."

"The first big battles of Earth were also fought by them like the battle of Kadesh that was fought between egyptians and a civilization called the "Hittities""

So Sandro showed a clip of the battle from a movie telling the lomorians that these people were only actors and that the deaths were staged.

"As you see, we used to fight with swords, bows and on horses." Stated Sandro.

"After the birth of these civilizations other important ones were born like the greek one, that was important in terms of philosophy and that gave birth to one of the most important conquerors in our history called "Alexander the Great", the chinese, the persian and the indian one." Sandro explained while showing their locations on the world map.

"Later, in the year 753 BC the city of Rome was founded and after being a small city-state the romans built an empire."

"They had great leaders like Julius Caesar and they fought like that..."

Sandro then showed another clip from another movie.

"We also remember the romans because in their empire, in a region called "Israel", Jesus was born and they decided to kill him because the local population, the jews, could not accept the fact that he was God's son but mainly because he started saying things like "Love your neighbor as yourself" that weren't acceptable in society that had many slaves."

"The Roman Empire collapsed in 476 AD, after having built the longest empire in Earth's history, many monuments and innovative buldings like the Colosseum and the aqueducts, because its borders were too large and other populations pressed on them in addition to many other reasons."

"To tell the truth, the Roman Empire didn't collapse entirely because a roman emperor divided the empire between his two sons and only the western part collapsed while the eastern that was called "Byzantine Empire" stayed alived till much later."

"The collapse of the Western Roman Empire started a new era that we call "The Middle Ages" and it's the era of castles, swords and kings."

At the the mention of these words the lomorians started to pay more attention to the lecture.

"It was the period where the feudalism was born and Europe saw the bird of many countries that are important today like England that later will become the "United Kingdom", Spain, Russia and France and the Holy Roman Empire that later will become "Germany."

"We also remember the Middle Ages for great conquerors like Charlemagne and wars (like the 100 years long one between France and England) but also for the birth of the islamic religion that also believes in an omnipotent god like the christian one."

"The two religions went into religious wars and that marked the begin of the crusades that now I will show you."

So Sandro showed them a clip from a movie.

"The Middle Ages weren't only dark like many people think today because there were many inventions and innovations in math (Arab Numbers) and agriculture (crop rotation)."

"This age ended in the 14th century when the worst plague in the history of humanity wiped 1/3 of Europe's population and that plague was the "Black Death"."

"That plague was brought in Europe by the mongols that were conquering Asia with a leader called Gengis Khan in the 13th century."

"We are familiar with it. Many people died in our world too because of it and even a strong healing special magic cannot cure it." Said Valentinia with a sadness in her voice.

"Yes. We know that you have that problem because we found the bacteria causing it in a scientist that came back from Lomor and we even have the cure for it called "antibiotics"." Explained the medic Sofia Luciani.

"We could spread them to you but we advise that they are only useful aganist diseases caused by bacterias and not by viruses." She finished.

"That's is incredible. If it's true many lives could be saved !" Stated Valentinia.

"Ok. But now let's restart the lesson." Said the historian.

"The mongols did not only brought the "Black Death" but also something very interesting called "gunpowder" and that I saw you are familiar with it too."

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