Chapter 31: The Meeting Starts

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Rocam, Friday 26 February 2027

"We confirm that even India will attend this meeting." Said some men to the italian ambassador.

"Perfect, the entire G20 in one place. What could go wrong?" He said.

"This event will be a hell to manage."

"I hadn't a single night of good sleep in order to arrange everything."

"Luckly, the emperor has been very cooperative. He even called some of the best mages of the empire in order to use the translation magic on the guests." 

"Sir, it's time to go. Our guests are waiting at the portal." Said an italian soldier.

Some time later...

"Welcome to Apollo 2026 or as the media like to call it "the fantasy world"." Greeted Giacomo in english.

"Now I will lead you to the imperial capital. We have some helicopters ready near the forest's border."


"Father. I can't wait to meet the Earth people. They don't know anything about magic but my sister told me that they are amazing." Said Sefy's little sister, Mara.

"This will be my first time meeting them too. I gave the permission to build the embassy but I never greeted them in person." Said the emperor.

"Our enemies of the Solat continent will be here too. Why did you invite them?" Asked the prince.

"The earthlings said they wanted to open diplomatic relations with them too." He answered.

"Let's hope for the best. Our empire's future is decided today." Said the prince.

While the imperial family was going to the meeting, some cloaked figures wandered around the capital talking using telepathy.

"The pieces are at their places. We will strike today. Glory to our lord!"

"Yes, they will not know what attacked them and will start blaming each other."

"And at that time will rise stronger than ever."

Some time later, Earth's embassy.

The embassy was full of people: the most important nobles of the empire were all there, wearing their best clothes and jewels. 

Some lords of the other countries were present too along with their official diplomats.

The catering was also starting serving the food and one could find some of the best Earth's food and a selection of the best food available in the Solat and the Kharn continent.

Carbonara, curry, sushi, pizza, lasagne, burgers, foie gras, cous cous,... were present together with orc stew and grilled dragon.

It was a very strange sight...

There also were some of Earth's best chefs (many owning Michelin starred restaurants) and their dishes amazed the tastes of the other world's nobles.

The security was very strict and dragon patrols were often seen flying around the capital.

There were also many earth's snipers place around the embassy ready to shoot at the first order.

Soldiers from both worlds could also be seen patrolling the streets of the capital and there also were a lot of secret agents in disguise from the C.I.A, the F.S.B, ...

News reporters also started the setup of their cameras and were eager to show to the entire world the images of the meeting.

"This is BBC new reporting live from Rocam in the Lomor Empire. 2 months after the Lomor's visit we are about to show another important event live on this channel."

"We were brought to Rocam with a helicopter and with other ones the ambassadors were brought here too."

"We are currently waiting  for them to arrive but wait... Someone is arriving and it's the imperial family."

The imperial family was the first to arrive to the meeting: the emperor, the prince, the empress and the two princesses. They were accompanied by the wizard senir, Lord Enric, the bodyguard Setor (that also went to Earth) and by the Imperial Guard, the best warriors of the empire.

The Imperial Guard was a part of the nobility and capable of using magic. They were armed with muskets and swords. They also used some spells that accelerated the bullets shoot by their muskets (more damage) and their body movements (less reloading time and faster with swords).

The reporters treid to interview them but some Earth's security stopped them from even approaching.

Some time later some other people arrived: Lord Selfrud with his daughter Cassiria, Valentinia and the mages called by the emperor and other royal families too.

In particular, one could notice the Doge of the Carsor Republic that was dressed like the venitian ones. He was one of the richest head of state and was not only a noble but a merchant too.

Another sight was the ruler of the Morsor Kingdom, a beautiful elven woman, that was rumored to be one of the strongest magic user in the world (this kingdom is rumored to have noble archers that could turn invisible thanks to their magic and hit the enemy thanks to stealth).

There also was the king of the Frenic Kingdom that was a dwarf. His kingdom had the most skilled blacksmiths and was very curious about the rumors of Earth's tech being more advanced (some Earth's spies sent there reported that they even invented a machine gun prototype that was very similar to a Gatling Gun).

The other rulers were instead humans with the Nostor Kingdom being very similar to medieval age's vikings despite using guns.

"But here it finally comes... Earth's delegation" Said a reporter.

The first to show was the US president, escorted by some secret service units, followed by the Russian President that recived some weird looks by the reportes (the memories of the was in Ukraine were still very vivid) and by the Chinese President.

After that there were the Indian Prime Minister, the EU leaders with Italy, Germany and France's Presidents, the UK Prime Minister, and so on...

After the rulers other people could be seen: Giovanni Rossi and the original Earth's delegation.

As soon as the earthlings entered the embassy they were announced and glared by every guest.

"So, these are the leaders of Earth's strongest countries. They are too simple dressed." Some nobles started gossiping.

"They don't look strong or wealthy."

"I heard that many of them were chosen by commoners."

"It seems to be back in the Palace of Versailes during the 1700's" Stated the French President.

"Well, it seems that everyone is here. Let's finally start the meeting." Stated the italian ambassador Giacomo Di Giovanni.

"But first. Let's cast the translation spell." 

Then some mages gathered in the center of the room and chanted a spell and among them there was Valentinia.

"Finally we can understand each other." He said.

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