Chapter 59: The Demon Lord's Stratagem

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Second layer of wall, Rocam

The allied forced managed, after many hours of fighting and some losses, to reach the walls that surrounded the wealthy area of the town.

So, the soldiers started preparing the stairs to take these walls while some Earth engineers were studying the perfect points where to place some explosive charges in order to minimize the damage done by the collapse to the nearby houses that probably still contained scared civilians.

"We are one step closer to victory. Follow my lead!" Lord Vistril stated.

He was the second strongest lord in the empire after Lord Selfrud and he controlled a greater part of the western portion of the empire. He was the lord that had the strongest fleet and while he was fighting his ship were busy taking down the imperial ones (carefully avoding the sea monsters in the more open waters) in order to bring some troops to conquer the ports in the imperial domains.

*The sea monsters were caused by the radiation relased by the nukes that were launched during the war because many fleets, oil platforms and research stations located in sea platforms were targeted.*

Despite lord Vistril's yell of encouragement, the hardest part was still to come: in the wealthy area many nobles that decided to not become vassals lived and they were some of the strongest mages in the empire protected by well trained soldiers. Luckly, a small "civil war" was occuring between the pro-imperial faction and the anti-imperial one that was corrupted by the demon lord's magic.

"Traitor! When the emperor goes back to power he will have you hanging in front of everyone!" A noble shouted before lauching a power spell to the opponent.

"Fool! And so you sided with a coward that wants to gift the empire to the otherworlders? And you call yourself a noble?" The other man replied while casting a magic shield to protect himself from the attack.


"Sir! We have finally managed to place the charges and the will exploed in 10,9,..." An engineer explained before a hole in the walls was created by a powerful explotion.

"Perfect! Our "allies" have created the perfect opportunity. Bring the heavy cavalry and let the show begin." Lord Selfrud shouted.

Then, the heavy knights readied their lances and charged the enemy beyond the walls that, despite using pikes, weren't unable to witstand the powerful attack.

"Retreat! Where the fuck are the dragons?" An enemy general yelled.

"There!" A US marine shouted while holding the general at gunpoint from behind.

Then another marine pointed his finger towards the sky where some Eurofighters and russians SU-30 fighers were destroying the vyverns, dragons and gryphons in the sky.

"Base-Omega, airspace cleared. Returning to the base for refueling our ammo. We will be out for about 1h and 30.

"Roger that. Good job, over."

Some minutes later...

"Blyat, cover me amerikanski. I'm reloading." A russian soldier said to his american counterpart.

"Don't worry Ivan. I got this." The american said while killing 3 armored heavy knights that were approaching them.

But after that more enemies arrived together with some nobles that launched a powerful thunder spell that killed the two.

"Shit! We need armored support asap." A korean soldier explained to the base.

"IFVS are coming, hold on for a little more."

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