Chapter 42: The Battle of Selos Forest.

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17 of may 2027, Selos Forest.

The Earth's coalition managed to set up a defensive position near the portal and was waiting for the next wave of enemies to attack because they seemed to have decided to retrat and stop attacking in order to organize a mass assault on Earth's position.

They even tried to send some scout to do some recon but the snipers manged to kill them easily.

"Thank God these mothefuckers mages stopped bombarding us!" Said a US soldier.

"The second wave will arrive soon. Let's start digging some trenches and setting some machine gun nests." Said an italian colonel.

"Meanwhile our mortars and snipers will keep the enemy away from us." He continued.

2 hours later...

"The next wave has finished crossing the portal. Now they will know what pain is..." Commented a russian Spetnaz soldier.

"Jerry. Prepare the speakers and unleash the stuff." Said a US marine.

"Yes sir!"

Then 6 Abrams tanks started advancing blasting AC/DC's Hells Bells with some speakers.

"Infantry, AA advance and protect the tanks." Yelled a german colonel.

Lomor's army POV.

"Sir, the enemy started advaning with some of their weird machines and a strange music can be heard from them." 

"Get the giants ready with some wyverns and mages as support. Then the heavy cavalry will do the rest." Said a general.

"Yes, my lord."

Earth's pov.

The tanks advance for about 1 KM deep into the forest when the earth started shaking and some trees started falling. Then 5 large humanoids showed up wearing armors.

"Giants? Holy shit!" Cursed a US soldiers.

"Ma che cazzo! (WTF!)" Cursed an italian soldier.

"To all gunners aim and fire!" Yelled a tank commander on the radio.

Then the Abramas  fired their 120 mm main gun loaded with HEAT rounds (high explosive anti tank) but the armors wore by the beasts seemed to be magical.

"Not again! Fuck!" Yelled a tank commander.

Meanwhile some wyverns started attacking the convoy but the AA managed to do their job even though some mages were starting spamming some explosive spells and summoning some earthquakes to slow down the tanks.

"We need more armored vehicles and troops at the frontline!" Yelled a french soldier on the radio.

"We are about to arrive but this forest is ideal for ambushes so we have to advance slowly because some pockets of enemies may be hiding around..." A voice answered.

Meanwhile another soldier was coordinating the mortarts and giving coordinates for the strikes.

The artillery was infact helpful in slowing down the giants.

"They are being distracted by the strikes. Let's focus on the mages!" Shouted a chinese soldier.

Then the tanks pointed their gun to the mages and killed them despite their barriers. Only some mages that tried using the insibility spell were able to survive and even managed to get some kills before dying thanks to the termal googles.


"We're being defeated. We have to rush with the heavy cavalry and use the cannons as cover hoping to kill many enemies as possible before it's too late." Said a lomorian commander that was watching the battle thanks to a spell that helped him to zoom with his eyes.

"Unit! Charge and glory to our empire." Yelled a general.

Earth's pov.

"The enemy is on the move. We have to quickly finish those giants!" Said a tank gunner while shooting with cannon.

But luckly for him some IFVS, some german Leopards, russian T90S, french Leclercs and italian Arietes arrived and started mass targeting the giants that started falling like a tree that was cut by a lumberjack.

Then more enemies arrived but they were no match for the combined fire of tanks, mortars, rifles and machine guns. Only the cannons were threatening the earthlings but they did not hit anything.

"Now it's our time. Final push!"

Then the soldier started playing this while charging:

Lomor POV:

"General. They're coming closer to our base. What should we do?" Asked a scared soldier.

"Retreat! Retreat now!"

But it was too late for that as the Earth's forces started a rampage on the lomorian base.

Massive explotions echoed and hundreds of soldiers started dying.

Only the few remaining mages were able to put a fight killing some soldiers in ambushes and using their magic to cure the wounds and to erect defensive barriers.

"I have a trick for that barbarians!" Shouted a mage.

"Venom strike!"

Then a deadly gas started spreading in the base killing both earthlings and lomorians.

"The enemy is using CW (chemical warfare). Use your protective mask!" Shouted a south korean soldier.

"Shit! Are we back in the fucking WW1?" Cursed a british soldier.

The coalition then killed the mage responsible for the spell and the gas quickly stopped spreading.

"We surrender. Spare our lives please." Shouted some lomorian soldiers.

"They are surrending. The battle is won."










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