Chapter 56: Defeating The Alliance

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Usol mountains, some days before...

"General Calonius, are you sure it's a good idea?" An officer asked to the Restal Kingdom's general.

"Yes, I have a feeling that Earth might attack soon. We must be prepared by any means necessary." The general replied.

Then the two activated what they thought were runes (in reality they were buttons) and a giant beast was woken up from its cryogenic sleep.

Then, a loud roar could was heard and that made all the soldier present tremble in fear.

When the beast completely woke up it started attacking everyone indiscriminately but then it suddenly calmed down when a remoted control was used.

"This magic device is truly useful, Khalazar." Calonius told to an old man present there.

"Thank you, my lord. I knew that these ancient books in the castle's library might contain something useful to our cause. This ancient facility belonged to the ancient civilization and it seems they were experiment on what they called "genetic engineering". I think it's a name for some powerful alchemy that allowed them to create the creature and the device for controlling it."

Back to the present...

"Base Omega. I don't know what to say but I think that you are now used to weirdness. A giant (creature?) appeared in distance. It may be hostile and one of the enemy's tricks." An italian eurofighter pilot reported.

"Roger Raptor-1. Stand-by for engagement. If it becomes hostile you are free to open fire."

Then the creature opened its mouth and fired a strong blast that destroyed two aircrafts.

In response, the Earth coalition opened fire on it but the creature of the skin was very hard to pierce.

"Shit! Passing to anti tank missiles." An A-10 pitot stated.

Then the missiles were fired but the creature was unfazed by them.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha!!! We have reinforced the already tough creature's skin with barrier magic. Your machines are strong but nothing beats the ancient civilization's magic." General Calonius laughed before being hit by an artillery shell that was being fired from the Earth coalition from a very long distance.

(image not mine)

When the remote was destroyed, the Solat Alliance lost the control of the creature and all hell broke loose

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When the remote was destroyed, the Solat Alliance lost the control of the creature and all hell broke loose...

Some minutes later...

"Base omega, it seems that the creature has started attacking indiscriminately. It's our chance to concentrate fire on it." A russian pilot reported.

"Roger, all units concentrate fire on that thing!"

Then the Earth Coalition's airforce started ignoring the Solat Alliance's army that was being distracted by the creature and concentrated its fire on the objective.

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