Chapter 17: Rome, The Città Eterna .

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Rome, 10 december 2026.

After 2 hours of driving the limousine with the lomorians and the italians arrived to Rome, the "Città Eterna" (Eternal City).

"Welcome to Rome. The capital of Italy and one of the most important cities in Earth's history." Said the foreign minister while the limousine was crossing the city.

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Now we will arrive to the "Palazzo del Quirinale" where the President of the Republic resides

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Now we will arrive to the "Palazzo del Quirinale" where the President of the Republic resides. There you will meet him and the Prime Minister.

"What are those figures? Are they your leaders? I heard of them before but I didn't ask what they were." Said Lord Selfrud.

So the italians started to explain the concept of democracy to him and Lord Enric but when the explaination ended they didn't look so happy.

"In my world pesants would never be able to take important decisions like that and so us, the nobles, decide for them." Said Lord Selfrud.

"In the past our world was very similar to yours but now in the majority of Earth's countries everyone is educated." Said the minister.

"But you will see better tomorrow when you will learn our world's history at the univerisity "La Sapienza"'s auditorium." He continued.

"Yes, I work there as a professor and I convinced the rector to allow us to use it." Said Giovanni.

After that conversation they finally arrived at the Quirinale's Palace.

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"This the Quirinale and that green, white and red flag is the one of Italy

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"This the Quirinale and that green, white and red flag is the one of Italy." Explained the minister.

"I'm curious. What does your flag look like?" Asked Giovanni.

"It's a flag with a phoneix on it. It's the legendary animal that it's rumored to protect the empire from its enemies." Explained princess Sefy.

So they entered into the palace and the lomorians were amazed by the beauty of it.

"It was built by the Pope, the head of the Catholic Religion, during the Renaissance and this is the motivation for its luxury". Explained the historian Sandro.

"The Catholic Religion is a part of the bigger Christian Religion which Valentinia already knows about." He continued explaining.

"For those who don't know anything about Earth's religions we will explain them better tomorrow." He finished.

After that explaination the lomorians finally met the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic.

"It's a pleasure and a honor to meet the leaders of this beautiful country." Said princess Sefy while bowing.

"The pleasure it's mutual your highness." Answered the Prime Minister.

The other lomorians did their greetings too and the meeting began.

"I would have liked to have my brother, the prince, and my little sister to be present here but the first is currently training in the army as an officier and the for the latter  my family decided that a travel so long would have been too tiring for her." Said the princess.

After that statement the lomorians and the italians talked for a while and they decided to  strengthen their relationship by formalizing it signing a treaty of goodwill and peace.

After that, the italians and the lomorians took a photo together and that picture would have become one of the most important in the history of Earth.

After the end of the meeting news reporter rushed to get a interview of the lomorians but the security managed to deal with them.

Later that day, the otherworlders took a tour of Rome and visited the Colosseum, the Trevi fountain, Navona Square, Spagna Square and the Vatican where they learned a little bit about Christianity.

"The ruins you can see everywhere belong to an ancient empire called the "Roman Empire" whose capital was Rome." Explained the historian.

"I'm also curious about this "pope" and I would like him and the Church of Limir to meet." Said princess.

"We could to that. Popes often meet other religious leaders." Explained the minister.

"About this church, Giovanni and the others explained me about this religion a little bit but I'm curious: who is the leader of it?" Asked the foreign minister.

"It's the High Priest of Rocam, the capital." She answered.

In Rome the lomorians also tried italian cusine like pizza and carbonara and liked it.

"Rome it's a very beautiful city. I'm happy that I had the opportunity to see it." Said princess Sefy.

"Yes, we are happy too." Said Cassiria and Valentinia.

"It's getting very late. I will accompaign you to your hotel." Said the minister.

The lomorians were accompained to a five star hotel and they had some devices of their rooms like TV explained to them.

The three girls: Cassiria, Sefy and Valentinia stayed at the same room where they turned the TV on and saw a reportage of their visit to Rome.

"This is TG-5, 8:00 PM edition. We are broadcasting images of the Lomor Empire's representative's visit to Rome." Said the news reporter.

"Amazing! They are showing moving picures of us. This world is amazing even without magic." Said Valentinia.

"The two parties signed a treaty of goodwill and we hope that a war doesn't spark beetween them and us." The news reporter continued.

"Meanwhile international tensions are rising and the Nato defences are put on high allert because Russia, China and North Korea are intensifying their military excercises." He continued saying.

"We also had a report of a new north korean test of a nuclear bomb." Said again the reporter.

"What is a nuclear bomb?" Asked Cassiria.

"I don't know but I thing we will know about it soon." Said Valentinia.

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