Chapter 50: The Siege of Castir Part 3

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Lord Selfrud's Palace, dungeon.

"Keep quiet, you stupid bitch!" Shouted a guard to the imprisoned Cassiria before slapping her.

"My father will come back victorious and arrest you and that filthy traitor of the chamberlain!" She shouted.

"Ha, ha! My lord says that he has already died in the battlefield! You will never see him again."

"You lie! My father is strong." She replied.

Then a silenced gun shot could be heard...

"Are you all right, your grace?" Stated the man.

"You are not really a guard, are you?" 

"I'm a spy from Earth, I will save you. Castir is under siege by our forces and we will expell the usurper and give back the throne to Lord Selfrud. Don't worry, he his being sieged by the Solat Alliance but he's all right." He explained.

"Our forces have already stormed the place and are already going to hunt that chamberlain bastard now."

"Thank you, gentleman. Now I will help you freeing the other court members." She said while bowing.

Throne room...

"Blyat! These motherfuckers are tougher than I thought!" Shouted a russian Spetsnaz.

"I know, in the open field we obliterate them but in a close combat situation they could be a pain in the ass." Replied a US Delta Force soldier.

They were fighting mages and lomorian special forces that wore magical armors.

"Frag out!" 

"Cover me!"

"I need a medic!"

"Got one! Now I will reload."

Then the chamberlain arrived...

"Ha, ha, ha, ...! You dared to invade my city, my palace! You filthy otherworlders."

"I will show you the strenght of a lomorian noble. Water spears!" He shouted while some water shaped in form of spears was summoned aganist the earthlings.

"It's only water. We will only get wet a little." Laughed an Earth soldier before the spears started turning into ice (somehow harder than steel) that killed the man.

 "My name is Lord Isman, Selfrud went in a suicide mission aganist those barbarians of the Solat Alliance. Now it's my turn to rule this town!" He shouted before summoning an earthquake that made the floor shaking.

"Shit! Keep him busy, we have a sniper positioned in a building near the palace with a perfect view of this room." Quietly ordered a Spetsnaz captain.

"Roger that!" 


"I will say that one more time! Go home kids, till you can." Shouted Enric.

"No! I can smell your fear, don't try to hide it." Stated a student while he was summoning an earth golem.

Luckly for the american, the promised rifle squad arrived.

"Sorry for the delay, we were playing with some lomorians." Stated one of them.

"Ok, kids, now it's payback time! I hope you will not go back crying to your snob parents." Shouted Enric with a sadistic tone.

"Open fire!" He ordered.

Then M249 SAW machine gun fire started raining toward the kids along with tons of granades and M4/M16 rifle fire.

Also, two men used AT4 bazookas to help winning the battle and despite the repeated use of golems, fireballs, barriers and other magic tricks the student were not as experienced as army mages and they were forced to retreat.

Some of them also died while escaping in the safety of magic academy's gates.

"USA, USA, USA!" Shouted the americans.

But while they were celebrating, an angry man aproached the soldiers.

"You have seen nothing, I repeat, NOTHING!" He shouted while many iron golems emerged from  the floor.

"WTF are you now?" Shouted an american soldier.

"Your worst nightmare." Replied the man.


"We will have to make contact with the earthlings. Maybe some italian soldiers are here and I hope they know colonel Solini..." Said Gilerta and Leonio.

Some minutes later...

"Cazzo, siamo rimasti solo in cinque e siamo circondati! (fuck, only five of us left and we're surrounded!)" 

Then an arrow was shot from somewhere and two figures emerged.

"Who are you? Why did you help us?" Asked an italian Folgore soldier while he continued firing with his ARX to the incoming enemies.

"I was wondering if you knew someone." Stated the female elf.

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