Chapter 52: Hunting the Demon Lord

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Somewhere near the border with the Kursov Principality, October 2027 (night time).

Delta Force "A" Squadron, Sgt. Paul Ramirez.

"According to the motherfucker we captured in Castir, near this area a major operation base for the "Demon Lord" is located." He stated.

"Bravo-1, you will have to be very fast and discrete because the armies of Kursov are fully mobilizing, probabily because they heard that something in the empire in not going well. So, you will have to expect many units patrolling around the area." The command explained to Ramirez's squad via radio.

"Roger that, Ramirez, everyone, follow me!" The team leader ordered.

Then they stealty avoided the border patrols killing them only when necessary.

"Quickly! Hide these bodies." The leader ordered.

"Base Bravo, we are in the nest."

"Nice job Bravo-1, a UAV is on the way to scout the area for the hideout." The command replied.

30 minutes later...

"Bravo-1, we have spotted some wodden barracks surrounded with wodden walls hidden in the heart of the forest. It must be the place."

"I think you will need some air support, a predator drone is on the way. Use it to cause the necessary distraction to infiltrate the base and take the enemy intel present there. Evac in 1 hour, good luck."

"Roger that, Ramirez, use that predator now!" The team leader stated.

"Shit, why am I having MW2 flashbacks?" Ramirez thought while he was openining the predator console.

Then the sergeant waited for the predator to arrive and he dropped a missile on a enemy patrol inside the base causing massive panick among the troops

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Then the sergeant waited for the predator to arrive and he dropped a missile on a enemy patrol inside the base causing massive panick among the troops.

"Shit! WTF was that? Are these idiots of the principality attacking? Did they spot the base?" A orc commander stated.

"All troops, let's go!" The leader ordered whild he fired with his M4's granade launcher to the enemy gate.

Then all hell broke loose...

"Johnson, cover me!" Ramirez said while he reloaded his M4.

"Shit! The otherworders are here. How did they find us?  Lord Xander will be very pissed.." An enemy mage stated while he fired a fireball towards the US Delta Forces.

The fireball hit a US soldier making him screaming in pain.

"Shit! Shit! It fucking hurts. Help me!" the soldier screamed while he was trying to extinguish the flames only to be met by an enemy cannonball.

"Fuck! We lost Jeremy. Ramirez, use the predator one more time. I will cover you." The leader ordered.

He then hid in a corner and destroyed the enemy cannon with a precise strike.

"Base Bravo, I see multiple enemy mages and demihumans coming toward our position. We need an AC-130 now!" 

"Bravo-1,  you will attract the attention of a Kursovian patrol. They found the bodies and are investigating. They probably even heard the predator missiles coming" 

"I don't fucking care. I need the intel and my men alive from here!."

"An AC-130 is in the vicinity, ETA 1 minute." 

"Thank you, Base Bravo, this is Bravo-1, over.

"Ramirez, take Jeremy's M249 SAW machine gun and hold our position. I will use my bazooka to break the enemy mages' barriers." 

"Roger that, LT. Martinez." 

They then held the position for the necessary time for the AC-130 to arrive and when the plane arrived cannon fire started raining from the sky.


It was game over for the enemies and many of them surrendered to Uncle Sam's superior tech

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It was game over for the enemies and many of them surrendered to Uncle Sam's superior tech.

"Base Bravo, area clear. We will now start searching for enemy intel inside the command outpost." Martinez stated

"Roger that, watch out for remaining enemies inside the building."

Then the squad stormed the outpost killing some of the enemies present there carefully avoiding hand to hand fighting.

They also used their night viewers to help them in the areas where torches were absent.

"Base-Bravo, enemy intel retrieved, it seems to be a map of various sites belonging to the demon lord. Major analysis will be needed, over." Martinez reported.

"Roger that, our UAV is detecting multiple hostiles coming toward your position. The Kursovians probably sospected something. A chopper is on the way, air space is clear and no dragons or vywerns are detected.

"The ac-130 will create a distraction, use this window to escape. They will not know what hit them." Base Bravo explained.

Some minutes later some voices near the base could be heard only to be sileneced by the AC-130's fire.

Then the squad formed a perimeter around the center of the fort exchanging some fire with the Kursovians musketeers.

Luckly, some minutes later  the chopper arrived and some US marined greeted the DELTA squad.

"Come on, move your fucking asses!" A marine shouted while an explosion almost hit the aircraft.

Then the squad boarded the helicopter and flew towards the rising sun of the alien planet.

"I bet the Kursovians will be very pissed off." Ramirez commented.

"I think they will ignore our "provocation". They are about to rebel aganist the Empire any time soon together with the Masal Kingdom."  Johnson said.

"And with the imperial army under the demon lord's control and the nobles fighting the Solat Alliance they will stroll inside the imperial territory. Whatever it this "demon lord" 's plan it seems it involves the destruction of the Lomor Empire."

"Who knows? After its fall both contintes will descend into anarchy but we will prevent it killing that isekai motherfucker" Martinez stated.

Xander's palace, unknow location.

The demon lord was sitting in his throne as usual after coming back from the capital and having happily tortured that conceited motherfucker of Rotar when a shiver crossed his back for no reason.


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