Chapter 57: Operation Fallen Angel

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Rocam, Lomor Empire, early december 2027.

In the luxurious throne room of the imperial palace the demon lord Xander was furious because of the news about the Solat Alliance's defeat.

"Motherfuckers! Bastards! My plan has been compromised and now the vassals' armies are returning home to their fiefs. I bet they will soon march towards the capital to save the emperor together with the otherworders." He raged.

"I will have to gather every force I have to prepare myself for the final battle that will settle everything but first let me prepare my ace up on my sleeve..."

Meanwhile, Earth forces started building temporary bases near the border with the Solat Alliance in order to give a quicker military response to possible future militry threats that probably wouldn't have occured soon given that many élite units of the alliance were destroyed during the siege of the Kalmar Fort.  Furthermore, Earth started reducing its military presence in Castir given that Lord Selfrud had returned from the war to rule the city again.

When he returned, the lord had a moving reunion with his daughter Cassiria and was outraged about learning of his chamberlain's betrayal when he was away. In the end he thanked the earthlings for their help and he waved his hand to say goodbye when the last helicopter took off from Castir to carry the last Earth soldier to the main FOB.

"That demon lord is fucked! Recently we managed to capture more of his strongholds and with the Solat Alliance at bay and the Lomor Empire's vassals returning to their fiefs the vassal states won't try to rebel to the empire just like they were planning to do." General Coppelli explained to the UN assembly that was speaking via webcam with the italian general.

While the general was reporting every nation present was already imagining taking posses of the resources that would have to be given to them by the Lomor Empires as war reparations and of the ancient tech possessed by the Tenlir Republic (the ancient civilization). Furthermore, many other continents were present on the planet Apollo 2026 (confirmed by a map that was found in the underground lab) and, after resolving the "sea monster thing" that rendered the sea not navigable, they looked forward to explore them for resources and more hidden tech marvels.

But, it's mandatory to remember that the alliance between Earth's countires is one of convenience and that the rivalry between them is still there:

Iran still hated Israel for that they did in the Gaza strip and in Palestine;

Ukraine still despised Russia for what they did during the 2022 invasion;

Russia and China were still looking for an opportunity to steal the place of world's superpower to the USA;

Europe wanted to gain a major role on the world stage because since the end of WW2 the countries there entered in USA's sphere of influence;

India was emerging as a superpower and wanted the resources to fuel its growing industry and population;

USA wanted more oil... I meant, export "democracy" to the other world

and so on...

Going back to the reunion...

"Gentlemen, I think that now it's the perfect opportunity for us to strike deep into the demon lord's territory and bring the bastard to justice. We also have to rescue the imperial family and my country's foreign minister. His family has been worried since the day he was kidnapped and God knows how many tortures he beared... I hope he is not dead because the spies present in the capital have been unable to access to the palace's dungeons."

"I propose to organize a 6k army strong group and to cooperate with the vassal armies to take back the capital. The imperial army is about 70k strong but mainly composed of militia. If I'm not wrong the Empire could raise 1 milion man with a draft the "scraps the barrel" but that is if we consider the vassal armies and months of preparations.

We don't currently know the number of men in the demon lord'army and his abilities. If I'm not mistaken he can hypnotize people and our scientists have found something in the logs of the ancient civilization's computers and will soon figure out how this works. I think  it's a "spell" that is linked to the one that allows to translate a language." Coppelli Explained.

Then, after a short discussion the military proposal was voted and approved and more details were added to the new military operation nicknaming it "Operation Fallen Angel" or "Operation Lucfier".

Middle of December, Castir.

"Your grace, in behalf of Earth's countries I thank you for having us recived." An ambassador greeted.

"Even thought I don't fully trust you I owe you my life. You saved me and maybe the empire so it's only a pleasure." Selfrud replied.

"And I see that every other imperial lord is present as well... Listen your graces, I have a proposal and an opportunity for you to revenge your fallen comrades during the war aganist the Solat Alliance. I know  who caused that..." The ambassador explained.

"It's the same individual who attacked the embassy a few months ago and that is currently holding the imperial family hostage in the capital. Currently he is commanding the imperial army and has somehow brainwashed some key figures in his court. I know some of you may like the idea because you wanted to increase you power to the detriment of his but fighting each other to fill the power vacum at this precise moment may only make the culprit stronger." He explained.

He then started explaining the plan that Coppelli had formulated when one of the lomorian lords spoke...

"We don't need your help. We can defeat the bastard alone."

"Are you sure? Your armies are very weakened and in order to raise them to their full capacity you will need to draft a lot of people in a short time and that is impossible." 

"And if you will help us what will you gain in return?" The same lord asked.

"We will restore the imperial authority, ask for some resources and money as war reparation (nothing too much, I swear) and we also want that the diplomatic trade proposal in the pre-war meetings to be respected. So, we will continue to trade our modern goods with you and to study you magic." 

Then the lords asked for some moments alone to discuss the proposal and when they ended the meeting they accepted it.

Some time later, early january 2028.

After the new year was celebrated all over the world, in the cold of a january morning tanks, infantry, helicopter, artillery together with knights, dragons, mages and many beasts were ready to give to the demon lord a lesson that he would never forget.

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