Chapter 53: Secrets of The Past

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Underground Facility, Selos Forest, November 2027.

While many Earth squads were busy taking down the demon lord's facilities in both continents, the engineers and scientists were starting making some progress regarding the unknow technology present in underground facility.

"General Coppelli, our linguists were finally able to finish the translation of the texts present in the structure and now we are able to understand a little that ancient languague. We also deciphered the videos found there. Senir's help was the key.."

*Flashback, two weeks earlier, somewhere in the Carsor Republic's territory*

"Sierra Omega, let's begin operation Thunderfrost. According to the enemy intel, an important VIP is held captive here." A radio operator announced to a Earth joint force made by italian "Incursori", indian MARCOS, russian Spetsnaz, US Seals, british SAS, chinese PLA special forces, french COS and german KSK.

They had the support of an UAV drone and of an AC-130 like the first mission. Their goal was to storm an enemy castle with cannons and balistas protecting it together with many archers, mages and musketeers.

The squad infiltrated in the builiding passing towards a cave that was connected to the castle's dungeons. They placed some C4 and fought their way towards the VIP that was discovered to be non other than the wizard Senir, who was captured in Rocam during the coup and separated from the rest of the captives because he was the strongest magic fighter and the enemy didn't want to risk a rebellion led by him.

"Base Omega, we've got the VIP. It's Senir, that old mage present in the embassy accident. We're  oscar mike. Requesting immediate EVAC, over."

Then they fought countless waves of enemies while placing some C4 charges in the castle's weak points.

"Base Omega, we're about to exit from the castle, Bring the AC-130 to kill the enemies that will follow us, over."

After exting the castle they set a defensive position while the AC-130 took care of the enemy towers and of the waves of enemy troop and when they boarded the chopper they denotated the charges making the castle collapsing.

"Base Omega, we got the VIP. We will need air support to clear the air space. Some Carsorian Gryphon raiders detected us."

"Roger Sierra Omega, F-16 on the way, over."

After some minutes the jets arrived and destroyed the enemy airforce.

*Flashback ends*

"I would never have imagined there was a structure like that belonging to the ancient civilization!" Senir stated.

"Yes, and we think that what you call magic it's only a very advanced technology that modified your ancestors' DNA, a "thing" that determines what you are and that is present in every living thing." Coppelli explained.

"Impossible, eresy! The great Limir gifted us, the nobles, with the gift of magic." Senir shouted.

"I know It's hard to belive but it's the truth." The general replied.

Then he was "forced" to continue the transaltion and this is what he discovered in short:

It seems that this planet's name is Mashus and was inhabited by a very advanced civilization that was about 300 years more advanced than the Earth one: a type 1 civilization.

The planet was divided in countries just like Earth and the dominant race were the humans and the elvens.

This civilization had colonised many nearby solar systems and the countries of the planet were competing for domination both in space and in the land.

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