Chapter 63: Now I am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds

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4 km from Rocam,...

"Come on men! Lord Vistril's letter stated that we had to distract a portion of the enemy army in order for the earthlings to do their "plan"". The commander stated.

"Knights! Forward!" He ordered and 600 heavy knight charged with their horses.

Meanwhile, Earth POV.

"Gentlemen, I know it's a hard thing to say but you will have to opportunity to save thousands of innocent lives. I know you have families and loved ones that are waiting for your return from this cursed place but it's a sacrifice that has to be made." Coppelli explained.

"I will do it! I know that I won't be able to see my son's smile during his wedding but tell him that is father is hero that saved many lives! My crew also agree with me." An M1 Abrams commnder shouted.

"Da, my comrades agree with the american too. We will also do it!" A russian T90 commander stated.

"We will also do it! We will be regarded as the communism's hero! For the party!" A chinese type 99 tank commander shouted.

"Ci siamo anche noi! (We are also in for this!)" An italian IFV "Freccia" crew also shouted.

"N'oubliez pas mon équipage! (Don't forget my crew!)" A french Lecrec commander said.

Then they were joined by many other nationalities's tanks, IFVS and platoon of soldier that volunteered for this.

"Thank you guys this cooperation makes me hopeful for a future of peace for all mankind but only 3 vehicles are necessary for holding the enemy." Coppelli explained.

"I will use a random number generator to decide...." He finished.


"These motherfucker. They think they have won but it's not over yet! I will retreat and reorganize my armies to strike again but this time harder than before!" Xander shouted while vomiting blood because of all the wounds he recived.

"But first, enjoy this last surprise!" Then, he summoned more golems before Yord noticed him and started healing his wounds.

"My lord! Why are you there? And why are you in your demonic form? You were supposed to be in Rocam right now!" Yord said.

"I know! Listen, we will have to retreat. I summoned more golems to keep the earthlings and the lomorians busy for a while."

"But my lord, we have the numerical advantage and those who are retreating are the enemies!" Yord shouted.

"Ha, for real? HA HA HA." Xander laughed"

"But, I have a bad feeling about this. We will still have to retreat!" The demon lord ordered.

"But if we act now we will destroy their forces and take the imperial capital. Are you sure?" Yord asked.

"Yes, we will come back again and strike again later in order to complete my vegeance againist the empire and those otherworlders!"

"With all respect, I can't do that sir. It's an opportunity too good to be missed." Yord replied.

"YOU DARE TO OPPOSE YOUR LORD!" Xander shouted while vomiting more blood.

"Yes, I dare. Come on, try to fight me if you can..."

Xander then stayed silent. He knew that in his current state he could not beat him (despited Yord having healed his wonds a bit).


"FIRE!" Lord Vistril's commader ordered to his musketeers.

"Pikemen, enemy cavalry incoming. Brace yourself!"

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